Each country should have their own as well, I have reported to the Irish one.
Each country should have their own as well, I have reported to the Irish one.
取引の証拠がない場合、Revolut を通じてチャージバックを申請するにはどうすればよいですか? 特に、デジタル アートや NFT を購入したと思われる販売業者の Finnart と Arstrid についてです。商品が受け取られなかったため、チャージバック サービスとして申請しましたが、Revolut は予約確認書や領収書などがないため、それをキャンセルしました。
How would I raise a chargeback through Revolut if i dont have proof of transactions? In particular the merchants finnart and arstrid where I supposedly bought digital arts/nft. I raised as a chargeback services goods not received but revolut cancelled it due to lack of booking confirmation/receipts etc.
誰かアドバイスをください。私の銀行は、私の入金がゴールデンベットに入金されたため、間違った MCC を経由したという事実は問題ではなく、商品を受け取れたので問題ないと言ってチャージバックを拒否しました。
FOS に対してどのようなアプローチを取ればよいでしょうか? 銀行は、それがギャンブルであるとは見なせなかったため、支出の変更を警告するために介入しなかったのでしょうか?
私は絶望感を感じており、ここで約 4 万ポンドを失いました...
Can someone offer advice. My bank rejected chargebacks sayings that because my deposits landed in golden bet, the fact it went through an incorrect MCC doesn’t matter, as I still got the goods.
what approach do I take with FOS? That the bank never stepped in to flag the change in spending because they couldn’t see it was gambling?
or that regardless if I got money in the casino, I never got goods from the listed merchant.
I feel at a lost cause and have lost about £40k here…
ヨーロッパの会社であれば、ヨーロッパの GDPR の法律が適用されます。当社はもはや EU の一部ではないため、独自の法律を制定していますが、おっしゃる通りです。🙂
If it's a European company then they fall under the laws of European GDPR. As we are no longer part of the EU we have our own ,but yes you are correct .🙂
State that when you ordered it nothing came up and no reference was given for the digital art, no emails sent and the companies do not respond therefore you cannot give them the details but money has gone out which proves the transaction was valid but nothing received .
The Irish one does respond as well not that anything will happen but I think if you raise the DSAR/data request early on the likelihood of them coming back is slim. Although I will wait until Monday to confirm that of my final ones go through.
クレジットカードですか、それともデビットカードですか? Visa ですか、それとも Mastercard ですか? ギャンブルをブロックする設定はありましたか?
Is it credit card or debit? Is it Visa or Mastercard? Did you have a gambling block in place?
The Irish police not so receptive to responding with much other than call us or report in person. I do think though that has helped in the merchants not responding.
Mastercard と GameStop ですが、銀行経由ではブロックされません。
Mastercard and on GameStop but not blocking via my bank.
but my spend obviously went through the roof with multiple transactions up to 40k (I’d probably not spent 40k in a year for the past 6 years with my bank so surely they should have intervened, had they known it was gambling instead of the random merchants they list)
No it appeared as merchants related to Elegro, Artstrid, and various others. All the merchants sites are nothing to do with gambling.
That’s weird they rejected then! I’m also challenging goldenbet via bank. Will let you know what happens
They said because the money went into goldenbet for me to play with, there’s nothing they can do. Instead it’s a dispute with myself and goldenbet on how they portray transactions through these merchants?
surely that’s a case for the FOS and chargeback should have been processed ? Can’t get my head around it
Potentially try again as goods not received I made comments around this a few pages back, bank may flat out refuse it as it is a change of story. FOS supports the banks on not blocking gambling no matter what red flags there were so I would be amazed that they overturn the decision, I would however still be going to FOS but just from the cases that are online you can see they don’t hold banks liable as they wouldn’t know it’s gambling due to codes etc it’s unfair but that’s the way they are going currently. Without a gambling block on the account the argument also falls short as even if they used correct code it would have gone through, banks don’t care if illegal/no licence, that’s a matter for others. They won’t pursue as fraud as it’s Mastercard and it was authorised, I know it’s hindsight and I wish you the best on getting it back but the best way on Mastercard is goods not received don’t mention gambling.
私は以前の経験からその教訓を学びました。その後、Jokabet が直接返金してくれたので、被害はありませんでした。
I learnt that lesson on an earlier one, and then Jokabet refunded directly so no harm done.
Ethically this advice may not be great, but I will leave it up to you. What I would do is go back to Chase and say you have got the information incorrect as you are stressed with it all, the gambling was on another account this one for Chase is goods not received for……
昨夜、私は支払いをした販売業者の連絡先を尋ねるためにチェースのチャットに戻りました。私のチャージバック要求が拒否された後、私は各販売業者に直接メールを送ろうと思っていました。私はエージェントに紛争を再開するように依頼しました。私の紛争はギャンブルの状況のためすでに拒否されており、マスターカードはチャージバックのプロセスをカバーしていないと言われました。そこで私は紛争を再開するように再度依頼し、MCC とフォーラムで見つけたものについて言及しました。数時間前、チェースから 3 つの通知が届きました。販売業者の 1 つからの 3 回の払い戻しです。それがチャージバックなのか直接払い戻しなのかはわかりません (昨夜、この販売業者にメールを送りました)。
Last night i went back to Chase chat to ask them the contact details for the merchants i paid. After my chargeback requests were rejected i was thinking to send direct email to each merchant. I asked the agent to reopen the dispute. I was told that my dispute was already rejected due to the gambling situation and Mastercard does not cover the chargeback process. Then i asked again to reopen the dispute and i mentioned the MCC and stuff found here on forum. Couple of hours ago Chase sent me three notifications. 3 x refunds from one of the merchants. No idea if it's the chargeback or direct refund (last night i sent an email to this merchant).
よくやった - Chase は非常に一貫性がないので、返金または異議申し立てを行うと表示されます。
Well done - Chase are so inconsistent, does it say refund or dispute that will tell you.
販売店から直接返金されるのでしょう。おそらくメールによるものか、Chase が異議を申し立てて直接返金されたのでしょう。Chase に問い合わせない限りおそらく知ることはないでしょうし、問い合わせたとしても質問に答えてくれません。おめでとう、他の人が勝ったことを嬉しく思います。
Direct from merchant then, maybe due to email or maybe due to Chase raising dispute and then they refund directly. Probably won’t ever know unless you ask Chase and even then they don’t answer questions. Well done glad another has won.
That you all done or have you got others sat with Chase?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com