提供された書類、特にお客様からアップロードされた運転免許証と年齢証明カードを徹底的に検査した結果、パンチ穴の背景が写真の背景と一致していないことが判明したことをお知らせします。 。さらに、このパンチ穴に続く透かしの円があり、文書が編集されたことを示しています。
私の州で発行された免許証にはプラスチックで覆われた穴があり、その穴の部分に水の跡が続いていることを彼らは理解していないか、確認する手段を持っていなかったので、私はその後、ビデオとさらなる証拠を彼らに電子メールで送りました。これはどのように見えるか。これに関する簡単なクエリ、または Google 検索さえあれば、この問題は解決されるでしょう。彼らはこれをチェックする際のデューデリジェンスを実行しませんでした。
Hi Nick,
They detailed the following,
We would like to inform you that after a thorough examination of the provided documents, especially the Driver's License and Proof of Age card that were uploaded from your side, it was found that the background on the punched hole does not match the background of the picture. Additionally, there is a watermark circle that continues onto this punched hole, which indicates that the document was edited.
They have failed to understand or had the wherewithal to check that the licenses issued in my state have a hole that is still covered with plastic, so the water marks continue on to the hole area, I have since emailed them a video and further evidence of what this looks like. A simple query in relation to this would have resolved this issue or even a google search. They did not perform their due diligence in checking this.
Instead they have subsequently closed my account and removed my winnings. I have been robbed of both my account, the winnings I had and the opportunity to benefit from the money spent including any future potential winnings.