その後、別のケースでは、Revolut がチャージバックを開始した場合には喜んで返金すると販売業者から連絡があったものの、Revolut は支援を拒否しました。このときもオンブズマンは Revolut の味方でした。
I reported Revolut to the ombudsman for refusing to help with transactions to 3rd party companies. I have proof that I asked Revolut to block my account for months due to severe gambling issues and they refused.
The ombudsman sided with Revolut and said it was my own fault.
I then had another case where I received contact from a merchant to say that they were happy to give me a refund if Revolut initiated a chargeback but Revolut refused to help me. Again the ombudsman sided with Revolut.
I firmly believe that this thread has gone from being incredibly helpful to now stopping anyone else getting further refunds. Everyone is aware of this now and are very wise to it
私は CIFAS の詐欺マーカー「第一者詐欺: 欺瞞による施設取得」に引っかかってしまい、完全にお手上げ状態です。これは軽い処罰ではありません。英国のすべての銀行と金融機関に私の名前が 6 年間記録されることになります。
クレジットカードなし: 私のカードはすべてブロックされており、新しいカードの申請も拒否されています。
レンタカーなし: 来週出張があるのに、レンタカーも借りられません。上司に何て言えばいいのでしょうか? ギャンブル中毒でシステムを騙そうとしたせいで、今では基本的な仕事のロジスティクスもこなせないなんて?
最悪なのは屈辱感です。雇用主や銀行にどう説明すればいいのでしょうか? 「申し訳ありませんが、ギャンブルの入金をチャージバックしようとしたら詐欺師としてマークされてしまい、出張中にレンタカーを借りることすらできません」? 心が砕けそうです。
時間を戻せたらいいのに。ここのアドバイスに従ったら、私は破滅した。Casino Guru も私を破滅させた。
I don’t even know where to start. I followed the advice from this forum thinking I could recover some of my losses through chargebacks, but now my life is falling apart.
I just got hit with a CIFAS fraud marker – 'First Party Fraud: Facility Obtained by Deception' – and I’m completely screwed. This isn’t just a slap on the wrist. It’s 6 years of having my name flagged across every UK bank and financial institution.
No credit cards: My cards are all blocked, and my applications for new ones are getting rejected.
No car rental: I have a business trip next week, and I can’t even rent a car. What am I supposed to tell my boss? That I’m a gambling addict who tried to cheat the system and now I can’t even handle basic work logistics?
Loans and mortgages: Forget it. I was planning to buy a house this year, and now no one will touch me.
I didn’t realize this could escalate so fast. I thought it was just a simple dispute. They submitted all my details, evidence of my activity, and even my transaction history to CIFAS. They linked everything – IP addresses, geolocation, timestamps – and now I’m completely blacklisted.
The worst part is the humiliation. How do I explain this to my employer or my bank? 'Oh, sorry, I can't even rent a car on my business trip because I tried to chargeback gambling deposits and now I’m flagged as a fraudster'? It’s soul-crushing.
I’ve learned the hard way that these offshore casinos are not playing around. They have teams dedicated to fighting this, and I lost everything trying to beat them.
I wish I could turn back time. Following the advice here has destroyed me. Casino Guru has destroyed me.
これに対する私の唯一のアドバイスは、詐欺監視会社 (CIFAS/Synectics Solutions) に DSAR を要求し、マーカーを追加した人物を正確に突き止め、その会社に出向いて DSAR を要求し、苦情を申し立ててマーカーに異議を申し立てることです。
残念ながら、人々は「フレンドリー詐欺」としてフラグを立てられていると思います。間違った MCC コードで取引に異議を申し立てている場合や、アカウントにギャンブル ブロックがかかっている場合は、電話で直接連絡し、すべてを明確に説明することをお勧めします。
ランダムな記述子が原因で商品が受け取られなかったとして取引に異議を申し立てる場合は、調査が完了するまでこの方法に固執する必要があります。チャージバックを行っただけで CIFAS マーカーが付与された場合は、上記のアドバイスに従う必要があります。マーカーを発行した会社から DSAR を取得し、苦情を申し立て、必要に応じてオンブズマンに苦情を転送し、苦情が解決されなかった場合、弁護士が削除を手伝ってくれる可能性があるため、それに関する法的アドバイスを求めてください。
My only advice in response to this is, request a DSAR from the fraud monitoring companies (CIFAS/Synectics Solutions), find out exactly who added the marker.. then go to that company and request a DSAR, make a complaint and challenge the marker.
