Ok mate thanks for the info will see what happens then my letter was loaded with good points and requests if it cannot win it then god knows !
Ok mate thanks for the info will see what happens then my letter was loaded with good points and requests if it cannot win it then god knows !
There is a substantial cost for the merchant to even take it to arbitration so looking online if the card issuer takes it to arbitration the chances are merchant may decline and just refund
I got the same email they also seem to be EDUNTAGE also same surname listed on company house asked to send ID then they can't find transactions even though screenshots of bank statments showing transactions on credit card and bank account on 2 separate accounts
そして、遅くとも決済サービスプロバイダーが身分証明書、クレジットカード、その他の書類を要求したら、それで終わりです。チャージバック手続きで首が痛くなる可能性があるからです。その後、プロバイダーは、あなたが何を購入するかを知っていて、KYC 検証を実施したと主張します。
あなた以外に、これらの支払いを受け取ることに関心がある人はいますか? 支払いが取り消された場合、支払いはトリガーされた場所に送られます。
And at the latest when the payment service provider requests ID, credit card and other documents, it's over. Because this could break my neck in a chargeback procedure. Then the provider claims you knew what you were buying and went through KYC verification.
The credit card details and bank statements are enough to identify you, the provider doesn't need anything more. And if the provider wants to send you a refund, they can do so with a click of the mouse.
Who else but you has an interest in getting these payments? If the payments are reversed, they go to where they were triggered.
I had a small online shop myself back then, and you could do everything with a click of the mouse in the control panel. Where you saw the payment received, you could also refund the payment at the same time.
Und spätestens wenn der Zahlungsdienstleister Ausweise, Kreditkarte und sonstige Unterlagen anfordert ist Schluss. Denn dies könnte ich in einem Chargebackverfahren das Genick brechen. Dann behauptet der Anbieter Ihr wusstet was Ihr gekauft habt, und habt eine KYC-Verifizierung druchlaufen.
Die Kreditkartendaten und Kontoauszüge reichen aus, um Euch zu legitimieren, mehr brauch der Anbieter nicht. Und wenn der Anbieter Euch erstattungen zukommen lassen möchte, dann kann er es mit einem Mausklick machen.
Wer außer Ihr selbst hat Interesse daran, an diese Zahlungen zu kommen? Wenn die Zahlungen zurückgebucht werden, kommen sie dort an wo sie ausgelöst worden.
Habe damals selber einen kleinen Online-Shop gehabt, da konntest Du im Kontrollpanel alles mit einem Mausklick erledigen. Dort wo man den Zahlungseingang gesehen hat, konnte man zeitgleich auch die zahlung erstatten.
Yes I know ,I have issued a fair few refunds myself ,so know how it works .I wasn't falling for it as soon as they asked for iD i thought on yer bike mate ,so you can fabricate fake invoices ect ect .I made sure I scrubbed all relevant information of those documents and only showed what was relevant to the payments the only thing they need to see is transactions dates and card information with obscured didgets .
Yes bud I read up a lot on it before hopefully once they see the letter and evidence I sent they will give it up !
Hi Dt100, got this reply from Bytebloom.
We hope this email finds you well.
We have reviewed the information based on the details you previously provided but did not find anything on our side.
If you consider these transactions fraudulent, we recommend contacting your bank to initiate a chargeback procedure, as they should be able to assist you with it.
It says Bytenews on my transactions.
Is there anything more that can be done or is it just to give up?
真実ではありません。事前アービトラージでは、すべての証拠が揃った後でも、会社は返済するかどうかを決定します。そして、ノーと言うことができ、それで終わりです。私の何人かのケースで同じことが起こりました。それだけです。Quickbit/goriwire/fomiline はまさにこれをやりました。銀行には、それを追跡したり、さらに追求したりする権限はありません。
Not true. In pre arb even after all the evidence the company then decides do they now want to pay back.. then they can say no and that's the end of it 🙈🙈 it happened with a few of mine. That was it. Quickbit/goriwire/fomiline did exactly this. The bank has no line to chase it up or pursue further
我々に必要なのは、記事を書ける人、または記事を掲載できるほどの規模の新聞社に関係する人物を知っている人です。そうすれば、これがパブリック ドメインとなり、これらの企業は世間の注目を集め、CEO や取締役に対する刑事訴訟が開始されるでしょう。何か対策を講じる必要がありますが、我々人間だけが助けることができます。我々は全員、UKGC との会議を必要としています。ズーム コールを設定して、ジャーナリストを参加させることもできるかもしれません。誰にもわかりませんが、この問題が脚光を浴びるほど、よりよい結果がもたらされます。
What we need guys is someone who can write a article or knows someone involved in a decent size newspaper to publish an article. This then can become of public domain, these companies can then get tarnished in the public light and hopefully begin criminal proceedings against these CEOs and Directors. Something needs to be done but only us people can help. We all need a meeting with the UKGC maybe we could set up a zoom call, get a journalist into that.. who knows but the sooner we get this into the limelight the better.
