すべてがいかに腐敗しているかを示しているだけだと思います。ZPDG から返金や返答を受けたことはありますか? 何人かの人がそうしたことがあるのを見ましたが、どうやってそれを実現したのかはわかりません。
just shows how corrupt everything is I guess! Did you ever get a refund or response from ZPDG? I’ve seen a few people have but I don’t know how they managed that!
私は VisionCraft で 5 回購入しましたが、銀行に何と言えばいいのかまったくわかりません。この会社が何をしているのかわかりません。
That's what I'll do then.
Did your bank ask you for more information about the product or service you did not receive?
I have made 5 purchases with VisionCraft and I really don't know what to tell the bank. I don't know what the supposed company does.
Así lo haré entonces.
Tu banco te pidió más información acerca del producto o servicio no recibido?
Yo tengo 5 compras realizadas con VisionCraft y la verdad no sabria que decirle al banco. No sé a qué se dedica la supuesta empresa.
The problem I have is that in Spain, if you tell the bank something about a casino, (even if you are right) forget about the chargeback. They are rubbish.
El problema que tengo es que en España, si al banco le cuentas algo acerca de un casino, (por mucho que tengas razón) olvídate del contracargo. Son una basura
だから私は、受け取っていない商品やサービスに対してチャージバックをしなければならない場合は、まあ... いい言い訳を用意しなければならないと主張しました。残念ですが、そういうことです。
If the banks here did their job properly, I would have no problem telling it like it is.
That's why I insisted that if I have to make a chargeback for goods or services not received, well... You have to come up with a good alibi. It's unfortunate, but that's how it is.
The ideal would be to find the company and see what it does.
Si los bancos aquí hicieran bien su trabajo, no tendría ningún problema en contar las cosas tal y como son.
Por eso insistía en que si tengo que realizar el contracargo por bienes o servicios no recibidos, pues... Tienes que inventar una buena coartada. Es lamentable, pero es así.
Lo ideal sería encontrar a la empresa y ver a qué se dedica
epictipz と lumimexa の連絡先メールアドレスはありますか? オンラインで何も見つけられず、自分で異議を申し立てたいと思っています。
Do you have contact emails for epictipz and lumimexa please? I can’t find anything online and would really like to dispute these myself.
Thanks so much,
残念ながら、ありません。Freshbet を使用しましたか?
I do not, I’m afraid. Did you use Freshbet?
i raised a chargeback with my bank I’ve been told most often or not that these companies never contest the chargeback.
Definitely not they are the biggest scammers they will tell you bought books fabricate fake invoices do not under any circumstances show your face send any iD all they need is card details with didgets 6 In middle out copy of bank statement showing transaction cover up all other transactions your account details and address request a Full Sars Disclosure they have to provide it within 1 month and acknowledge the request promptly .Be very careful with these they can become abusive
They usually have 45 days to dispute sometimes they just say no contest and monies will start appearing in account if visa it's usually 45 days mastercard is 60 days
Just checked this site out there is no licence listed only says its under caracaco red flag they need to show licence details and have a physical address listed on website so players can confirm authentication .Also they don't have a uk gl and need to have one to operate in the uk you can also report to licence authorities but ask them for GDPR request of all transactions deposits they must comply also Violation of miscoding send them this also you will need the link
チャージバックはしましたか? どうやって一度に複数回チャージバックしているのかわかりません。アプリでは一度に 2 回しかチャージバックできません。
Did you do charge backs, I don’t know how people are doing multiple ones in one go, with the app it only lets me do 2 at a time!
You need to either call bank or log into the online account not use app
この件について私が本当に理解できないのは、キュラソー (GCB) と MGA の両方がこの件について知りながら、カジノに対して何も対策を講じていないことです。
One thing i dont really understand about all this is that both Curacao (GCB) and MGA knows about all this and do nothing against that casinos??
Why does they let them do this without any warnings or anything?
They can stop them easy if they want.
Or am i wrong?
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