Unfortunately, I think people are getting flagged for "friendly fraud".. I would advise if you are challenging transactions under incorrect MCC code or due to having gambling blocks on the account to approach this directly over the phone and to explain everything clearly.
If you are challenging transactions as goods not received due to the random descriptors then you should stick to this this until any investigation completes. If you have been given a CIFAS marker for simply making chargebacks then you need to pursue the advice above.. get a DSAR from the company that issued the marker, make a complaint with them, forward the complaint to the ombudsman if needed and seek legal advice surrounding it as a solicitor may be able to help you get it removed if your complaint is unsuccessful.
It might be worth actively attempting contact with the merchant(s) involved so that you can build up proof of attempting to resolve, the merchant(s) that respond usually advise you to raise your issue with your bank.. this would build your defence.
Why did they submit this as fraud, what was your reason for processing chargebacks?
if they added info such as your geo location, it makes me think you perhaps said you didn’t make these payments yourself, and then they could see it was from your home address for example?
That has to be someone working for the casinos trying to scare you ! account only made today
驚きはしません。1 つの投稿、新しいアカウント... さらに、活動の証拠をすべて提出したと書かれています。それが本当なら、詐欺/CIFAS 部門は商人などからの財務上の不正を拾い上げているはずです... 紛争の詳細も不明で、文言も疑わしいです。
Wouldn't surprise me, one post, new account... Plus said they submitted all evidence of activity, if that was true the fraud/cifas department would have picked up on the financial irregularities from the merchants etc... No details on their dispute either and the way it's worded is suspicious
とにかく - 最新情報: QuickBit は私に関する履歴がないと主張し、私は DSAR を要求しましたが、拒否されました。私は彼らを信じていないこと、彼らは私の詳細を持っていることを伝えましたが、奇妙なことに、彼らは現在その DSAR を処理中です。
Upon re-reading it, I see it. Talking about business trips, car rentals and it being ‘soul-crushing’ - I’m questioning the validity of that post now.
Anyhow - update: QuickBit allege to have no history of me, I’ve requested a DSAR and they refused. I told them that I don’t believe them and that they DO have my details and weirdly enough, they are now processing said DSAR.
また、realize は realize のアメリカ式の綴りなので、明らかに英国のアカウントではありません。間違いなくカジノのアカウントだと思います。
Also, realize is the American spelling of realise.. so clearly not a UK account.. I reckon it’s defo the casinos!
支払いに異議を唱える人を「阻止」することに重点を置いた投稿であることは間違いありません。異議申し立ての詳細はなく、1 つの投稿とその言語/表現方法を持つ新しいアカウントです。このフォーラムを監視しているのは間違いなく、Radka が以前にこのスレッドを削除するようフォーラムに連絡したことがあるとほのめかしていたことは確かです。そのため、このような投稿のためにアカウントを作成しても不思議ではありません。
Definitely a post focused on "deterring" anyone disputing payments, no details of their dispute, new account with one post and the language/way it's worded. I'd put money on these shady casinos monitoring this forum for sure, pretty sure Radka insinuated that the forum had been contacted to take down this thread before, so them making accounts for posts like that wouldn't be surprising.
jameswatkinson's post is complete bullst
that's the worst attempt at a fake British name I've ever seen. This is some of the casino crooks that tried writing something "human sounding" since now they see that they have to pay back money. That text is formulated in a funny way that makes it sound like one of those stupid government ads that try to dissuade people from different habits. I am glad that these leeches finally get what they deserve and now they're the ones trying to prevent further losses through such pathetic attempts.
Just to be clear - I'm not a casino trying to scare anyone. I wish I was. I've been reading here for months. I genuinely need help and advice right now because I'm desperate.
私の紛争は Donbet とのものでした。明細書にランダムな会社名が載っていたため、Wise を通じて 495 ポンドのチャージバックを行いました。商品は受け取っていません。
My dispute was with Donbet - did a chargeback for £495 through Wise because of those random company names on my statement. Goods not received.
If you are not going to help me, I don't see any value in what you have said.
取引にはどの会社が使用されましたか? どの MCC が使用されましたか? Wise はチャージバックから CIFAS の発行までどのように進みましたか? 紛争にはどのように対処しましたか? 商品が受け取られなかったなどですか?
What companies were used for the transactions? What MCC was used? and how did Wise go from charging back to issuing you a CIFAS? How did you approach the dispute, was it goods not received etc?
Thanks for actually trying to help instead of accusing me of being a f*cking casino. Easy for everyone to play detective while my life's falling apart. Already sent the DSAR requests
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