こんにちは、こんばんは。いくつか質問があります。質問でご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありません。私のケースでカジノ側が声明を出さなければ、私の苦情は未解決のままとなり、お金は戻ってきません。もう 1 つ、カジノ側が情報を提供してくれれば、私は情報にアクセスできます。友人のアンダーソンのケースも見ましたが、このケースは時間を稼ごうとしているだけです。
Hello, good evening. I have some questions. Sorry if I bother you with these questions. If the casino doesn't make a statement in my case, my complaint will still be unresolved, and I won't get my money back. The other thing is that if the casino does provide any information, I'll have access. I've also seen the case of our friend Anderson, and the case is just stalling, trying to buy time.
Hola buenas noches, tengo algunas dudas disculpe si molesto con estas pregunta, si en mi caso el casino no se pronuncia igual mi queja queda sin resolver y no recuperaría mi dinero? Lo otro es que si el casino llega a proporcionar alguna información yo tendré acceso, porque también he visto el caso del amigo Anderson y el caso solo le da largas al plazo como ganando tiempo
私から見ると、カジノは時間を稼ごうとしているわけではないようです。つまり、少なくとも解決に参加するふりをしているということです... 私の言いたいことがおわかりいただけたでしょうか。カジノはもっと効率的であるべきだと私は思いますが。
Good day to you! Ask us anytime, no bothering at all!
It appears the casino has been given a second chance to address your complaint in order to find the solution, which makes you concerned about the complaint's end. Well, so to say, my colleagues always try to stress the importance of cooperation, but if the casino representative decides to ignore that, the complaint might end as unresolved. Not sure what you mean by the second concern, though. In any case, even an unresolved case may still play its role.
Not just that, based on its severity, the Safety Index may drop, but also, if the casino wants to improve its rating in the future, it will be forced to address the complaint, so there is a chance that your complaint will be resolved at a later date.
To me, it seems the casino is not exactly trying to buy time; that would mean they at least pretend to participate in the resolution.... if you catch my drift. Although I agree they should be more efficient.
This absence of cooperation feels strange to me, because I considered this casino to be quite active. Well, hopefully there is not another communication outside the thread and we shall see some updates soon.
Thank you very much for your information, very kind.
Muchas gracias por su información, muy amable.
2 番目の疑問は、カジノが持っているとされる証拠を電子メールで送信した場合、問題の一部であるあなたがその証拠を目にすることになるかもしれないということです。
The second question is that if the casino sends the evidence it allegedly has by email, you, as part of the problem, might end up seeing that evidence.
La segunda duda, es que si el casino manda al correo las evidencias que presuntamente puede tener, uno como parte del problema puede llegar a ver dichas evidencias.
2 番目の疑問は、カジノが持っているとされる証拠を電子メールで送信した場合、問題の一部であるあなたがその証拠を目にすることになるかもしれないということです。
The second question is that if the casino sends the evidence it allegedly has by email, you, as part of the problem, might end up seeing that evidence.
La segunda duda, es que si el casino manda al correo las evidencias que presuntamente puede tener, uno como parte del problema puede llegar a ver dichas evidencias.
Hello, I believe that the evidence will not be provided, there have been other complaints that the user asked for the evidence and did not receive it, the answer was that the evidence would help the player to circumvent the rules of the casinos.
ola, acredito que não vai ser fornecidas as evidencias, teve outras reclamações que o usuario pediu as evidencias e não recebeu, a resposta foi que as evidencias ajudaria o jogador a burlar as regras dos cassinos
But this is the issue, we would be in a gray area, since it is neither black nor white, in the sense that they accuse you without evidence and when it arrives you still do not have the right to see it, so I think we are in the same situation, because that could lead to some kind of scam, of course I am not saying that is the case.
Pero este es el tema, estaríamos en un punto gris, ya que no es ni blanco ni negro, en el sentido que te acusan sin pruebas y cuando llegan igualmente no tienes derecho a verlas entonces pienso que estamos en la misma, debo a que eso se puede prestas para alguna estafa, claro no digo que sea el caso.
2 番目の疑問は、カジノが持っているとされる証拠を電子メールで送信した場合、問題の一部であるあなたがその証拠を目にすることになるかもしれないということです。
The second question is that if the casino sends the evidence it allegedly has by email, you, as part of the problem, might end up seeing that evidence.
La segunda duda, es que si el casino manda al correo las evidencias que presuntamente puede tener, uno como parte del problema puede llegar a ver dichas evidencias.
The point of asking the proofs is those proofs are to be directly shared with the mediator in order to proceed to conclusion. It has never been enough to say, "we know we are right, and we won't provide any proofs," by any casino.
My colleagues use many other ways to get details from casinos, not just emails, although I do not know whether this is also a subject of your question.
