しかし、これは結局ライセンスの問題ではないでしょうか。サンテダなどが CEG から撤退したのは、それが彼らにとってあまりにも制限が厳しすぎるからです。キュラソーのカジノが CEG でなかったり、トップの暗号通貨専用サイトでなかったりする場合、何らかの形で不公平さがある程度生じることは予想されます。
This boils down to the licencing though doesn't it. That is why Santeda and the likes moved away from CEG - because it is too restrictive for them. If a casino in Curacao is not CEG or not a top Crypto Only site then a level of unfairness in some form is to be expected imo.
IMOはそうすべきだと思います。私の取引はギャンブル取引のため拒否されましたが、彼らはLtd e itカード取引でも同じことをし、私がこれについて詐欺訴訟を起こすとすぐにcharegbaxksを提出しました。
IMO there has to be. Mine were declined due to them being gambling transactions yet they done the same with Ltd e it card transactions and then proceeded to file charegbaxks as soon as I made a actionfraud case on this
I promise I will leave this thread as untouched as possible. No intentions to step in if not neccessary. My word on that.
We do appreciate you guys for not deleting this thread.
Also bear in mind that even if someone wins from one of these casinos and they pay out, The player can still chargeback the deposits. Legally the casino cant do absolutely anything as they are not licensed in certain countries. You can basically beat them at their own game. Morally it is not right, however legally they cant do anything.
They are the ones who started the shady practices, lets not forget that.
This is very true and it is definitely important for everyone to remember that the legality side of what is happening is not up to a site moderator, OR anyone in this discussion for that matter. Unless you are a lawyer, or willing to pay for a lawyer then you should just contact your bank, be honest, and leave it up to them to decide whether they help or not. That is what I have done and it seems to have worked. If you do not mention gambling to them, then technically you too are lying. Two wrongs don't make a right. I suspect that most people here would not have even bothered to come to this discussion if they had made profit on their deposits, or paid out any sum when attempting to withdraw.
If people were honest with themselves here, I would say most of you here know what you are doing, and know that you lost the money on your own terms and now want an easy copout. For me, yes I gambled, yes I gave them my personal information. I am purely disputing based off the websites Terms & Conditions which they failed to adhere to. My bank have actually told me specifically that whilst they cannot dispute gambling transactions, they appreciated my honesty and said they would explore other chargeback avenues because I had proof of deposits matching up to the timestamps that show money going to random merchants (and failed withdrawals that never reached my bank). A genuine case, I don't think a lot of you can say the same.
Getting your money back for risk free gambling isn't going to solve the real issue here which is problem gambling/ addiction struggles. If people actually helped themselves and forgot about the money lost, then no one would even use this dodgy websites in the first place and they wouldn't make any money?
Nothing to add. Well said. Thank you very much for your efforts.
All the legal EU sites you cannot sign up to them or US ones so they are doing things correctly operating legally as they should be then you have the sites discussed here operating illegally using dodgy payments to take deposits stealing identities selling on the dark web not paying out when you win big dodgy bonus rounds etc etc making crazy threats to vulnerable people taking hundreds of thousands in a few weeks from people you all know what I mean I could go on all day with more I mean seriously are we meant to believe they are genuine regulated sites !
The Uk is their cash cow that is why they do it ! they have loads of advertising etc online to lure them in plus once they get your details you will not get rid of them I used one site in 8 months and they took £15000 free rolling to me is losing then going back to do it again over and over this is not possible !
100% - 彼らはできる限りそれを続けるでしょう。彼らは全体的にまだ大金を稼いでいるので、チャージバックの % のリスクを受け入れます - このページを見つけられず、£££ を失ったすべての人々のことを考えてみてください。それを行うリスクは彼らにとって結果をはるかに上回り、彼らはそれを搾り取っています。彼らが実際にルールに従っていたら、彼らは数週間で破産するでしょう。なぜなら彼らは良いカジノではなく、ゲームの RTP を 100% 切り替えることができるからです - Casinomeister には、これらのサイトの 1 つが PlayNGo でさまざまな RTP をさまざまな時間にすべて使用していたことを証明した人がいました - それでも最大 RTP を宣伝しています。これらのカウボーイ ライセンスには、それを阻止するルールはありません。
100% - they will continue to do it for as long as they can. They will accept a % risk of chargeback as they are still raking it in overall - think of all the people who have not found this page and have lost £££. The risk of doing it far outweighs the consequences for them and they are milking it. If they actually followed rules they would be bust in weeks because they are not good casinos and 100% able to switch RTP on games - there was someone on Casinomeister that proved one of these sites was using all of the different RTP's at different times on PlayNGo - yet still advertising the max RTP. There are no rules under these cowboy licences to stop it.
n スペインはそうではない。スペイン当局は違法カジノや資格のないカジノの申し立てを受け入れない。
n Spain is unlikely. Spanish authorities do not accept claims of illegal casinos or casinos without a qualifying title
n España es poco probable. Las autoridades españolas no admiten reclamaciones de casino ilegales o sin título habilitante
The saddest part is no one is doing anything because they don’t care or are directly profiting from it.
The UK banks, the UKGC, the payment processors, the card companies, the gaming providers who license the games etc. I try not to think about it too much as I feel let down at every turn.
👏👏👏perfectly summed up ! we all know they are being rigged by the shady people behind them who are using tactics to work problem gamblers in the UK if anyone comes across someone who actually won a lot on these type of site let me know !
スペインは大変です。英国とは違い、より多くの保護とサポートを受けられます。EU に加盟してから数年で少しは変わりましたが、それでもまだ良くはありません。
Spain is hard work its not like the UK we get more protection and support here it has changed a bit over the years since joining the EU but still not great !
This, the amount of emails and texts i get from these sketchy websites is ridiculous, my details have most definitely been passed on. Some of them are most definitely targeting problem gamblers.
Yes Spain has always been a bit tinpot the way the government and police work
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