That’s frustrating, Chase gave me the impression that if it went to arbitration then they had the final say although Chase just lie non stop. Luckily non of mine went that way, did Mastercard side with the merchant despite you providing evidence?
アクション開始 - 英国運動のみ 必ずお読みください
私はすべてのページを読みました -
私の夫(自閉症とADHD)は、介護者を装った詐欺師から連絡を受け、2週間にわたって銀行カード、明細書の詳細、支払いを「ファルコラ ファイナンス」に送らせました。詐欺師は、それが治療費の支払いだと夫に思い込ませました。
メールを設定しました - (こんにちは、参加したい、私は被害者です、というメッセージを送ってください) また、個人的な話や、第三者やカジノからの進展を共有することもできます
電子メールアドレス :
私のツイッター(フォロワーは3000人くらい)は、運動を支援するために変更しました。フォローして、UKGCとSatanda BV傘下のすべての違法企業やカジノのタグを付けてリポストしてください。毎日更新します。
twitter : @Casinos_Exposed - (以前の投稿をすべて削除して更新) 以前の管理業務で 3,000 人のフォロワーがいたので、この twitter を使用します。
Hi All,
i hope you are ALL well
i have read ALL pages -
my husband (autistic and ADHD) was contacted by scammers who posed as his care care provider and over 2 weeks made him send his bank card, statement details and payments to "falcora finance" he was under the impression from the scammers it was to pay for his treatments
when i looked up falcora, it bought me here.
i am a government official and have ALOT of knowledge and experience in how to bring this to class action and to get UKGC attention.
i request the following from anyone who wants to help our country be rid of these evils that are exploiting vulnerable people , gamblers and non gamblers !
i have set up a email - ( please drop a message saying hi i would like to join i am a victim) you can also share your personal story or any developments from any of the 3rd parties or casinos
email address : illegalcasinosuk@gmail.com
the twitter which is mine ( i have 3k followers generally) i have changed my twitter to support the movement - please follow and repost with tags to UKGC and ALL the illegal companies and casinos , all the ones under Satanda BV - i will be updating daily
twitter : @Casinos_Exposed - (update ALL previous posts deleted) will be using this twitter as i have 3k followers from my admin work previously.
together we will be rid of these scammers from our country.
i will be making a website, i WILL be gathering ANY evidence that will support us , support me to support you.
i will be active here also and keep the community updated.
i have a action plan which involves bringing this to FCA , UKGC and all that would like to help - any evidence or information is vital to me
our government has put in measures to protect the vulnerable, and we are now being exploited by other countries.
all bank correspondence welcome also
Kindest Regards
A concerned wife
証拠として欲しいものは何でも聞いてください -
Hey no fishy attached
using my old twitter - as i have the followers -
whatever u guys want for evidence just ask -
if im fishy we aint gona get no where.
im trying to create a movement, have attached some screenshots just for your guys peace of mind if you want more - ask , but sad u called me fishy , but yes i will be cleaning up the twitter - this is day one.
That’s frustrating, Chase gave me the impression that if it went to arbitration then they had the final say although Chase just lie non stop. Luckily non of mine went that way, did Mastercard side with the merchant despite you providing evidence?
1月に開設されたことがわかります。フォロワー数も多く、暗号通貨ゲームに関するプロフィールや投稿も多数あります。心配性な妻が投稿するような内容ではありません。2時間前にグループが集まることを示唆する投稿がありましたが、その後、なんと… 実に怪しいです。
Can see it was set up in January. That's a lot of followers and a lot of crypto gaming profiles and posts. Not something a concerned wife would be posting. A post 2 hours ago suggesting a group gets together then tada.... fishy indeed.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com