HSBC have now refused my scam claim on the basis that card payments to about 6 different countries in a day were legit sent to gambling sites,
I think I’m going to be contacting every single media outlet to highlight what has happened it’s an absolute fucking joke.
Adam Bradford という人に連絡してください。匿名でも喜んで協力します!
Contact a guy called Adam Bradford - I would also be happy to contribute, anonymously!
He does articles for main media outlets and been on BBC etc.
キュラソー島(または他の場所)の PH カジノ(Usoftgaming)のライセンスを誰が取得しているかご存知の方はいらっしゃいますか?
Anyone know anything about who PH Casino's (Usoftgaming) license in Curacao (or anywhere) is with?
I can't find the details of it on their website.
I have a dispute in with my bank in regards to this casino. I need to prove they have broke their T&C in order to be refunded. Does anyone know anything about them and how they operate?
Surprisingly they have the correct gambling merchant code for accepting payments on cards, despite being unregulated in the UK.
No, my friend.
I'm looking for it and I can't find anything.
Όχι φίλε μου
Το ψάχνω και δεν μπορώ να βρω τιποτα
Usoftgaming BVはXecutive Corporate Management BV(XCM)のコンプライアンス管理下にあります。 ウェブサイトのすべての苦情処理手順を試しても満足のいく解決が得られなかったことを文書化できる場合。
Usoftgaming B.V. is under compliance management of Xecutive Corporate Management B.V. (XCM). Please refer to if you can document that you have exhausted all complaint procedures of the website without satisfactory resolve.
FOS のエージェントが私に割り当ててあり、彼らは、この件は実際のカジノ自体ではなく銀行の活動に基づいて審査されると言いましたが、残念ながら、それは私に希望を与えません。システムはカジノに有利になるように不正操作されています。また、彼らは、この段階で送られてきたものをすべて確認したので、私からこれ以上何か必要ないと考えていると述べました。
Just had an FOS agent assigned to me, they've said the case will be reviewed on the activity of the bank rather than the actual casino themselves, which doesn't give me hope unfortunately, the system is really rigged in the casinos favor. Also stated they have looked at everything that's been sent to them at this stage and they don't think they need anything more from me.
先ほど Monzo から返答がありました。要するに、不正行為ではないとしてチャージバックを拒否したということです…
約 20 分以内に、関連するすべての法律や規制を含む非常に詳細なメッセージに返信しました。主に、MCC が間違っていることと、商品が届いていないことに焦点を当てています。
Just had a response from Monzo, in short, they have rejected my chargeback stating it’s not fraudulent…
They replied within about 20 minutes to a very detailed message including all relevant laws and regulations. Mainly focusing on incorrect MCC and no goods received.
im dissapointed. I’ve gone back to raise the complaint but this sets the standard of their approach to this.
私はこれについて多くの調査を行い、問題の多くを 1 通のメールにまとめ、Monzo に共有したところ、すぐに却下されました。私の主張は正しく、強力であり、これに関連する法律や規制を強調していると感じています。Monzo は非常に迅速に返信したので、チャージバックの再検討を依頼しました。十分な時間を費やしていないと思います。おそらくギャンブルに関するコメントを見て、それを潰せると思ったのでしょう。
とにかく、私たちが連絡を取り合って、私が見つけたものを共有し、何かアドバイスがあれば聞いてみたいと思います。特に、この問題で FOS にどうアプローチするかについてです。私は戦いに負けたくありませんし、おそらく私はすでに最も強力なアプローチをとっており、あなたのように透明性を保つことを選択しています。しかし、あなたも銀行から反発を受けたことがあると知っているので、連絡を取っていただければ大変ありがたいです。
Hello Paul, hope you’re getting on ok mate.
I couldn’t find a way to contact you privately, and appreciate you were stepping away for the time being.
I’ve done a lot of research on this, and have summarised a lot of the issue into 1 email which was shared with Monzo and quickly rejected. I do feel my claim is correct and strong, highlighting laws and regulations related to this. Monzo replied very quickly so I’ve asked them to re evaluate the chargeback as I don’t think they spent anywhere near enough time on it. They probably saw the gambling comments and thought they could squash it.
Anyways, I’d hoped we could connect and I could share what I’ve found, and see if you have any advice. More so on how to approach the FOS with this. I don’t want to lose the fight, and perhaps I’ve already got the strongest approach, and chose to be transparent like you did. But would massively appreciate connecting as I know you had some push back from the banks as well.
もし役に立つなら、FOS が今日私に連絡してきて、オフショア カジノ自体の問題ではなく、銀行がどのように対応したかという観点からアプローチしていると言っていたので、そのようにアプローチすべきだと思います。
If it helps the FOS contacted me today and said they're approaching it from how the banks handled it, not the issue with the offshore casino itself so i believe that may be how you should view approaching it.
