一般的な回答ですが、goldenbet からも同様の回答を得ました (両方のカジノは Santeda international BV の下で運営されています)。ある程度は正しいものの、彼らには顧客の KYC を行う責任もあるため、事前にそれを済ませていればサービスを拒否するはずですが、おそらくそうしなかったと思います。興味深いことに、あなたの明細書に表示された販売業者とは何ですか?
Generic reply, got a similar response from goldenbet (both casinos operate under Santeda international B.V.) whilst to a degree they're right, they also have a responsibility to KYC their customers so if you completed that beforehand they should have refused you service, which i'm assuming they most definitely didn't. What was the merchant that came up on your statement out of curiosity?
They know exactly what they're doing, don't worry. They just take the money from where it's best. Germany, UK, Scandinavia, etc. Even if they had verified you, they would have let you play, sometimes money drives away all worries 😉 And as I've already written, and it still seems that no one has understood: THEY ARE CRIMINALS. That means there are no laws for these people.
Die wissen genau was sie tun, keine sorge. Die greifen halt dort die Gelder ab, wo es am besten zu holen ist. Deutschland,UK,Skandinavien etc. Auch wenn sie dich verifiziert hätten, dann hätten sie dich spielen lassen, Geld vertreibt manchmal alle sorgen 😉 Und wie ich bereits schon geschrieben habe, und es scheinbar immer noch nicht verstanden wurde: ES SIND KRIMINELLE . Die bedeutet, für diese Leute existieren keine gesetze.
私はまだ私の苦情に対する返答を待っています。@awuintura_online は確認写真の受け取りを拒否し、指示を 30 回変更し、私の苦情に返答せず、ブラックリストに追加もしません。つまり、AWINTURA は盗みを続けています。
I am still waiting for a response to my complaint, @awuintura_online refuses to accept the verification photos, has changed the instructions 30 times and guru casino, does not respond to my complaint and does not add it to the blacklist, that is, AWINTURA continues to steal.
Aún espero respuesta de mi queja , @awuintura_online se niega a aceptar las fotos de verificación, ha cambiado 30 veces las indicaciones y gurú casino, no responde mi queja y tampoco agrega a la lista negra , es decir AWINTURA sigue robando .
The circumstances surrounding your complaint are unfortunate. I checked your complaint briefly and found this note: " Romi is currently out of office or on vacation. It is possible that they will not be able to respond to this complaint as quickly as they normally do. Thank you for understanding." You should see that too. Since the complaint is still pending, the casino will not yet be subject to any penalties. Frankly, I would say the outcome is clear. I'm sorry; it seems the casino has failed to address your issue, but I would certainly wait for an update. Perhaps there has been a response, we just do not know it.
In any case, please be patient. Thank you.
As far as I have tracked it here, there was always a rejection after this message. They are probably saving your data so that they have a good chance in the chargeback process. If they have found your transactions, they don't actually need any more data. They just want to play it safe. Scroll back a few pages here
It is one click to send you your money. Furthermore, no one else benefits from these transactions except
Soweit ich es hier nachverfolgt habe, gab es nach dieser Nachricht immer eine Ablehnung. Die Sichern sich wohl deine Daten, damit sie im Chargebackverfahren gute Karten haben. Wenn sie deine Transaktionen gefudnen ahben, benötigen sie eigentlich keine weiteren Daten. Die wollen halt auf nummer sicher gehen. Blätter hier mal ein paar seiten zurück
Es ist ein klick um dir dein geld zu schicken. Ferner hat niemand anderes ein Nutzen an diesen Transaktionen außer dri
katze が述べたとおりです。個人情報を送信しないでください。彼らは犯罪者です。覚えておいてください。私は自分の情報を grotobook に送信しましたが、彼らは基本的に取引は承認されており、銀行は彼らの味方をするだろうと言いました。なぜそう言うのにパスポートが必要なのでしょうか?
As stated by katze. Don't send your details. They are criminals remember this. I sent mine to grotobook then they basically said that the transactions were authorised and the bank will side with them. Why do they need the passports to say that?
To prove otherwise, you would need to record the payment process, from selecting the payment method on the casino website to confirming the transactions. The payment links must be visible in the browser. This way, they could claim that you bought directly from Grotobook and can claim that you sent the data for verification before the purchase
Als Gegenbeweis müsstest Du den Zahlungsprozess aufzeichnen, von der Auswahl der Bezahlmethode auf der Casinowebseite bis hin zur Bestätigung der Transaktionen. Die Zahlungslinks im Browser müssen sichtbar sein. So könnten sie behaupten, Du hast direkt bei Grotobook gekauft, und können behaupten, dass Du die Daten zur verifizierung vor dem Kauf gesendet hast
okay thanks guys, i wrote to them that i have send them a screenshot of the transactions and also my card details.
Does anyone have info about
私のクレジットカードプロバイダーが戻ってきて、使用されて記録された6051 VilniusのMMCコードはどの金融機関のものでもないと通知しました。
This is a copy and paste from their terms and conditions. They also added on mine they also have the right to use 3rd party merchants but are not responsible for how those merchant process use or process your data. This is not set out in their terms and conditions. This is where they have failed as this needs to be made clear to the customer.
My CC provider has come back to me and informed me that the MMC code that was use and recorded 6051 Vilnius was not even for any financial institution
I have been doing some reading and have come across this.
電子メールでこれらの人に連絡した経験のある人はいますか? どのくらいの時間がかかりましたか? 成功したかどうかなど教えてください。
Hi all,
Trying to get a refund from each of these:
Wondering if anyone has had any experience contacting these by email and how long it took, was it successful etc?
Just done some more digging cant belive how currupt this Santeda BV is and how they are hiding behind a car company obviously they are involved. I searched for address also that is registered and no such address. If you enter the the registered buissness in the Cyprus company search it comes up as Gloria motors cover for fraudulent activities
Some providers may be new. When the old ones are "burned out", new payment processors are simply founded. Accordingly, it is a never-ending chain. Some have websites, some don't. In the end, it's always the same.
Einige Anbieter dürften neu sein. Wenn die alten "Verbrannt" sind, werden einfach neue Zahlungsabwickler gegründet. Dementsprechend ist es eine Kette ohne ende. Manche haben Webseiten manche nicht. Am Ende sind es immer die selben.
I have coresbyte and sitexcraft? Will try emailing these people now
I totally agree once you send your Personal ID over to these people they have your info, so they can fabricate invoices, hence why they ask you for it, do not send them anything expecially nothing with your address on or passport. They have no need for this information
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com