こんにちは、joandawson71 さん
電子メール アドレスを手動でコピーし、電子メールに使用するアプリの受信者リストに貼り付け (または書き換え)、電子メールでカジノ カスタマー サービスに連絡することを強くお勧めします。メールを送ってみましたが、問題なく送信できたようです。
提供されたスクリーンショットによると、あなたは「フリー プレーヤー」であるようです。これは通常、このタイプのカジノではプレーヤーがまだ入金しておらず、入金不要ボーナスのみでプレイしていることを意味します。
カジノのボーナス規約を注意深く読むことをお勧めします ( こちらからご覧いただけます。大きなセクション「ルール」)。
つまり、入金不要ボーナスからの最大キャッシュアウトは 100 ドルですが、入金を行わずに複数の入金不要ボーナスを連続して使用することも禁止されています。したがって、入金を行うことができます。ただし、入金が成功してアカウントが認証されたとしても、最後のボーナスの前に入金をしなかったため、係争中の資金を引き出すことはできませんでした (さらに入金不要ボーナスが連続して使用された場合に備えて)。
お気軽に私のメールアドレスをご利用ください( branislav.b@casino.guru )。
Hello, joandawson71,
I am sorry to hear about your trouble. However, before I invite the casino representative to join this conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint, I would like to inform you about a few important things and ask you several questions.
I strongly recommend you contact the casino Customer Service via email by manually copying the email address and pasting it to the recipients list (or rewriting it) in the app you use for emails. I tried to send them an email, and it looks like it went through without a problem.
According to the screenshots you provided, it looks like you are a "Free Player", which usually means in this type of casino a player has not made any deposit yet and played only with No-deposit bonuses.
I recommend you read the casino's Bonus Terms carefully (available HERE, a bigger section "Rules").
In short, the maximum cashout from any no-deposit bonus is $100, BUT it is also prohibited to use multiple no-deposit bonuses consecutively, without making a deposit between them. Therefore, you are allowed to make a deposit. However, even if you made a successful deposit and verified your account, you would not have been able to withdraw the disputed funds because you did not made a deposit before the last bonus (in case there were more no-deposit bonuses used consecutively).
Have you ever made a deposit at this casino?
Was it the first no-deposit bonus that you used in this casino? If not, how many no-deposit bonuses did you use, or how many no-deposit bonuses were used before the last one, please?
How did the casino inform you about unsuccessful verification? Can you send me the communication where it was explained?
Feel free to use my email (branislav.b@casino.guru).