私たちが従ったルールは次のとおりです: 9.5、9.6、10.1。
9.5当社は、随時、ゲームプレイのレビュー/お客様のゲーム活動をレビューする権利を留保します。そのようなレビューで、お客様が当社の不正行為防止ポリシー(現在の利用規約の第 10 項)に違反していることが判明した場合、当社は、そのお客様に付与されたプロモーションの権利を取り消し、プロモーションから得た賞金を無効にし、他のプロモーションの権利を阻止し、またはアカウントを停止する権利を留保します。
· 他のプレイヤーとのあらゆる共謀に参加すること
· 不正なボーナス乱用を目的とした戦略の開発と使用。
· 他のオンラインカジノまたは決済プロバイダーに対する不正行為
· 偽造文書の提供
· 盗難カードの使用
· 当社のプロモーションの恩恵を受けるために複数のアカウントを作成すること。
· 不正確な登録データの提供
· 偽造文書の提供。
BlueChip カスタマーケアマネージャー
Dear all,
Thank you for waiting!
Dear Krversion1993,
We are very sorry that this situation has occurred, but you have repeatedly failed to follow the bonus wagering rules. You selected a bonus for a specific game but used it in a different one.
Here are the rules we followed: 9.5, 9.6, 10.1.
9.5 We reserve the right from time to time to conduct a game play review/review the customer`s gaming activity. If upon such a review it appears that the customer violates the Company's Anti-Fraud Policy (paragraph 10 of the present Terms&Conditions), we reserve the right to revoke the entitlement of such customer to any promotions awarded, to void any winnings obtained from the promotion, to prevent entitlement to other promotions or to suspend the account.
9.6 The Company reserves the right to suspend your access to the Website's services or block your account without prior notice in the event that you are suspected of participating in a fraudulent, illegal, or improper activity. In that case, the Company does not have any responsibility for returning or compensating the funds.
10.1 The Company has a strict anti-fraud policy and utilizes various anti-fraud tools and techniques. The Company considers the following actions as fraudulent including, but not limited to:
· participating in any type of collusion with other players;
· development and use of strategies aimed at unfaithful bonus abuse;
· fraudulent actions against other online casinos or payment providers;
· provision of counterfeit documents;
· use of stolen cards;
· creating more than one account in order to get advantage from the Company’s promotions;
· provision of incorrect registration data;
· provision of counterfeit documents.
Best regards,
BlueChip Customer Care Manager