探しましたが、見つからないようです。私が見つけたのは、moにあるpulsion payだけです。彼らのメールアドレスはありますか?もしあれば、これはディレクターのARTEM SIMONIANのアドレスです。彼へのアドレスもこれです
Meteoron 10A、2305 ラカタミア、ニコシア、キプロス
I have looked and I can't seem to find it all i can find is pulsion pay which is down at mo .Have you an email address for them if so this is the director ARTEM SIMONIAN address to him also this is address
Meteoron 10A, 2305 Lakatamia, Nicosia, Cyprus
Also Cc in police@police.gov.cy
Obviously explain where you are and this merchant is complicit in money laundering
キャッシュフローが見つかりません。唯一見つかるのは会計サービスです。銀行に取引の詳細とお金がどこに行ったかの地理的位置を尋ねれば、絞り込みが可能で、適切な会社を見つけられるかもしれませんが、私がリストしたのは pulsion pay processing Ltd で、非常に怪しいという報告があります。
I can't find cashflow the only one can find is accountancy service .If you ask your bank for transaction details geo location where money ended up you may be able to narrow it down and we can find the right company but what I listed was pulsion pay processing Ltd and there is reports that they are shady as hell .
Santeda が詐欺会社であることを示す証拠を誰か提供してくれませんか? 繰り返しますが、これが彼らが規則や規制に従うために英国のライセンスを取得しようとしない理由です。
私の銀行は、Santeda/Donbet/Goldenbet がキュラソーで合法的なギャンブル ライセンスを持っていると信じています。本当ですか? 偽のライセンスである可能性があるというメッセージを見たことがあるのですが、確認できる人はいますか?
特に、それらについて政府機関から何か情報はありますか? オーストラリア政府がサンテダについて顧客に警告しているという記事を何か見たはずです。
CEO と全体的な事業運営について何かありますか? 基本的に、彼らが詐欺会社であることを示すものがあれば、何でも見つけてください。
I've been chipping away at my bank for a scam case in regards to Santeda International B.V.
I've basically argued they are not a legit operator. I've had so many problems with them in regards to withholding payouts and basically all the reasons why they don't have a UK license and therefore shouldn't take on customers from here.
My bank has sympathy with me but as it stands they are refusing to refund me unless I can provide more evidence that Santeda (or when they operate as Donbet or Goldenbet) purposefully set out to deceive customers from the getgo. They are saying that they are a big service and appear legit and it's not much different to customer disputes from other companies and not a scam. I obviously disagree.
Does anyone have anything they can help provide me with that shows Santeda are a scam company? Which, again, is why they don't bother to get a UK license to follow the rules and regs.
My bank believe Santeda/Donbet/Goldenbet have a legit gambling license in Curacao. Is that so? Can anyone verify as I've seen some messages saying it could be a fake license?
And particularly any info from governing bodies about them? I'm sure I saw something about the Australian government warning customers about Santeda.
Anything on the CEO and the larger operation as a whole? Basically anything anyone has found that shows they are scam company.
Please email me at lewisthenorth@gmail.com if anyone can help.
Can you help me with Eduntage? Would be so damn happy. If yes, drop me a email at aeonkain@tutanota.com
Big thanks!
That is some good work getting that, I have them both via chargeback currently. Will see if I can find anything more out about these.
Thanks for sharing
Hi I’m new here. Have been following the thread for awhile but now starting to fight back too! Would you be able to share the email addresses with me please I have a lot of transactions to them
そうだ、Arcomet と取引したんだが、このバカどもについては徹底的に調べたから、この MF とは慎重に取引した方がいい。この会社は数年前に倒産したが、いまだに支払い処理をしているのは信じられない。また、Arcomet のクレーンなどを扱っているイギリスの会社にも連絡し、徹底的に調査して電話をかけ回ったが、すべて彼らとは関係ないと言った。彼らはクレーンなどの機械も販売していたが、ポーランドの会社登記簿を検索すると解散している。最初は返金されたが、最後の瞬間に彼らは異議を唱え、連絡を取っていないし連絡する方法もないと言った。私はこの会社を見つけるためにあらゆる努力をし、さまざまなメールを送って解散の証拠まで送ったのに、銀行は私に不利な判決を下し、彼らに支払ったので私は激怒した。
Yep delt with Arcomet and you need to get your eggs in a basket with these MF as I did a hell of a lot of digging on these idiots .The company actually went bust years ago but still processing payments unbelievable. I also reached out to companies in UK that also was Arcomet cranes ect ect did loads of digging phoned around and all said they had nothing to do with them .They also sold machinery like cranes but if you search Polish company register it's dissolved. I originally was refunded then right at last minute they disputed it and said I never contacted them there was no way of contacting them .I gave bank everything of all effort made trying to find this company and various emails even sent proof that it was dissolved and bank ruled against me and paid them I was furious
What do you think I should do with this information? My banks declined chargebacks on these claims
これらの詐欺師を摘発するには、刑事警察に連絡する必要があります。多額の金銭と多くの犠牲者が危険にさらされています!!! 報告が多ければ多いほど良いです!
In order to expose these charlatans you should contact the criminal police, there is a lot of money at stake and many victims!!! The more reports the better!
Um diese Scharlatane zu entlarven sollten sie die Kriminalpolizei einschalten, es geht hier um viel Geld und viele geschädigte Personen!!! Je mehr Anzeigen umso besser!
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com