ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、24slots Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
では、Casino Guru の登録ユーザーがレビュー公開の同日または前日に行ったレビューは、信頼できると見なされるのでしょうか?その後、Katasep、Rabiji、Tagiwa、Rajira がカジノ グルに参加し、ランダムに評価された 24 スロット カジノの 4 つすべてが同じ日にほぼ同じ言葉で評価されました。これらはいくつかの素晴らしい偶然です!それはすべて今戻ってきます..
So are reviews made by registered users of Casino guru the same day or the day before the publication of the review to be considered reliable? Katasep, Rabiji, Tagiwa, Rajira then joined Casino guru and all four randomly rated 24slots casino same day identically r almost same words. These are some nice coincidences! It all comes back now..
Quindi le recensioni fatte da utenti iscritti a Casino guru lo stesso giorno o il giorno prima della pubblicazione della recensione sono da ritenersi attendibili? Katasep, Rabiji, Tagiwa, Rajira quindi si sono iscritti a Casino guru e tutti e quattro casualmente hanno valutato il casinò 24slots lo stesso giorno in modo identico r quasi con le stesse parole. Queste sì che sono delle belle coincidenze! Tutto torna ora..
こんにちは、これを指摘してくれてありがとう。それらは信頼できると考えられていますが、2 週間以内にリリースされる大きな変更を既に準備しています。これらの変更は 2 週間以内に有効になります。すべてのレビューに個別の値を割り当てます。つまり、プレーヤーの履歴と当サイトでの全体的な活動が、カジノ ユーザーの全体的な評価に対するレビューの影響に影響を与えることを意味します。
ここであなたが言及したすべてのレビューを調べました。そのうちの 2 件は非常に疑わしいと思われますが、確実に拒否できるようにするには、さらに多くのデータを確認する必要があります。私たちは常にいくつかのレビューに戻って、カジノとそのレビューについて得た新しいデータに基づいてさかのぼってそれらを拒否します.たとえば、先週、1 つのカジノについて約 15 件の肯定的なレビューを却下しました。これは、どのレビューが偽物で、どのレビューが本物であるかについてより良いイメージを作成するのに役立つ十分なデータを最終的に得たからです。
また、偽のレビューを受けるカジノはさまざまな戦略を使用していることも考慮する必要があります。肯定的なレビューと引き換えに、ボーナスを提供して実際のプレーヤーをやる気にさせる人もいます。従業員に定期的にレビューを書くように頼む人もいれば、定期的に偽のレビューを書く人が 1 人しかいない人もいます。これは非常に困難で複雑なプロセスであり、1 年半前に導入して以来、ユーザー レビュー システムを改善してきました。
とにかく、「検証済みのレビュー」と呼べるものができるようになるところまで行きたいと思います。これらのレビューは、実際にカジノでプレイしたことを示す証拠を提供するプレイヤーによって提供されます。偽のレビューの問題はどこにでもあります。 Google マップに表示されるレストランのレビューも信用できません。企業にお金を払ってレビューを書いてもらうことができます。レビューは新規ユーザーではなく、「ローカル ガイド」としてマークされたユーザーによって書かれます 😕
Hi, thank you for pointing this out. They are considered to be reliable, but we already prepared big changes that will be released within 2 weeks. Those changes will be active within 2 weeks. We're going to assign every single review an individual value. That means the player's history and overall activity on our website will influence the review's impact on the overall casino user rating.
I went through all the reviews you mentioned here. I see 2 of them as very suspicious, but I would need to see more data in order to be sure that I can reject them. We constantly get back to some reviews and reject them retroactively based on the new data that we get about the casino and their reviews. For example last week, I rejected around 15 positive reviews for a single casino, only because I finally got enough data that helped us to make a better image about which reviews are fake and which reviews are genuine.
