ご返信ありがとうございます。残念ながら、複数のアカウントを作成することはカジノの利用規約に直接違反するものであり、アカウントの閉鎖や資金の没収につながる可能性があります。古いメールにアクセスできなくなったことは承知していますが、カジノでは、新しいアカウントを開設するのではなく、サポート チームを通じてそのような問題を解決することをプレイヤーに求めています。
Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, creating multiple accounts is a direct violation of the casino’s terms and conditions, which can result in account closure and the forfeiture of funds. While I understand that you lost access to your old email, the casino requires players to resolve such issues through their support team rather than opening a new account.
Since you have not provided evidence that you attempted to properly recover the first one before registering again, I’m afraid there is little ground for a successful resolution.
Due to the aforementioned reasons, this complaint will now be rejected. Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards