What did you say to hshtrx for them to refund you like that as ive not had anything yet I complained today
Can you please send it to me too, I would appreciate it greatly🙏🏼
Poti te rog sa imi trimiti si mie,as aprecia enorm🙏🏼 cristina.sauc@gmail.com
それは、誤ってコード化された MCC に関して、すでにフォーラムに投稿されているのと同じテキストでした。
It was the same text already posted here on forum regarding the miscoded MCCs.
maximum.casino 返信:
当カジノは自主規制のルールに従って運営されており、当ウェブサイトでは各プレイヤーが当カジノでプレイするかどうかを決定します。当社は、世界中のあらゆるプレイヤーに対して、タイムリーな引き出し、国際的な RTP レベル、優れたカスタマー サポート サービスを保証します。
maximum.casino reply:
Your refund request has already been reviewed, and rejected. The decision is final and will not be changed. By registering in our casino, you accept our terms and conditions we follow. In "responsible gaming" section, you can exclude yourself from our casino.
Our casino operates in accordance with the rules of self-regulation and on our website each player decides whether to play with us or not. For our part, we guarantee timely withdrawals, international RTP level and great customer support service for every player from anywhere in the world.
Choosing to play in our casino is always appreciated, and we respect your decision. Our casino stands out with its abundant variety of bonuses and site activities. Additionally, we offer games from renowned providers and ensure an excellent level of return for all players.
We have several payment providers, transactions through some of them may not appear in your currency/sender may not appear as you used to see it.
If you have more questions - come back to us and we will help!
You will never get a refund from them its rogue as hell but the chargebacks win easy
わかっています。ギャンブル依存症と金銭的損失のため自己排除を求めたところ、彼らは自らの利用規約に違反し、私のアカウントを閉鎖したと厚かましくも言いました (これは嘘です)。私は、すべてのやり取りが保存されている Resolver のケースを指摘しました。オンライン チャットでは、当時は不具合があり、エラーだったため私のアカウントは閉鎖されなかったと彼らは認めました。その後、昨夜遅くに彼らは言いました。「確認したところ、お客様のアカウントはお客様のリクエストどおりに閉鎖されました。再開することに決めた場合は、それはお客様の個人的な決定であり、当社が影響を与えることはできません。」
I know. They broke their own T&C when i asked to self exclude due to gambling addiction and money loss and they had the audacity to say that they closed my account (which is a lie). I was pointing to my Resolver case where all the communication is saved. In their online chat they agree they had a glitch at the time and it was an error and my account was not closed. Then later last night they said: "As we can see, your account was closed with us as you requested. If you decided to reopen it, it is your personal decision, and we cannot influence it."
They’re barely replying to me now is my issue. I wish I could speak to their dispute team over the phone
They are like number 1 in the rogue chart these type of site you need to convince the bank to raise the chargebacks they do not challenge them mine were years ago im surprised they are still open they must have numbers after their web address to bypass
They added 777 three days ago. Sometimes they are using different numbers.
Yes that is because they are getting closed down then reopening using a new web address I am sure it was happening years ago and I highlighted this to the bank as part of my claim to raise them
これは昨夜Bass Winから受け取った返信と全く同じです。彼らは完全な詐欺師です
This is the exact reply I got from Bass Win last night! They are complete frauds
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com