You also need to take into account that casinos who get fake reviews use different strategies. Some motivate real players with bonuses in exchange for the positive reviews. Some ask their employees to write reviews regularly, other have just 1 person who writes the fake reviews on a regular basis, others mix everything mentioned together. It's a really tough and complicated process and we've been improving the user reviews system since we introduced it 1,5 years ago.
Anyway, I'd like to reach the point where we'll have something that we can call "verified reviews". Those reviews would be provided by players who'll provide us a proof showing that they really played in the casino. The problem with fake reviews is everywhere. You can't even trust the restaurant's reviews you see on Google maps. You can pay companies for writing the reviews for you and they won't be written by new users, but by users marked as "the local guide" as well 😕
あなたが「疑わしい」と呼んだ 2 つのレビューは残り、これらに類似した別の事実も承認しました。カジノライセンスのような偽のレビュー.
Forget it.
The two reviews you called "suspicious" remained and you also approved another fac similar to these. Fake reviews like casino license.
Come non detto.
Le due recensioni che hai definito "sospette" sono rimaste e inoltre ne avete approvata un altra fac simile a queste. Recensioni false come la licenza del casinò.
記事全体を読んだら、きっとこんなことは言わないでしょう。 🙂
ダニエルは、このプロセスがどのように機能するか、また、偏りのないレビューと偽のレビューを区別する実際の問題に直面する理由を説明しました。わざと 2 つのピースをそこに残すと思いますか?ちょうどそのように?
代わりにヒントを教えてください。いくつかの 2 つのレビュー (どのレビューのことかわかりません) が偽物であると 100% 確信していますか?信じられないかもしれませんが、何らかの証拠があれば幸いです。
つい最近、新しいメールが設定されました。ご自由にお使いください: community@casino.guru
Ahhh, carsix79.🙏
If you read the whole post, I'm sure you wouldn't say this. 🙂
Daniel explained how the process works and why we face a real issue distinguishing fake reviews for unbiased ones. Do you think we would leave two pieces there on purpose? Just like that?
How about giving us a hint instead? Are you 100% sure some two (I do not know which reviews you're talking about) reviews are faked? We'd love to see some proof, believe it or not, we'd appreciate that.
Just recently a new email has been set up, feel free to use it: community@casino.guru
Help us deal with fakes if you can.
ラバでさえ、同じ日に (または前日に) 単一のカジノをレビューするために登録した疑似プレイヤーによるレビューが、まったく同じフレーズを使用していることを理解しています (「お金は問題なく迅速に引き出されました」は誤りです)。
Even a mule understands that the reviews made by pseudo players who registered the same day (or the day before) to review a single casino and also use the exact same phrase ("the money was withdrawn quickly and without problems" are false ").
Then writing that support responds quickly when they never replied to me via email and blocked my chat is ridiculous.
At least they were smart to write them so as not to clearly understand that they are fake.
Lo capisce anche un mulo che sono false le recensioni fatte da pseudo giocatori che si sono registrati il giorno stesso (o il giorno prima) per recensire un unico casinò e utilizzano pure la stessa identica frase ("il denaro è stato prelevato rapidamente e senza problemi").
Poi scrivere che il supporto risponde rapidamente quando a me non hanno mai risposto via mail e mi hanno bloccato la chat è ridicolo.
Almeno fossero intelligenti da scriverle in modo da non far capire palesemente che sono fake.
私はあなたのラバを気にしません 😀.
とにかく、この文は確実なヒントを提供していると思います。これらのレビューが偽物であると 100% 確信しているわけではありません... 🙂
Carsix79, you obviously missed I'm interested to see concrete examples.
I don't care about your mule 😀.
So, I'll make it short this time: Can you state any concrete examples?
Anyway, I guess this sentence provides a solid hint, you are not 100% sure those reviews are fake... 🙂
"At least they were smart to write them so as not to clearly understand that they are fake."
What is your point, I wonder?
しかし、このカジノの最後の 3 つのレビューを読みましたか?特に、最後から 2 番目と最後から 2 番目は?
But have you read the last 3 reviews of this casino? In particular the penultimate and the antepenultimate?
