ex rabidi、agira novaforge、stolio の wazamba カジノで詐欺に遭いました、めちゃくちゃです。
Hello, can you help me find email contacts for this payment agent?
Mirata services limited
I got scammed with wazamba casino, from ex rabidi, agira novaforge or stolio, it's a mess.
I leave the link if you want to know more
Ola, podem ajudar ancontrar contatos de email deste agente de pagamento?
Mirata services limited
Fui enganado com o casino wazamba, do ex rabidi, agira novaforge ou estolio, é uma confusao.
Deixo o link se quiserem saber mais
Good evening. Any idea how to get in touch with these merchants?
Just realised ktm payments go through a gateway called Saal, not researched it yet
複雑なものは 4 つの異なるゲートウェイのようです。
Also comes up Kryptonim and paysage
complicated one seems like 4 different gateways!
Payver から 625 ポンドの全額払い戻しを受け取りました。これは何の問題もなく銀行に入金されました。
Possibly do you have the contact details?
i just received a full refund off Payver of £625 that landed in bank no problems at all.
thanks for support everyone.
Payver 取引がある場合は、できるだけ早く異議を申し立てることをお勧めします。
i just recieved all funds there in my account no problems cleared only took one day.
if any Payver transactions are there i suggest you challenge them asap!!
No I emailed the merchant direct and they refunded only took 48 hours. Nothing to do with chase. Now I’m going to say to chase i managed to get this refund for digital art and nft not recieved so this backs my claim for abido im sayin ive been investing in digital art and NFTs that’s the route im going down
if albedo don’t reply I would get £4400 back so 🤞
thanks for support and help really appreciate it. If I need more help could you contact me direct is that a possibility I want to make sure I approach there questioning right?
皆さん、UKGC によって認可された英国の ADR グループからメールを受け取りました。ギャンブル委員会の Web サイトから詳細を入手しました。今日の午後、国際 ADR 紛争について彼らと話しました。彼らは、他の管轄区域で認可されたオフショア ギャンブル運営者に対して英国のプレーヤーのために仲裁を行っているかどうかという私の問い合わせについて調査すると言いました。
また、ギャンブル委員会がこれらの違法サイトに対して実施した、または課した制裁に関する情報を一切公表しないのはなぜかと疑問に思います。昨年 Google から削除した URL の数を自慢する UKGC の責任者に関する記事を読みました。証拠はどこにあるのでしょうか。それはそれで結構ですが、これらのサイトに対してどのような制裁や罰金を科したのでしょうか。証拠が見たいものです。サイトはもう何年も運営されているため、サンタンダ グループが何回罰金を科されたのか、FIA に確認する時期が来ていると思います。政府から UKGC を規制する者の役目を外す可能性もあります。私は頭に血が上っています (笑) 🐝
Folks just had an email from a UK ADR group that are authorised by ukgc I got their details from the Gambiling commission website .I spoke to them this afternoon regarding international ADR disputes.They said they would look into my enquiry which was do they mediate for uk players against Offshore gambiling operators licenced in other jurisdictions.
And also if so would they do it as a collective for a group of people under one complaint ? I have just have had the response and they said yes but the casino or said network has to agree first .hopefully they will agree to it .
It also makes me wonder why the gambling commission has never published any information on sanctions they have implemented or imposed on these ilegal sites .just read articles about the head of the Ukgc boasting how many url they had taken down from Google last year .where is the proof Its all well and good but what have they done to sanctions or fine these sites .we want to see proof .Think it's time to see FIA on just how many times santanda group has been fined because the sites have been going years now .might even drop the who regulates the UkGC in the gov .I have a bee in bonnet lol 🐝
Mine just says gamingstore then
Northampton, but obviously smpaypf* is the payment provider so I will reach out to them as well as maybe the abr don't appear on bank statement thank you for info
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com