プレイヤーのアカウントを徹底的に調査した結果、プレイヤーが制限されたゲーム、具体的にはキノをプレイすることでクーポン 75MYRULES の条件に違反したことが判明しました。
プロモーション条件に明記されているように、このクーポンでは非プログレッシブ スロットのみ使用できます。これらの条件はキャッシャーで簡単に確認でき、プレーヤーはいつでも確認できます。
- 賭け金: x1 D+B
- 最大キャッシュアウト: 最大キャッシュアウト制限なし
- 最大ベット額: なし
- 許可されているゲーム: 非プログレッシブ リアルシリーズ ビデオスロットのみ (777 を除く)
7. ボーナスとプロモーション
7.1. ボーナスおよびプロモーションの一般規則
x. 「ボーナスを請求すると、そのボーナスの条件が直ちに有効になります。これらの条件は、新しい資金アクション (入金またはボーナス) がアカウントに処理され、ボーナスが残高から消去されるまで、完全に有効です。ボーナス条件は、賭け条件が満たされた後も有効です。ボーナス条件は、出金が処理された後も有効です。ボーナス条件は、プレイ可能な残高が $/€ 1 を下回った後も有効です。既存のボーナス残高に上乗せして入金しても、ボーナス条件は無効になりません。有効期間中に条件に違反すると、利用規約に従ってすべての賞金が無効になる場合があります。プロモーションの条件は、プレイ可能な残高が $1.00 を下回った時点で新しい資金アクション (入金またはボーナス) が行われると、無効になります。条件 7.1.j を参照してください。」

ご不便をおかけして申し訳ございませんが、すべてのアクティブ ユーザーに公正なプレイ条件を提供するために、利用規約を遵守していただく必要があります。
Michal さん、確認のために、プレイスルー要件を満たした際のプレイヤーのインターフェースを示すスクリーンショットとともに、プレイヤーの元帳レポートを電子メールで転送しました。時間をかけて徹底的に評価し、すべてのアクションがカジノの規約に従って実行されたことを確認してください。
Hi Michal,
Hi keithjann9,
Hope you are both well.
After conducting a comprehensive review of the player's account, it has been determined that the player violated the terms of the coupon 75MYRULES by playing restricted games, specifically Keno.
As clearly stated in the promotional terms, only Non-Progressive slots were permissible for use with this coupon. These terms were readily accessible at the Cashier and the player could check them at any moment.
This particular coupon comes with this specific terms, namely:
- Wagering: x1 D+B
- Max Cashout: No Max Cashout limit
- Max bet: None
- Allowed games: Non-progressive Real-Series Video Slots only (except 777)
Additionally, we must turn your attention to the General Terms & Conditions that state that Terms of the promotion remain in full effect even after the wagering requirements are met and all up until the entire balance is cleared from the account.
7.1. General Bonus and Promotion Rules
x. "Once a bonus is claimed, the terms of that bonus step into effect immediately. These terms remain in full effect until a new Fund Action (Deposit or Bonus) is processed to your account and after the bonus has been cleared from your balance. Bonus Terms will remain in effect after Wagering has been met. Bonus Terms will remain in effect after a Withdrawal is processed. Bonus Terms will remain in effect after Playable Balance drops below $/€ 1. Depositing on top of your existing bonus balance does not void the Bonus Terms. Any violations of the terms while they are in effect, may result in all winnings being voided as per the Terms & Conditions. The Terms of the promotion are not in effect once a new fund action (deposit or bonus) is made at the moment the playable balance is below $1.00. Refer to the term 7.1.j."
Furthermore, upon fulfilling the playthrough requirements, players are promptly notified via a pop-up notification confirming the completion of the playthrough, along with a reminder that the bonus terms(including: Maximum cashout limit, Allowed games) remain in effect until the withdrawal of their balance is successfully processed. Additionally, it is imperative to emphasize that players must expressly agree to these terms to proceed with their gameplay.
Please find an example of a player's interface upon meeting their wagering requirements below:

The player's original deposit was reimbursed by our attending manager and the player was able to play with it again without any restrictions.
With everything taken into consideration, we are unfortunately not able to reinstate the player's winnings as the breach of the bonus terms is obvious and evident.
We are sorry for the inconvenience, however, the terms & conditions must be adhered to in order to provide fair play conditions for all our active users.
Michal, I have forwarded the player's ledger report along with a screenshot that shows the player's interface upon meeting the playthrough requirements via email for your review. Please take the time to assess it thoroughly to ensure that all actions were conducted in accordance with the casino's terms.
Should you require further clarification or have any additional inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Best Regards,
Thomas Roberts
Casino Extreme