Hello, I believe that the evidence will not be provided, there have been other complaints that the user asked for the evidence and did not receive it, the answer was that the evidence would help the player to circumvent the rules of the casinos.
ola, acredito que não vai ser fornecidas as evidencias, teve outras reclamações que o usuario pediu as evidencias e não recebeu, a resposta foi que as evidencias ajudaria o jogador a burlar as regras dos cassinos
ここでの苦情を何とか特定してもらえませんか? 少なくとも一緒に詳細を見ることはできます。
If I may, the evidence can't always be shared with the user; in such cases, that's sadly part of the process. Although, I probably did not understand "the evidence would help the player to circumvent the rules of the casinos."
Can you somehow identify the complaint here, please? We can at least look at details together.
ここでの苦情を何とか特定してもらえませんか? 少なくとも一緒に詳細を見ることはできます。
If I may, the evidence can't always be shared with the user; in such cases, that's sadly part of the process. Although, I probably did not understand "the evidence would help the player to circumvent the rules of the casinos."
Can you somehow identify the complaint here, please? We can at least look at details together.
こんにちは、Radka。私は他の苦情を確認しましたが、調停人の答えは、ユーザーに証拠を見せないというものでした。そうすれば、カジノのルールを回避する方法がわかるからです。しかし、要点は、調停人がカジノに有利な決定を下す前に、私と他のユーザーがカジノの告発に対して自分たちを弁護できるようにしたいということです。なぜなら、現時点では、カジノが言及している規則 9.7 は多くのことをカバーしており、私は自分が間違いを犯していないと確信しているからです。私の苦情は分析中です。ID 148980 をフォローしたい場合は、
hello Radka, I looked at other complaints and the mediator's answer would be that he would not show the evidence to the user, because this way he would know how to circumvent the casino's rules, but the whole point is that I and the other users would like to be able to defend ourselves against the casino's accusations before the mediator makes a decision, favorable to the casino, because at the moment we do not know exactly what we are being accused of, because the rule that the casino mentions 9.7 covers a lot of things and I am absolutely sure that I have not made a mistake, my complaint is under analysis if you want to follow ID 148980
ola Radka, eu olhei outras reclamações e a resposta do mediador seria que não mostraria as evidenicias, para o usuario, pois desta forma ele saberia como burlar as regras do cassino, mas a questão toda e que eu o os outros usuarios gostariamos de poder nos defender das acusações do cassino antes de o mediador tomar uma decisão, favoravel ao cassino, pois no momento não sabemos exatamente do que estamos sendo acusado, pois a regra que o cassino menciona 9.7 abrange muita coisa e eu tenho certeza absoluta que não cometi erro algum, minha reclamação esta em analise se quiser acompanhar ID 148980
こんにちは、すみません、もう 1 つ質問があります。たとえば、私のケースである 1win カジノが一定期間を経て証拠を提示しない場合、請求された金額を返金する必要がありますか? 義務ではないことはわかっていますが、返金を要求されるのでしょうか?
Hi, excuse me, I have another question. If, for example, the 1win casino, which is the one in my case, goes through a period of time and doesn't present evidence, should they return the money being claimed? We know it's not mandatory, but would they be required to?
Hola, disculpe tengo otra duda, si por ejemplo el casino de 1win q es el q está en mi caso, le pasa el tiempo y no presenta pruebas, ellos deberías regresar el dinero que se esté reclamando? Sabemos que no es obligación pero estaría en el deber ?
こんにちは、Radka。私は他の苦情を確認しましたが、調停人の答えは、ユーザーに証拠を見せないというものでした。そうすれば、カジノのルールを回避する方法がわかるからです。しかし、要点は、調停人がカジノに有利な決定を下す前に、私と他のユーザーがカジノの告発に対して自分たちを弁護できるようにしたいということです。なぜなら、現時点では、カジノが言及している規則 9.7 は多くのことをカバーしており、私は自分が間違いを犯していないと確信しているからです。私の苦情は分析中です。ID 148980 をフォローしたい場合は、
hello Radka, I looked at other complaints and the mediator's answer would be that he would not show the evidence to the user, because this way he would know how to circumvent the casino's rules, but the whole point is that I and the other users would like to be able to defend ourselves against the casino's accusations before the mediator makes a decision, favorable to the casino, because at the moment we do not know exactly what we are being accused of, because the rule that the casino mentions 9.7 covers a lot of things and I am absolutely sure that I have not made a mistake, my complaint is under analysis if you want to follow ID 148980
ola Radka, eu olhei outras reclamações e a resposta do mediador seria que não mostraria as evidenicias, para o usuario, pois desta forma ele saberia como burlar as regras do cassino, mas a questão toda e que eu o os outros usuarios gostariamos de poder nos defender das acusações do cassino antes de o mediador tomar uma decisão, favoravel ao cassino, pois no momento não sabemos exatamente do que estamos sendo acusado, pois a regra que o cassino menciona 9.7 abrange muita coisa e eu tenho certeza absoluta que não cometi erro algum, minha reclamação esta em analise se quiser acompanhar ID 148980
I see, thank you.
