何か新しいことを試してみてはいかがでしょうか?😀 失うものはそれほど多くないと思います。
How about trying out something new? 😀 I guess we have not much to lose.
今週末、Pragmatic の新しい (少なくとも私にとっては) カスケード ノー ライン スロットを試してみました...デモ版ではただシャワーを浴びているだけでしたが、リアルモードでは結果がすでに予想できます
tried just this weekend some new (at least for me) cascade no line slots from Pragmatic...on demo version they were just showering, but you can already guess the result in real mode
they will give, someday 😀
Hehe it's often about luck. Some players can hit big in the first few spins on a given slot, and someone can have dozens of dead spins. That's why it's gambling and it's often unpredictable.
Anyway, the game you mention is the first time I've seen it. I wasn't that impressed with it, but maybe I'll get hooked on it.
If it does, feel free to share it with us.🙂
過去 3 か月間、このゲームだけをプレイしましたが、これは詐欺です。
合計で、1 回あたり 20 ユーロと 50 ユーロ程度の入金を 94 回行い、1 回あたり 20 ユーロと 100 ユーロのボーナス ラウンドのみを購入しました。
2月 861 EUR
1月 1.045 EUR
12月 600ユーロ
3 か月で合計 2,506 ユーロの損失、出金は 0 回。一度も勝てなかったからです。
私は、1 回あたり 20 ユーロから 1000 ユーロのボーナス ラウンドを 300 回から 400 回簡単に購入しましたが、良い価格のものや 100 ユーロを超える勝利のものはありませんでした。
負けるのはゲームの一部ですが、月曜日にプレイして 20 ユーロのボーナス ラウンドを 40 回購入して最高額が 36 ユーロだったのに、木曜日にプレイして 24 ユーロの最高額のボーナス ラウンドを 50 回購入して、今日、なんと、最大配当が 60 ユーロの簡単なボーナス ラウンドを 100 回購入しました。すでに 1,800 ユーロを失い、その後また勝ったのですが、11 回連続で負けました。これは完全な詐欺です。
Here i am again. First of all it's my own fault but this is litterly RIGGED.
I played only this game in the last 3 months and damm what a scam!
Total i made 94 deposits around 20 a 50 euro a piece and only bought bonus rounds of 20 and 100 euro a piece.
Februari 861 EUR
Januari 1.045 EUR
December 600 EUR
Total loss 2.506 EUR in 3 months with 0 WITHDRAWS litterly because i did not win one time.
I bought easy more then 300 a 400 bonus rounds of 20 a 1000 euro a piece and NOT `1 had a good price or even a win above 100 euro.
Losing is part of the game but it's a PURE SCAM when i play on monday buy 40 bonus rounds of 20 euro and biggest price is 36 euro, then play on thursday buy 50 bonus rounds with a best price of 24 euro and today pfff i bought EASY 100 bonus rounds with a biggest payout of 60 euro after i already lost 1.800 euro and after that win again lost 11 times straight.
I know it's my own fault but damm this has nothing to do with gambling anymore!
率直に申し上げると、私の意見では、Google や TrustPilot はゲームが違法であることを証明するための必須のツールではありません。実際には、仕組みは異なります。
ちなみに、フォーラムのコンテストでは、多くのプレイヤーがリプレイ リンクを提供しました。Sweet Bonanza は非常に人気がありましたが、30 倍の賭け金の勝利条件を満たすのはかなり面白かったです。ほぼ無限のスピンが大量にありました...
allow me to be pretty straightforward with you: in my opinion, Google or TrustPilot are not the essential tools for proving games to be illegal. In reality, it works differently.
In any case, if you are convinced the game is somehow altered in the casino, present your suspicion to the licensing authority.
I'm not aware of anything better just now.
By the way, during the forum competitions, many players provided replay links; Sweet Bonanza was very popular; however, meeting the 30x bet win qualifier was pretty funny. Tons of almost endless spins...
I'd say this game is not for everyone due to very low volatility—this is my observation.
Feel free to check it out:
彼らのライセンス会社や会社自体が、電話もメールも一切応答せず、「Resolver」が連絡しても無視するだけです。RTP 95~96% が提示されているのですが、残念ですが明らかに不正です。
That's the most anoying part i got proof of al my bets and just like i said this is not gambling anymore this is clearly collecting from their side. The people that won super big yes are STREAMERS that made advertisement for them hmm very strange but ok.
Their license company or even the company does not reply on anything no phone call,no mail even when '' Resolver '' contacted them and they just ignore. RTP 95 a 96% is what offer .. sorry but that is clearly rigged.
Don't play bonanza? Play roulette.
Everyone's afraid of roulette. Everyone wants slots. And slots are stupid.
You press a button, watch some symbols that are spinning and you don't even know what needs to happen to win.
If you had invested that much on roulette, you would have gotten at least 80% of your money back and maybe even been in plus status.
Nemoj da igraš bonanzu? Igraj rulet.
Svi se plaše ruleta. Svi hoće slotove. A slotovi su glupost.
Pritiskate jedno dugme, gledate neke simbole koji se vrte a ne znate ni šta treba da se dogodi da bi ste pobedili.
Da si toliko uložio na rulet bar 80 % novca bi povratio a možda bi i bio u plus statusu.
彼らのライセンス会社や会社自体が、電話もメールも一切応答せず、「Resolver」が連絡しても無視するだけです。RTP 95~96% が提示されているのですが、残念ですが明らかに不正です。
That's the most anoying part i got proof of al my bets and just like i said this is not gambling anymore this is clearly collecting from their side. The people that won super big yes are STREAMERS that made advertisement for them hmm very strange but ok.
Their license company or even the company does not reply on anything no phone call,no mail even when '' Resolver '' contacted them and they just ignore. RTP 95 a 96% is what offer .. sorry but that is clearly rigged.
あなたの言っていることは理解できます。私が言いたいのは、ゲームの RTP が低いように見せるために、ゲームを「不正操作」する必要はないということです。ゲーム プロバイダーの中には、カジノに低い公式バージョンを提供しているところもあります。カジノが選択できるオプションがあります。カジノによって、同じゲームでも RTP が異なることがあります。
Hi there,
I understand what you're saying. My point was that games do not have to be "rigged" to seem like they have a lower RTP. Some game providers even offer lower official versions to casinos; there are options the casino may choose from. One game in different casinos may have different RTPs.
By the way, did you check out the reply links?
Well, I'll leave that to you, of course.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com