ボーナスの実装に成功した後、4,830 ユーロの支払いをリクエストしました。
システム エラーやゲーム エラーを利用して、金銭的利益を得る、または不当な利益を得るために利用した、または利用した疑いがある。
私たちは不適切なプレイや不正行為を一切容認しません。これには、不正行為、ゲーム操作、当社またはウェブサイトの他のユーザーを騙そうとする試み、支払い詐欺、支払い取り消し、盗難クレジットカードの使用、マネーロンダリング、または不正に入手した資金を入金しようとするその他の試みが含まれますが、これらに限定されません。手段。上記の行為または活動へのお客様の関与が疑われる場合、当社はお客様へのすべての支払いを保留し、お客様のアカウントを一時停止または閉鎖し、ウェブサイトへの今後の参加を禁止する権利を留保します。私たちはデポジットを返してアカウントを閉鎖する義務があります。500.00 ユーロの出金を行ってください。賞金は没収され、アカウントは 3 日以内に永久に無効化されます。
賞金はキャンセルされ、デポジットの 500 ユーロが戻ってきました。
Pop Til You Drop (1x2 ゲーム) および Fairy Dust Xtreme (Spinmatic)
I deposited 500 euros with dexterbet on 29.8. using the first welcome bonus and received a 500 euro bonus.
After successfully implementing the bonus, I requested a payout of 4830 euros.
My account was already successfully verified.
After 4 days, I received this email today:
Dear Jorg,
Your account has been flagged in our database by the risk and fraud prevention department due to suspicious activities.
Termination of user account:
We reserve the right, at our discretion, to cancel your registration, withhold your account monies, suspend your account for a limited period of time, or close your account if:
You have taken advantage of, or are suspected of taking advantage of, a system error or game error to make financial gains or gain an unfair advantage.
We have zero tolerance for inappropriate play and fraudulent activity. This includes, but is not limited to, cheating, game manipulation, attempting to defraud us or other users of the website, payment fraud, payment reversals, use of stolen credit cards, money laundering or other attempts to deposit funds obtained from ill-gotten means. We will withhold all payments to you where your involvement in any of the above acts or activities is suspected and we reserve the right to suspend or close your Account and bar you from further participation in the website. We are obligated to return your deposit and close your account, please make a withdrawal of 500.00 €. Your winnings will be forfeited and your account will be permanently deactivated in 3 days.
Thanks for understanding
The winnings were cancelled and I got my deposit of 500 euros back.
I did not cheat at any point, and they are throwing around bonus clauses without being specific or providing evidence as to how exactly I was supposed to have cheated.
I played only 2 games with the bonus.
Pop Til You Drop (1x2 gaming) and Fairy Dust Xtreme (Spinmatic)
Furthermore, they are forcing me to withdraw the 500 euros within 3 days as the account will be closed thereafter and a withdrawal of the 500 euros will then no longer be possible
If I do this, would it be treated as an admission of guilt?
Since I am not aware of any guilt and I have played and won honestly, I am submitting this complaint.
ich habe bei dexterbet am 29.8. mit dem ersten willkommensbonus 500 euro eingezahlt und 500 euro bonus erhalten.
nach erfolgreicher umsetzung habe ich 4830 euro zur auszahlung beantragt.
mein account wurde bereits erfolgreich verifiziert.
nach 4 tagen habe ich heute diese mail erhalten:
Dear Jorg,
Your account has been flagged in our database by the risk and fraud prevention department due to suspicious activities.
Termination of user account:
We reserve the right, at our discretion, to cancel your registration, withhold your account monies, suspend your account for a limited period of time, or close your account if:
You have taken advantage of, or are suspected of taking advantage of, a system error or game error to make financial gains or gain an unfair advantagе.
We have zero tolerance for inappropriate play and fraudulent activity. This includes, but is not limited to, cheating, game manipulation, attempting to defraud us or other users of the website, payment fraud, payment reversals, use of stolen credit cards, money laundering or other attempts to deposit funds obtained from ill-gotten means. We will withhold all payments to you where your involvement in any of the above acts or activities is suspected and we reserve the right to suspend or close your Account and bar you from further participation in the website. We are obligated to return you deposit and close your account, please make a withdrawal of 500.00 €. Your wining will be fortified and your account will be deactivated permanently in 3 days.
Thanks for understanding
der gewinn wurde storniert und ich habe meine einzahlung von 500 euro zurück bekommen.
ich habe zu keinen zeitpunkt betrogen und man wirft wieder mit irgendwelchen bonuspragraphen um sich ohne konkret zu werden oder beweise zu liefern wie genau ich betrogen haben soll.
ich habe mit dem bonus nur 2 spiele gespielt.
pop til you drop (1x2 gaming) und fairy dust xtreme (spinmatic)
außerdem zwingt man mich die 500 euro innerhalb von 3 tagen auszuzahlen da danach der account geschlossen wird und eine auszahlung der 500 euro dann nicht mehr möglich ist
wenn ich das tue käme das einen schuldeingeständnis gleich?
da ich mir keiner schuld bewusst bin und ich ehrlich gespielt und gewonnen habe reiche ich diese beschwerde ein.