Your colleague Daniel also wrote that there are some suspicious reviews about this casino. It seems you're the one who doesn't want to understand..
Ma le hai lette le ultime 3 recensioni di questo casinò? In particolare la penultima e la terzultima?
Anche il tuo collega Daniel ha scritto che ci sono delle recensioni sospette su questo casinò. Sembra che sia tu quello che non vuole capire..
よし、これで具体的なヒントが得られた - ありがとう。
ダニエルが述べたように、「あなたがここで言及したすべてのレビューを調べました。そのうちの 2 件は非常に疑わしいと思われますが、それらを拒否できることを確認するには、さらにデータを確認する必要があります。私たちは常にいくつかのレビューに戻って、カジノとそのレビューについて得た新しいデータに基づいて、それらをさかのぼって拒否します。」
Fine, now we have a concrete tip - thanks.
Still, without proof, we can't just deliberately delete or reject reviews. This is a point you keep ignoring. We must responsibly, always keeping in mind the reason for rejecting must be solid and plain.
As Daniel mentioned "I went through all the reviews you mentioned here. I see 2 of them as very suspicious, but I would need to see more data in order to be sure that I can reject them. We constantly get back to some reviews and reject them retroactively based on the new data that we get about the casino and their reviews."
Can you now understand suspicion is not equal to proof? Daniel already said that, so I'm not the one who is out.
Just be reasonable, please.🙏
Anyway, those are the last two:
みなさんこんにちは。このカジノでの支払いはどうですか? 速いですか? アカウントに問題を引き起こしていますか? 何か他のことを確認すべきでしょうか、それとも最初の引き出し時に求められる確認で十分でしょうか?
Hello everyone, how are the payments with this casino? Are they fast? Are they causing problems for the account? Do I want to check something else or is the verification it asks for on the first withdrawal enough??
Salve a tutti, come sono i pagamenti con questo casino’ sono veloci??fanno dei problemi per l’account voglio verificare altro oppure basta la verifica che chiede al primo prelievo??
まず、少し警告から始めさせてください。このカジノは、当社の方法論的レビューによると、信頼できるカジノではありません。 結果を見てみましょう👈
Hello, Claudioro78!
May I start with a little warning? You see, this specific casino is not among the trustworthy ones, based on our methodological review. Just take a look on the results 👈
I consider these warnings to be quite a good answer to your question:
"Very high value of withheld winnings in player complaints in relation to the casino's size"
"We consider the casino's T&Cs to be unfair"
Well, I suggest you follow the feature "recommended casinos" to stay within safe borders. What do you think about it?
Hello everyone
how do you rate this casino?
I made a withdrawal and they did the initial verification (documents, photos, Carta3, etc.)
but I'm afraid they're trying everything they can to avoid paying the winnings.
I say this because everything happened to me with another casino.
I also ask you what the payment times are??
I started an online chat with the casino but they didn't give me a time when the payment is processed by another institution
Salve a tutti
come considerate questo casinò?
ho fatto un prelievo mi hanno fatto la verifica iniziale (documenti,foto carta3ecc)
ma ho paura che cercano l’impossibile per non pagare la vincita.
dico questo perché con un altro casinò mi è successo di tutto.
inoltre vi chiedo quali sono i tempi di pagamento??
Ho avviato una chat online con il casinò ma non mi hanno dato un tempo in quanti il pagamento viene processato da un altro istituto
こんにちは。Radka さんがすでにあなたの質問に答え、なぜこのカジノを選ぶべきではないのかを完璧に説明しているのがわかりました。
Hi, I see that Radka already answered your questions and gave perfect arguments why you probably should not choose this casino.
Regarding the verification, did you pass it successfully ? What payment method did you use to withdraw ?
Thank you for your warning but unfortunately I had already been playing with these casinos for a few days.
In addition to the initial documentation, they also looked for my bank statement where the winnings could be credited.
they replied that everything is ok and that the winnings are being processed/paid.
