Good luck - The more people win the more the banks are actually helping, that should then lead to better results for all.
Good luck - The more people win the more the banks are actually helping, that should then lead to better results for all.
The main blocker is getting banks to raise, as others said banks don’t pay you the merchants do the banks just assist via chargeback. Yours is a hefty amount but I would if it were me and owed that much get back on and say you made a mistake, you suffer from poor mental health and this account wasn’t the gambling that’s a different bank but these are goods not received and then state what for. Although £40k over what must be a number of transactions may raise cause for concern.
I know a few have got the incorrect MCC logged with Mastercard but it’s rare and only really applies if you had a gambling block on
1 月 25 日、Chase には 3 つの加盟店があります。そのうちの 1 つはすでに送金しました。
12月24日: さらに2人の商人
9月24日: 1件追加
Wise にはあと 2 件あります。Wise のチャージバック ステータスは、2024 年 9 月から「審査中」となっています。
Revolut には約 25 の加盟店があります。
January 25 with Chase i have 3 merchants. One of them already sent the money.
December 24: 2 more merchants
September 24: 1 more
I have two more with Wise. Wise chargeback status showing In Review since September 2024.
With Revolut i have roughly 25 merchants.
I got £2000 back with Wise they will raise them complain about it mine were declined then I went back to them then it went to in review then chargeback raised
みんなの言うことからすると、Revolut は本当に難しいようです。
Revolut are meant to be really hard from what everyone says.
ステータスが「審査中」のままずっと続いていたので、紛争をキャンセルしようとしていたのですが、エージェントに問い合わせたところ、素晴らしいニュースだ、販売業者は応答しない、と言われました。そして、待つようにアドバイスされました... あなたの場合は、提起されるまでにどのくらいかかりましたか?
I was about to cancel the dispute because of the status In Review for so long, then i asked the agent and he said great news, the merchant does not respond. And he advised me to wait... How long took yours to be raised?
Credit card as well ain’t they so the fact they ever said they won’t refund is a laugh literally in law that you cannot use a credit card to gamble with within the gambling act
Others have said the same lack of info etc. They must be the ones complained about most on here, go back goods not received and no authorisation emails/codes etc?
当社は Visa および Mastercard の規則に従って紛争を処理する義務があります。これらの規則では、顧客が最初に販売者と直接紛争に対処しようとした場合にのみ、Revolut が顧客のために回復プロセスを開始できると規定されています。
Tried everything, but unsuccessful.
Your dispute request regarding the following transaction(s) has been cancelled.
Why was it cancelled and what does this mean?
Your request was cancelled because you didn't provide us with any evidence that you attempted to raise your query with the merchant first, before raising a request with us.
We are obliged to process disputes according to Visa and Mastercard rules. Those rules state that Revolut can only initiate a recovery process for a customer if the customer attempts to address the dispute directly with the merchant first.
As a result, we have closed this request and won't be pursuing this claim any further.
おそらく、販売者にメールを送って、商品が届いていないことを伝え、Revolut に送る。試すだけで、返信は不要です。Mastercard は、チャージバックで配達日を指定しなければならないと規定しており、指定しない場合は 30 日間待つ必要があります。おそらくその期限は過ぎていると思いますが、デジタル アイテムの配達日をでっち上げてください。配達日は当日です。Chase は、利用規約のその部分で私を遅らせようとしました。
Maybe email merchant state no goods received then send onto Revolut, you only have to try you don’t need a response. Mastercard state that the delivery date must be supplied on a chargeback if not then you must wait 30 days. Your probably over that but just make up a delivery date for digital items it’s the same day, Chase tried to delay me on that section of the terms
Like Paul and I said there is no magic formula but you just keep trying until you win. Sounds like you are giving it a good go though, fortune favours the brave as they say…..
おそらく、販売者にメールを送って、商品が届いていないことを伝え、Revolut に送る。試すだけで、返信は不要です。Mastercard は、チャージバックで配達日を指定しなければならないと規定しており、指定しない場合は 30 日間待つ必要があります。おそらくその期限は過ぎていると思いますが、デジタル アイテムの配達日をでっち上げてください。配達日は当日です。Chase は、利用規約のその部分で私を遅らせようとしました。
Maybe email merchant state no goods received then send onto Revolut, you only have to try you don’t need a response. Mastercard state that the delivery date must be supplied on a chargeback if not then you must wait 30 days. Your probably over that but just make up a delivery date for digital items it’s the same day, Chase tried to delay me on that section of the terms
すでに一部の販売者にメールを送信しました。すべての詳細が見つかるわけではありませんが、別の問題があります。これらの取引のほとんどは 2023 年と 2024 年に行われています。最新のものは 2024 年 5 月でした。
Already sent email to some merchants. Can't find the details for all of them, but there's another issue: most of those transactions have been placed in 2023 and 2024. The most recent one was May 2024.
そこで私が取るべき角度は、配達予定日から、有効期限の 3 か月などを回避して今月配達されるはずだったという点を再確認することです。
So the angle I would take there and double check it’s from the expected date of delivery state it should have been delivered this month that bypasses the expired date of 3 months or whatever it is.
If they cannot be contacted go back to Revolut explain and log goods not received they literally have to raise that and FOS would back that. Money gone from account, you cannot contact as no details. Then ones you can contact if out of time state delivery was due now so well within time again
I fought them for a few weeks then copied in the fos and they then put them in review then raised then after that it is 45 days I got the refunds a few days after this
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com