Del Oro が失敗したのは、自社の AML/KYC ポリシーに従わなかったことだと私は考えています。
Del Oro で最初の入金をしてから、合計 103,059 SEK を入金しました。そこから勝ち金を差し引くと、1 か月の損失総額は 45,478 SEK になります。
私は現在失業中で、さらに長年のギャンブル依存症のため貯蓄口座を持っていません。つまり、デル オロに預けた(そして失った)金額を預ける余裕がないのです。
SOW の例は次のとおりです。
カスタマー サポートに 5 通のメールを送信しましたが、最初のメールは 2025 年 1 月 12 日に送信されましたが、返信はありません。カスタマー サポートのチャットに 2 回連絡しましたが、このような問題には何もできないので、メールで返信を待つしかないと言われました。
私は Del Oro のアカウントをブロックしました (これは簡単な作業ではありませんでした。メールのリクエストに返信がなかったため、ログインして手動でブロックする必要がありました)。そのため、ギャンブルをこれ以上行わないようにするために必要な措置を講じています。
So to start with, I will say that I'm fighting a serious gambling addiction. Due to this, I'm now trying my best to repair some of the financial damage this has caused me by reaching out to the casinos where I think they have failed to following policies and regulations.
Where I think that Del Oro has failed is following their own AML/KYC policy.
Please allow me to explain why;
I have since I made my first deposit at Del Oro deposited a total of 103 059 SEK. When deducting my winnings from that, my total loss in a month sums up to 45 478 SEK.
I'm currently unemployed, and in addition to that don't have a savings account due to years of gambling addiction. In short, I couldn't afford to deposit the amounts I've deposited (and lost) at Del Oro.
This is taken from their website:
"Source of funds
If a player deposits over a five thousand euro there is a process of understandings the source of wealth (SOW)
Examples of SOW are:
Ownership of business
It is critical that the origin and legitimacy of that wealth is clearly understood. If this is not possible an employee may ask for an additional document or prove.
The account will be frozen if the same user deposits either this amount in one go or multiple transactions which amount to this. An email will be sent to them manually to go through the above and an information on the website itself."
I've never been asked to do this, and if I had, it would clearly show that I didn't have enough funds to be able to spend those amounts at any casino.
I've sent 5 emails to their customer support, the first one being sent 12th of Januari 2025, and I haven't received any reply. I've reached out to their customer support chat twice, and all I get told is that they don't have anything to do matters like this, and that I will just have to wait for a reply by email.
I have blocked my account at Del Oro (which was not an easy task, as they did not reply to my email request, I had to login and block it manually), so I'm taking the steps necessary to prevent myself from gambling any more.
I hope that you can help me get in contact with the casino, with the hopes of retrieving at least some of the money I've lost.
Best regards,