私は最初からこのスレッドをフォローしていますが、Mastercard 発行会社の対応がいかに悪いかに愕然としています。
ギャンブルという言葉を聞くとすぐに、Mastercard はギャンブル取引のチャージバックを許可していないことを顧客に伝えます。明らかに、Mastercard に VISA の 12.7 に似たコードがあれば、物事はずっと簡単になります。
Mastercard デビット カードのコードミスにより銀行がチャージバックに使用した正確なコードをご存知でしょうか。
Hi Paul
I have been following the thread since the beginning and am appalled at just how bad Mastercard issuers seem to be behaving.
As soon as they hear the word gambling they immediately tell the customer that Mastercard doesn't allow us to chargeback gambling transactions. Obviously if Mastercard had a code similar to 12.7 of VISA it would make things so much easier.
I have written to Mastercard in the US to ask them why they make it so difficult for their customers who have been scammed by illegal websites using fake merchants to be able to make a chargeback and they just told me they are looking into it. I can assure you they aren't looking into it as they are making millions off these miscoded transactions.
Can I ask if you know the exact code that your bank used for charging back under miscoding on a Mastercard debit card.
btw well done on the £50K.