As I previously stated, we are not permitted to share evidence that the casino provided because it could be abused to cover actions that violate casino rules. Maybe this analogy will be useful: Police also do not tell every suspect how they investigate them or how the "elimination" process works. This is the same situation; by uncovering the process and the evidence, others may misuse that.
I understand it is not convenient for players, but I believe it makes sense.
Of course, I will gladly stay in touch regarding your complaint; update me here on the forum, please. Hope to see the casino's response very soon!
こんにちは、すみません、もう 1 つ質問があります。たとえば、私のケースである 1win カジノが一定期間を経て証拠を提示しない場合、請求された金額を返金する必要がありますか? 義務ではないことはわかっていますが、返金を要求されるのでしょうか?
Hi, excuse me, I have another question. If, for example, the 1win casino, which is the one in my case, goes through a period of time and doesn't present evidence, should they return the money being claimed? We know it's not mandatory, but would they be required to?
Hola, disculpe tengo otra duda, si por ejemplo el casino de 1win q es el q está en mi caso, le pasa el tiempo y no presenta pruebas, ellos deberías regresar el dinero que se esté reclamando? Sabemos que no es obligación pero estaría en el deber ?
私の考えに従ってください。カジノが事件を解決しないことを決定したり、自分たちの見解を裏付ける十分な証拠を提供しない場合、それはそのカジノが Casino Guru のウェブサイトでの評判に興味がないことを意味するので、私たちがあなたに代わって何を要求しても実際には問題ではありません。基本的にそれで終わりです。苦情の目的は、カジノが不公平なことをしたかどうか、したがってプレーヤーに支払いをすべきかどうかを調べることだと私は信じています。
I think I understand the question, but I guess the situation would be quite different.
Follow my thoughts: If any casino decides not to resolve the case or not to provide sufficient evidence supporting their point of view, it pretty much means such a casino is not interested in its reputation here at the Casino Guru website, so it does not actually matter what we demand on your behalf. That would basically be the end. I believe the purpose of the complaint is to find out whether the casino did something unfair and thus whether the player should be paid.
Basically, an ignored complaint does not necessarily mean the player's claims are fair unless something like that can be proved straight away. Yet being familiar with only one side of the story may not be enough to judge. Instead, it pretty much means the casino is not going to explain its position.
I believe we all feel that allowing casinos to ignore players without reasonable explanation is not a practice we would support; ignored or unresolved complaints come with consequences.
Well, apologies for the rather long answer, but I think it is beneficial to explain such matters openly.
Good morning, I think you are confusing things there, when you give the example of the Police, because while it is true that they do not reveal all the evidence they have when they arrest a suspect, but then comes the trial process of that detainee where the police do have to show their evidence to reach the charge of the Crime, because it would be unfair to sentence the detainee just because the police provoked them and did not present evidence, that is what is happening with us, the police are the casino, and the court is here, when no evidence is shown, those points remain empty, I tell you all this because I am a scientific police officer in my country, it is like saying that I am the FBI in the United States, in comparison.
Buenos días, allí creo q confunden las cosas, cuando das el ejemplo de la Policía, debido a que si bien es cierto ellos no dicen toda las pruebas que tienen cuando arrestan a un sospechoso, pero, después viene el proceso de juicio de ese detenido donde la policía si tiene que mostrar sus pruebas para llegar a imputar el Delito, porque sería injusto que sentencie al detenido solo porque la policía le provocó y no presento pruebas, eso es lo que está pasando con nosotros, la policía es el casino, y el tribunal es aquí, cuando no se muestran pruebas, igualmente quedan esos puntos vacíos, todo esto te lo digo porque soy policía científico en mi país es como decir que soy el FBI en estado Unidos, en comparación.
私もあなたとよく似た問題を抱えています。ソーシャル ネットワークを通じてあなたと話をしたいと思っています。話し合いのために、あなたのメール アドレスまたは Facebook ユーザー名を共有していただけるかどうかわかりません。ここでプライベート メッセージを送信する方法が見つからないため、ここに書き込むことにしました。
Hello Giovanni, nice to meet you, friend.
I have a very similar problem to yours. I'd like to talk to you through a social network. I don't know if you'd like to share your email or Facebook user name so we can talk about it. I can't find a way to send a private message here, so I decided to write here.
Hola Giovanni un gusto amigo
Tengo un problema muy similar al tuyo me gustaría hablar contigo mediante alguna red social, no se si me compartes tu correo o usuario de fb para que conversemos sobre el tema, no encuentro como enviar un mensaje privado por acá y se me ocurrió escribir por aquí.
Nice to know you even better. Must be quite a challenging job, I guess. Still, the principle remains more or less the same - you may also take your case to trial and the casino will be forced to present the proofs. We are not just the trial tribunal—we do not represent the highest authority. Instead, we tried to help the player in question, which was not possible.
In any case, I'm glad the casino responded back to your own complaint. Let's see what they have.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com