Please let me know what and how to dispute with quickbit and fomiline
Sorry Paul can you possibly paste the link for the fos you used that was won that was similar to your situation thanks pal.
Sorry mate what link was that for I have not had a case decided by the FOS yet it was a similar chargeback I referred to with Wise to get it raised that my other bank did
Yeah I thought you found a case similar to your situation to show that your case was strong so that's why they decided to chargeback? Sorry it might of been someone else that did that.
Hi bud no I said I showed wise a similar chargeback for the same merchant that was refunded then they did it for me the FOS was copied in at that point as it had went to the end of the complaint path
could you please advise how you managed to get refunds from quickbit. All they want to do is send me back to the casino
私も彼らと格闘しています。私はなんとか SAR を取得しましたが、彼らはまだスウェーデン (および子会社 GoriWire の場合はポーランド) のギャンブル法に違反していることを認めていません。
I am struggling with them too. I managed to get my SAR but they still won’t acknowledge that they are in breach of Swedish (and Polish for the subsidiary GoriWire) gambling laws.
Quickbit から SAR を受け取りましたが、現在、どのメールにも返信がありません。
I got my SAR from Quickbit now they don’t reply to any emails.
I copied a few institutions in to my last email with them and have had a reply from the Lithuanian Financial crimes service with some forms to fill in to report their AML violations!
クイック Q 銀行はチャージバックを上げることに同意しましたが、昨日の時点で、この会社が加盟店の 1 つを解散しました。チャージバックの大部分がこの会社であるため、この会社からお金を取り戻せる可能性はどれくらいありますか。また、銀行が足踏みしていなければ、会社が解散する前に引き上げることができたはずです。2 週間以上前に引き上げられましたが、銀行とやり取りしているところです。
Quick q bank has agreed to raise chargebacks ,but as of yesterday one of the merchants the company has dissolved what are my chances of getting my money back from this company as its the main bulk of the chargebacks. Also if bank didn't drag its feet then ,it could have been raised before company dissolved as raised over 2 weeks ago but just been going back and forth with bank.
金額と支払い方法によりますが、第 75 条の対象となる可能性があります。そうでない場合は、銀行が会社に請求し、その金額がその会社の口座から引き落とされ、銀行がいわば債務の追跡を行うと想定します (おそらく間違っていると思います)。これは、当座貸越があったのとほぼ同じです。
Depends on the amount and how you paid, may be covered under section 75, if not then i'd assume (i'm probably wrong) that the bank would charge it back from the company and the amount would be withdrawn from that companies accounts and their bank would be chasing up the debt so to speak, almost as if they were overdrawn.
It was debit card, I will keep my fingers x but I am not holding my breathe thanks for the info
I hope you get a good result from it, i'm sure the banks have contingency plans for these type of situations
このスレッドの閲覧数が今のところ 100 万回近くに達していることに気づきました。
Just noticed this thread is nearly at 1 million views so far !
ああ、そうだね、じゃあ銀行に、マスターカードのクレジットカードのチャージバックを見せたら、考え直してもらえると思う? クレジットカードの方が扱いやすいのは分かってるけど、デビットカードがブロックされたら、クレジットカードと同じルールが適用されるべきだと思う。同じように見なされないのはおかしいと思う。
Oh right so then if I show my bank my credit card chargeback which is also mastercard do you think it could make them reconsider. I know credit cards are easier to deal with but I also feel if you have a block on debit card same rules should apply that do with a credit card I feel it's ridiculous that it's not looked at the same.
そうですね、FOS は基本的に Chase と同じ条件で私の苦情を却下しました。つまり、それらはギャンブル取引であり、異なる MCC であるにもかかわらず、マスターカードであるため返金できないと述べています。FOS は Visa の 12.7 について言及し、代わりに Visa で入金していれば、この件は私の都合のいい結果になっていただろうとほのめかしました。
Well, FOS has rejected my complaint under basically the same terms as Chase, stating they were gambling transactions and can't be refunded as they're mastercard,despite them being a different MCC. FOS did mention 12.7 on visa and alluded to the fact this would have gone my way had i deposited with visa instead.
Yes worth a try I was dealing with Wise so not sure how other banks would see it but I sent them my letter from the bank showing the transaction refunded with the FOS copied in then they raised it after this as it is proving there is no reason to not raise it
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