I currently have to collect 2k on two withdrawals.
I hope I didn't do something stupid and that the payment is short.
will update
Thank you
Vi ringrazio per il vostro avvertimento ma purtroppo era da qualche giorno che già giocavo con questi casinò.
mi hanno cercato oltre alla documentazione iniziale anche estratto conto della banca dove accreditare la vincita.
mi hanno risposto che è tutto ok e che la vincita è in fase di elaborazione/pagamento.
attualmente devo riscuotere 2k su due prelievi.
spero che non ho fatto una stupidaggine e che il pagamento sia breve.
vi aggiorno
だから、あなたが私に何を言うか待っています。 🙂
Thanks for the useful additional information. I will be glad if you update me also in the context of whether you got the withdrawals or not. I see that the verification was successful which is important and now there should be no problem to make a withdrawal.
So I will wait for what you tell me. 🙂
The money was successfully deposited about a week ago.
Now I'm going to tell you about a new problem I'm having.
two days ago I recharged my account with a cashback voucher, I played little by little and withdrew what I was allowed, but in the end I had no more real money but I still got to have 4k in casino bonuses.
With this money now, how will it end?
il denaro è stato correttamente depositato circa una settimana fa.
ora vi espongo un nuovo problema che sto avendo.
due giorni fa ho ricaricato il conto con un buono cashback, ho giocato mano mano ritiravo quello che mi era consentito, ma alla fine di soldi reali non avevo più nulla ma sono comunque arrivato ad avere 4k in bonus casinò.
Con questi soldi ora come andrà a finire??
4k はボーナスマネーだと正しく理解しましたか? 実際のお金を得るには、まだいくつかの条件を満たす必要がありますか? おそらくそれが私が知りたいことです。不明な点がある場合は、必ずサポートに問い合わせてください。サポートが回答できるはずです。
Did I understand correctly that 4k is bonus money yes ? Do you still need to meet some conditions to get into real money ? That's probably what I'm trying to find out. If something is not clear to you, be sure to ask support because they should be able to answer you.
Feel free to tell me what they told you afterwards.
I entered this casino 24slots and I was playing and I was making several deposits but when it came time to make the withdrawal it was not approved and I was in the live chat and they sent me an email requesting some documents and I provided them and the review passed but the withdrawal passed 24 hours and it was not made and I requested another withdrawal again and 48 hours passed and it also just did not come out of the request for review and I cancelled it again and made another one and it is the same but the withdrawal is not made, really it is not nice that when one makes the payment no details arise to do it but to make withdrawals they are not made
entre a este casino 24slots y estuve jugando y estuve asiendo barios depósitos pero ya al momento de aser el retiro pues no se aprobo y estuve en el chat en vivo y me mandaron email solicitando algunos documentos y selos proporcione y paso la revisión pero el retiro pasaron 24 y no se iso y volví a solisitar otro retiro y pasaron 48 oras y también solo no salía de solicitud en revisión y lo bolbi a cancelar y bolvi aser otro y es la misma nomas no se realiza el retiro la vvd no es gusto que cuando uno ase el pago no surge ningún detalle ara aserloo pero para aser retiros sola mente no se asen
私が提案できる唯一のことは、引き出しを行い、二度と触れずにそのままにしておくことです。これらは 48 時間後に処理されます。重要なのは、チェックに合格したことです。
At the beginning I also had my doubts, but in the end the payments were all made after reviewing my account.
the only thing i can suggest is to do the withdrawal and leave it there without touching it again, these will be processed after 48 hours, the important thing is that you have passed the check.
all'inizio ho avuto anche io i miei dubbi,però alla fine i pagamenti sono stati tutti effettuati sempre dopo revisione del mio account.
l'unica cosa che posso suggerire è di fare il prelievo e lasciarlo lì non toccandolo più, questi verranno elaborati dopo 48 ore, l’importante che tu abbia superato il controllo.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com