What card visa? Mastercard? Either incorrect mcc or good not received. Although they are ceasing business as of may this year so they may not help
What card visa? Mastercard? Either incorrect mcc or good not received. Although they are ceasing business as of may this year so they may not help
i reached out and they ignored my email however I was successful with chargeback
私が行った取引は別のカジノに対して行われたもので、当初は「wbmsc」と表示されていましたが、突然 freshbet に変わりました。取引の半分だけが変更されましたが、明らかに取引を偽装し、数週間後に露骨に変更しました。
The transactions I made were made to another casino, and originally showed "wbmsc' and it has suddenly changed to freshbet. Only half of the transactions have changed but clearly disguising the transactions then blatantly changing it a few weeks later.
I can definitely see it from both sides even though I am a problem gambler who has requested refunds from these Curacao-based websites. Needless to say, these unregulated sites have no regard for Responsible Gambling but equally many do pay out winnings in a timely manner otherwise people would not keep coming back.
If we look inwards and really are honest with ourselves, in many cases it is freerolling if you just straight up lost the money and, as with many things in life, it’s unfair as some people will get huge refunds if they have understanding banks or Ombudsman decision makers whilst others will never see a penny back depending on the bank, deposit method or casino used, amongst other factors.
また、平均的な人はライセンスなどについてあまり知らないという事実も考慮する必要があります。ギャンブル アプリなどが宣伝されているときには、こうしたことはあまり言及されていません。そのため、プレイヤーには使用している Web サイトを調査する責任がある一方で、正確に何を探すべきかについての知識が不足している人がかなりいます。また、Trustpilot などで偽のレビューを購入するカジノの問題もあり、人々が Google で検索すると、カジノに誤った信頼性を与えてしまいます。これは本当に技術的で微妙な問題です。
Oh for sure, there's definitely responsibility on the gamblers side, but a good portion falls on the casino, if they followed regulations most of the people on here wouldn't even be allowed to register, let alone deposit. There's definitely legitimate casinos using curacao licenses but in my opinion, they're usually crypto deposits only and do abide by the regulatory bodies of multiple jurisdictions (Stake for example)
You also have to bring into account the fact the average person doesn't know a lot about licensing and things like that, these things aren't really mentioned when gambling apps etc are advertised, so whilst there is a responsibility for players to research the websites they're using, there's a good portion of people who lack the knowledge of what to look for exactly, then you have the issue of the casinos that buy fake reviews for their trustpilot etc so when people google them, it gives them a false sense of credibility, it really is a technical and nuanced issue.
I think a good thing to implement would be to make it mandatory for anyone who signs up to any casino or gambling website to read an informative text in regards to licensing and things like that then fill out a questionnaire after, i think that would help a great deal, but as we have both said, these offshore casinos don't really have any care for safer gambling regulations, or any regulations really.
I don't condone freerolling either, but at the same time i can't condemn it because the casinos are using underhand and shady practices themselves, makes it a level playing field for both parties really in my view, if they operated in the correct manner then freerolling wouldn't even be a possibility.
I must admit I do not feel one ounce of guilt for the fact I got even more back than was lost I am glad I beat the scummy rogue casinos at their own game they would take your house and all you own if they could and now I will never be doing it again😉😎😎👍
I still can’t believe people come on here defending them and blaming people for charging back.
Me neither mate its total scum preying on weak people I am still getting 30 texts a week and flyers through the door they seem to know I have money now as it is cranking up big time now the ones sticking up for them are crazy they would take £200000 of you then offer you free credits to keep losing money and playing on or not pay out when you did manage to get a big win they really cannot see what they are ! it is a pity some are not getting refunds but im sure they would take it if they got it
Paul can I just ask you something did your transactions that they raise go through with 3ds verification? Cheers
このスレッドを一通り読みましたが、本当に役に立ちました... バイトニュース、特にバイトラボの取引が山ほどあるのですが、この会社である可能性は低いでしょうか? あなたが言及した通りと同じです
Just read through this thread, really helpful... I've got loads of transactions for byte news and particularly byte lab, is the company not more likely to be this one ? It's the same street you have mentioned
彼らと大口論になり、翌日には返金を受けましたが、なんと、合計 200 件程度の小額取引で、1,300 件を超えることはありませんでした。彼らはさらに詳細を尋ねてきましたが、処理時には取引が Bytebloom Labs LTD で、銀行取引明細書には BYTLAB と記載されていたことを覚えています。なんと、昔の Byte News の人たちと同じ住所でした。
cryptowaveco.com (一番下の Bytebloom Labs LTD を見てください)。この Web サイトを見つけるのに少し時間がかかりました。メールを送信するときは、Mastercard などの関連当事者を CC に入れて、GDPR と SARS をすべて要求してください。彼らは書類の提出を求めます。この CC を再度送信するときには、この会社があなたの詳細を尋ねていることを関係者に知らせてください。返信するときに、関係者を CC に戻さないからです。
I found the website for this, and it is indeed courses apparently. I had these that I never raised in a chargeback, had a big dispute with them over email recently as I'm still chasing many old transactions - turns out this is the website.
Had a big argument with them and then the next day I had refunds, but guess what.. it was all the smaller transactions totalling 200ish not over 1.3k! They have now asked for more details but I remember the transactions being Bytebloom Labs LTD when processing and then BYTLAB on bank statement! Hey presto.. same address as the old Byte News people have!
Website is..
cryptowaveco.com (look at the bottom Bytebloom Labs LTD) .. took me a while to find this website. When you email them make sure you CC in the relevant parties like Mastercard, and request all GDPR and SARS from them. They will ask for documentation, make sure when you send this cc again the relevant people so they can see this company asking for your details, because when they reply they don't CC the people back in!
Took me ages to find them so I hope it helps some people
The fact they are not licensed so legally cannot let you bet but do, bypass gambling blocks and like you say text non stop despite self exclusion is crazy that some try to blame the player. They must work for the casinos the ones that come on here and defend them basically who cares how we get the money back they are criminals as they cannot legally take a bet in this country.
Your 100% right bud this is what the whole thread is about fighting back against the crooks and criminal sites and rebuilding our lives the refund helps greatly even if not the whole amount lost it changes your mental state and gives hope for the future if nothing illegal was going on why the hell would we be getting refunds ! I can understand some are sceptical as they failed getting refunds I would be the same I do feel for them it is the banks fault for not doing something that is so simple to do but the gambling thing seems to be a contentious matter with some of them not getting their head around it or fully knowing what to do it will just be call centres with a team leader only wanting to follow the normal procedures for chargebacks and not do anything out of the box
Hi Paul. Just wondering if you outlined what exactly you did to chargeback or you can direct me to the page if you have posted it before. Thank and well done to you
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com