Risposta della banca:
We looked into your case and according to our records the reported transaction has been approved on your end. Please note that we do our best to stop such transactions from happening, which is why we request additional authentication. Unfortunately, due to the fact that the payment was approved on your end, we aren't able to dispute the transaction.
We're sorry we won't be able to assist you this time and we appreciate your patience throughout this process
noltiro と mgpay panama web factory について何か情報をお持ちの方がいらっしゃいましたら、お知らせください。
if anyone has any information on who noltiro and mgpay panama web factory are please let me know.
also if anyone knows any solicitors apart from Mr bijkerk please let me know as well
これをやりたいのですが、CGB が全てを拒否する気がします。システム全体をシャットダウンし、少なくとも英国では公開して、何が起こっているのか人々に知ってもらう必要があります。
I’d like to do this but I feel like the cgb are going to reject everything. The whole system needs shutting down and needs exposing here in the UK at least so people are aware about what’s going on.
A lot is being done about gambling here but seems like ukgc are doing fuck all
状況は理解しています。チャージバックのリクエストが拒否されたため、この紛争に関してこれ以上サポートすることはできません。メールに記載されている情報を使用して TopUp.com に問い合わせることをお勧めします。直接問題を解決できる可能性があります。
Ultima risposta della chat assistenza clienti
I understand your situation. Since the chargeback request was declined, we can't assist further in the dispute. I recommend following up with TopUp.com using the information provided in their email. They might be able to resolve the issue directly.
こんにちは。chillstock ou から最近返金を受けた方はいらっしゃいますか?2 週間以上返信がありませんが、以前に返金を受けた方もいらっしゃるようです。また、dsservltd の連絡先を教えていただける方はいらっしゃいますか?よろしくお願いします x
Hi, has anyone else more recently been refunded by chillstock ou as I haven’t had a response for over two weeks but have seen previously people have been refunded? Also would anyone be able to advise me of the contact details for dsservltd? Thanks x
I also want to find Gaiw-deposit, have you had any news?
Anche io voglio trovare Gaiw-deposit,tu hai avuto qualche novità?
最終的に、TopUp.com という会社は名前としてのみ使用されていましたが、支払いは Gaiw-deposit London に行われました。何か教えていただけますか? 私のカードは Visa です... ありがとうございます
Finally I found out that the company TopUp.com was only used as a name, but the payment went to Gaiw-deposit London. Can you tell me something? My card is Visa anyway... thanks
Alla fine ho scoperto che l'azienda TopUp.com è stata solo usata come nome,ma il pagamento è andato a Gaiw-deposit London.Sao dirmi qualcosa?La mia carta è Visa comunque... grazie
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com