How long did it take to get a temporary refund from submitting the dispute?
How long did it take to get a temporary refund from submitting the dispute?
They've also said that they've cancelled all my chargebacks so I'm thinking tbese refunds came because they said as part of the chargeback process they have contacted the merchants bank and said and the merchant has said its showing as transfer not a direct payment (which I didn't do transfers I paid with My card) all the same sites your all listing, velobet goldenbet donbet etc etc. Someone at the bank said I should raise it as a scam which I'm going to do tomorrow. They don't want to know re wrong mcc codes it seems even tho ti's a valid chargebzck reason as part of Mastercard. I feel stuck
よく分かりません。vipzino、kinghills、memo casino からメールで返金の合意を受け取りました。メモは受け取ったと思いますが、確信はありません。あなたと同じように、8 週間にわたってこれらのカジノに何百もの小さな取引を行ったと思いますので、すべてのアカウントを閉鎖したため、どの支払いがどの会社に関係しているかなど、よく分かりません。
I'm not sure. I've had agreed refunds by email from vipzino, kinghills and memo casino. I think I've received memos although I'm not sure as like u I expect I've made hundreds of small transactions to load of these casinos over a period of 8 weeks so I'm not sure which payments relate to which company etc as I closed all my accounts.
All the rest have thrown the book at me with there ridiculous t&c around not being responsible for the payment names used by 3rd party processors
My bank does not want to proceed with the chargeback, I made the transaction with the card and contacted TopUp.com directly but they tell me that they do not know anything about these payments
La mia banca non vuole procedere con il chargeback,ho effettuato la transazione con la carta e ho contattato direttamente TopUp.com ma mi dicono che non ne sanno nulla di questi pagamenti
My bank Revolut is doing everything to avoid my disputes...the chat is very poor unfortunately
La mia banca Revolut sta facendo di tutto per evitare le mie contestazioni...la chat è molto scadente purtroppo
Now I'm talking in chat let's see what customer support tells me but they do everything to avoid doing something
Ora sto parlando in chat vediamo cosa mi dice l'assistenza clienti ma fanno di tutto per evitare di fare qualcosa
I had already opened two rejected reports for fraud so I am not able to open a new report for chargeback ... anyway, how do you think I can get my money back. Gambling addiction is my fault but I really needed that money and these thieves do everything to bypass the block I had set
Avevo già aperto due segnalazioni rifiutate per frode quindi non sto riuscendo ad aprire una nuova segnalazione per chargeback... comunque secondo te come faccio a riavere i miei soldi.La ludopatia è mia colpa ma quei soldi mi servivano molto e questi ladri fanno di tutto per aggirare il blocco che avevo impostato
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com