みなさんこんにちは。最近、SANTANDER と紛争を起こしました。返金前に情報を入手したため、返金されませんでした。
Hi everyone, I’ve have recently done a dispute with SANTANDER. Not had a refund because they get information before a refund.
Buy I got a message today saying my account has been restricted, I rang SANTANDER up and they said they couldn’t help me but a investigator was going to ring me.
I am really worry why would this be?? Because I’ve not recieved any refund back from SANTANDER.
Has anyone experienced this??
Restrictions can be put in place for many reasons mostly to protect the security of an account. By charging back these amounts you have nothing to worry about. Hopefully they sort it for you soon.
Tell them to bring it on. They can’t report you for fraud when you are the one who’s been scammed.
Santeda に関して、きっと面白いと思う人がいるだろう話があります。私は GoldenBet と争っていて、法的手続きを開始したことを彼らに伝え、昨日の夕方に銀行に連絡しました。まだ閉鎖を依頼していないので、Rolletto と CosmoBet の両方にアカウントがあります (入金は停止されていますが、ただ監視したいだけです)。今朝、両方のアカウントにログインしましたが、問題ありませんでした。約 1 時間前に GoldenBet (ご存知のあのメール) から、一般的な利用規約の退屈なメールを受け取りました。CB と Rolletto にログインすると、なんと両方のアカウントが、利用規約のセクション 9 と 10 に違反したために閉鎖されていました (複数のアカウントを持つこと、詐欺行為に関するくだらないメッセージ)。そして、「アカウントを閉鎖することもできます (笑)」という皮肉なメッセージが。法的措置を取ると脅すと永久禁止になるのに、Mystake にギャンブル中毒者だと言ったら、その情報を伝えなかったのはおかしいです。彼らが嘘つきだという証拠はもう必要ありませんでしたが、これはそれを完全に裏付けています。これらのブロックが、彼ら側での後退に関する何らかの動きの兆候であることを期待していますが、それは疑わしいです。
Heres one im sure some people will get a kick out of regarding Santeda. I am in a dispute with GoldenBet and i informed them that ive started legal proceedings and contacted my bank yesterday evening. I still have accounts with both Rolletto and CosmoBet as i didnt ask them to be closed yet. (Deposits turned off, just wanted to keep an eye out on them) logged on both accounts this morning fine. Got the generic T&C boring email from GoldenBet (you know the one) around an hour ago. Go to log onto CB and Rolletto and low and behold both accounts are closed due to violation of section 9 and 10 of their T&Cs (some dog about having more than one account, fraudulent activity) and then the zinger "we can just close your account cause lol". Funny how when i threaten legal action im perma banned yet when i told Mystake i was a gambling addict they failed to pass that info along. Didnt need anymore proof that they are liars but this absolutely confirms it. Hoping that the blocks are a sign of some movement on their end regarding some regress but i doubt it.
こんにちは。Dsservltd について教えていただけますか?
Hi, Could you please help me with Dsservltd?
My email is juakycc17@gmail.com
GENGURU と連絡が取れましたか? どこにも見つかりません。
Did you manage to contact GENGURU? I can't find him anywhere.
Thanks in advance.
I emailed a couple emails, but no reply.. I hit a dead end too!
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The casino or who?
is from October 24th almost 6000€ paid always to different companies
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I contacted the casino and requested a refund. Let's see what happens.
Dem Casino oder wem ?
ist von Oktober 24. knapp 6000€ eingezahlt immer an verschieden unternehmen
cd key Store talinn
Quillessay budapest
Cracc Prague cz
ich habe das Casino kontaktiert und eine Rückzahlung beantragt mal sehen was passiert.
Could you tell me what email address you used to contact them?
In case they don't reply, at least I'll have proof for my bank that I tried to contact them.
Thanks in advance
So I was seeing all the casinos that I'd wrote to in the past about gambling addiction and stuff and low and behold one of my accounts was open. Funny enough there was no option to check transactions! I told them I was going to see a lawyer about what they've been up to as I had asked them to exclude my account for good because of serious gambling habit and why was it still open even after asking them for refunds to be told no months ago! This one isn't santeda look at the response you cant exclude through live chat either you have to email the manager and often don't get a response! I did the same with Mrsloty and it's never ever been closed or replied to!
It’s the same as falcora finance that just shows as terrvers for card transactions
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