興味深いですね。銀行がこれらの取引を誤って伝えられたために特定できなかったという事実にもっと重点を置くべきであると言っているのですか? また、取引名に関係なく、銀行が異常な支出にフラグを立てなかったという事実にも重点を置くべきでしょうか?
Interesting, are you saying the approach should be more focused on the fact the bank didn’t identify these transactions because they were misrepresented? Also the fact the bank didn’t flag the unusual spending regardless of the transaction name?
I assumed I’d need to focus more on the casinos blame and merchant process for the bank to process the chargeback?
はい、FOS エージェントは、紛争自体ではなく銀行の対応に焦点を当てていると言いました。カジノに連絡するのはほとんど不可能で、通常は同じ BS を何度も送ってくるので、本当に理にかなっています。本当に重要なのは、妥当なエージェントに出会ったかどうか、または銀行が紛争を誤って処理したかどうかだと思います。加盟店のプロセス、つまり間違った加盟店コード、サードパーティなどを強調する価値はあるかもしれませんが、彼らは苦情の焦点はカジノではなく銀行自体にあると述べました。
Yes, the FOS agent said they're focusing on the banks handling of it rather than the dispute itself, the casino's are damn near impossible to contact and usually send the same BS over and over so does make sense really. Really think it's down to whether you get a reasonable agent or the bank has mishandled the dispute. Could be worth highlighting the merchant process, i.e. wrong merchant codes, third party etc but they stated their focus of the complaint is with the bank itself rather than the casino.
私は自分の FOS 苦情には対応しておらず、今後も対応しない可能性が高いですが、仕事の中で FOS 苦情を扱った経験はあります。銀行に焦点を当てていると言われているのであれば、銀行は有効なコードでチャージバックを行うべきだという考え方です。つまり、12.7 データまたは商品の未受領の場合、受け入れられた 2 件の FOS クレームを読むと、どちらの銀行もチャージバックを行わず、取り消されましたが、敗訴したクレームを確認すると、大多数の人が取引を見逃した銀行を責めています。私なら、チャージバックの部分だけに焦点を当て、商品の未受領またはデータ不正確 (どちらでも試した方) に基づいて判断し、バイパスされているものを銀行は止めることはできないが、正しいコードが使用されていた場合はギャンブル ブロックで捕捉されていたはずなのでチャージバックの対象となり、成功する可能性が高いことを繰り返し述べます。銀行が商品を拒否し、ギャンブルについては言及していない場合は、証拠が提示されていないため銀行がチャージバックを開始すべきだったと述べます。
I am not at FOS complaints on mine and likely won’t be, but do have experience with FOS complaints within my work. If they have said they are focusing on the banks the angle is that they should chargeback under a valid code. I.e 12.7 data or goods not received, if you read the two FOS claims that were accepted neither bank did the chargeback and was overturned, but if you check the ones that lost the majority of the people blamed the banks for missing the transaction, if it were me I would solely focus on the chargeback part so base it on either goods not received or incorrect data (whichever you tried), then reiterate that the bank cannot stop something that is being bypassed but if the correct code was used the gambling block would have caught it therefore it falls right for chargeback and would have a good chance to succeed. If they have rejected on goods and you haven’t mentioned gambling then just state no evidence was ever provided so they should have initiated chargeback.
ギャンブルについて言及しましたが、引き出しができなかったため、それが有利に働くことを期待していますが、エージェントは必要な情報はすべて揃っていると考えているため、現時点では私に何も要求しないと言ったという事実は残念です。彼らは私に金額を確認するように求めましたが、それは間違っていたので、銀行がそこで間違いを犯したことを願っています...進行中なのであまり多くの情報を投稿したくありませんが、FOS でいくつかの角度から調査し、いくつかの点を指摘しました。
I have mentioned gambling and i was unable to withdraw which i hope weighs in my favor but the fact the agent said they believe they have all the information they need so won't require any from me at this stage is disheartening. They asked me to confirm the amount which was wrong so i'm hoping that the bank has made errors there... Don't want to post too much information as its ongoing but i've gone a few angles at the FOS and raised a few points
Best of luck, if the adjudicator sides with bank you can progress to the ombudsman and that’s where they are likely to accept further information from you. Be interesting to see what basis the bank have refused chargeback as that is key, again no one blames bank or thinks they should stop the transaction but they should chargeback if valid reason and you do have if you can’t withdraw that should be a chargeback.
Thanks, i'm with the ombudsman now, they stated they looked at everything i've sent in my complaint and feel they don't need any more information at this stage, i'm assuming they mean the files they got from the bank themselves, i added some more information in my reply email just for good measure, but the fact they don't need anymore information at this stage as they put it either means they don't think i have a case or they feel the information is sufficient enough to proceed with my case. With the nature of these complaints i'm feeling very pessimistic even after sending them other examples of such cases in my reply email, i think it's down to pot luck with the agent and with the way they're not interested in more information i'm inclined to believe that i've hit an agent who won't side with me sadly.