こんにちは。2024年3月23日にflush.com(オンラインカジノ)に登録しました。イーサリアム(暗号通貨)を使用して405ユーロを入金し、600ユーロのボーナスを受け取りました。スロット「book of time」をプレイして、約22,800ユーロを獲得しました。イーサリアムウォレットに2,500ドルを出金して支払い、その後さらに2,500ドルを出金して支払いました。これが私がこれまでに受け取った唯一のお金です。
最終的に、2024 年 5 月 27 日に次のようなメールを受け取りました。
当社はこのような違反を深刻に受け止めていることをご理解ください。このような違反は当社のプラットフォームの完全性を損ない、当社の大切なユーザー コミュニティの信頼を損なうものです。そのため、当社はお客様のアカウントを停止し、追って通知があるまで資金を無効にするために必要な措置を講じました。」
私はアカウントを 1 つしか作成しておらず、ウェルカム デポジット ボーナスも不正に利用していません。なぜこのような結論に至ったのか、理解できません。まだ 18,000 ユーロ以上が私に支払われていません。このお金を取り戻すのを手伝っていただけますか? アカウントを 1 つしか作成していないため、彼らは告発の証拠を一切持っていません。
Hello. I signed up with flush.com (an online casino) on 23rd March 2024. I deposited €405 using Ethereum (crypto) and received a €600 bonus. I played the slot ‘book of time’ and won approximately €22,800. I withdrew $2,500 to my Ethereum wallet and it paid, I then withdrew a further $2,500 which also paid. This is the only money I have received to date.
I tried to make my next withdrawal but was experiencing difficulties. I spoke to live chat who told me that they were investigating my account. Over the next few weeks I asked them several times whether they had completed the investigation and was told it was ongoing.
Finally, on 27th May 2024 I received an email saying the following:
‘We regret to inform you that your account has been suspended for violating our terms and conditions. Our records indicate that you have created multiple accounts and abused our welcome deposit bonus, which goes against our Terms and Conditions and Bonus Terms.
Please understand that we take such violations seriously. They compromise the integrity of our platform and undermine the trust of our valued user community. Therefore, we have taken the necessary steps to suspend your account and void the funds until further notice.’
Then on 2nd June 2024 they emailed confirming that my funds have been confiscated.
I have only created one account and not abused their welcome deposit bonus. I am confused as to how and why they have come to this conclusion. They still owe me over €18,000. Can you help me get this money back? As I have only opened one account, they can’t have proof of any of their accusations.