Imjjj 様、申し訳ございませんが、ご要望にはお応えできないことをお知らせいたします。最初の要請から3年以上が経過しているため、調査を進めることができません。これは「未解決事件」とみなされ、私たちのポリシーでは、1 年以上前に発生した問題を追及することはできないと規定されています。証拠の収集とタイムラインの構築は、不可能ではないにしても、非常に困難です。
I apologize, Imjjj, but we regret to inform you that we cannot assist you with your request. As it has been more than three years since the initial request was made, we are unable to proceed with an investigation. This is considered a "cold case", and our policy dictates that we cannot pursue issues that occurred over a year ago. The gathering of evidence and construction of a timeline would be extremely challenging, if not impossible.
Due to the aforementioned reason, this complaint will now be rejected. Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.