ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、30 Bet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
最近このカジノでプレイして、お金を勝ち取りました。出金をリクエストし、必須書類をアップロードした後、2 時間以内に銀行口座にお金が入金されました。
I recently played at this casino and won some money. Requested a withdrawal, and after uploading the mandatory documents, I had the money on my bank account within 2 hours!
共有していただきありがとうございます。他の人が簡単に見つけられるように、そのような速度はユーザーレビューにも記載されるべきだと思います。 🤔。このアイデアが気に入ったら、このリンクを試してみてください 👈
Whoa! I imagine this is exactly what we need to know!
Thank you for sharing. I'd say such speed should also be mentioned in user review, so others may find it easily. 🤔. If you like the idea, try this link 👈
こんにちは、この情報をどうやって知りましたか? もちろん、データチームに確認します。そうであれば、必ず変更します。ここでプレイしたかったのに、登録できなかったのですか?
Hello, how did you find out this information ? Of course I will check with our data team and if this is the case they will surely change it. You wanted to play here and you couldn't register ?
支払いを回避するために KYC を延期する戦術が 1 か月間継続されました。
VIP マネージャーと何度も話し合った結果、彼らは書類が確実に通過し、すべてが順調であることを確認しました。
私は、自分が行った 3 回の暗号通貨入金すべてのスクリーンショットを、取引 ID、日付、金額とともに送信しました。すべての入金に関する情報がすべてそこにありました。
私が経験したことをすべて書き出すと一日中かかるので、これはおそらく全体の 15 ~ 20% です。
彼らは私に書類を要求します。その書類が入手不可能なはずであれば、私は時間をかけて説明しなければなりません。すると彼らは私に別のものを要求します。彼らはこれを繰り返し、止む気配がありません。私は彼らに非常に多くの書類を送り、メールやチャットで少なくとも 60 ~ 80 回は彼らと話をしました。私は今すぐ助けが必要です。彼らは私のアカウントを閉鎖し、資金を没収すると脅しています。私は彼らが要求した書類をすべて提供しましたが、それでも彼らは私にお金を払ってくれません。
Refusing to pay out 28k$
Hello, I need help.
I have been going back and forth with 30bet since the 10th of July - it is now about to be the 10th of August.
A month of continuous KYC delaying tactics to avoid payment.
I made 3 crypto deposits on their website.
They asked me for the normal stuff in the beginning; my ID and proof of address.
I uploaded the documents on their website, I sent it to them in their customer chat and I emailed them the documents.
Even after this they had to ask me for the documents three more times. They have no control.
After I spoke with VIP managers multiple times they made sure the documents got through and everything was fine.
They then asked me to take a selfie with my ID which I sent in.
They declined payment.
After that they wanted me to prove the crypto deposits.
I sent them screenshots of ALL three of the crypto deposits I made, with the transaction ID, date and amount. All the info on all the deposits was there.
They didn't accept that.
They wanted a "BANK statement" showing all the deposits.
A *bank* statement showing crypto deposits.
A type of document that doesn't exist.
Once that was explained to them and they understood that, they declined payment again.
Then they asked me to prove my source of funds.
I sent them my annual tax statements and winnings from another casino.
Declined payment again.
At this point I have proven my identity, my proof of address, my crypto deposits and sources of funds.
Now they tell me: "Full bank statement from June-July 2024 showing the deposits made to our platform."
A bank statement to prove crypto deposits, again. I have already sent them documents proving the deposits, documents which they accepted. After they accepted the documents they asked for other documents, and now they go back asking for the same stuff in a different way.
I could not write everything I have had to go through as I would be here all day. This is maybe 15-20% of everything.
They ask me for a document. If that document shouldn't be possible to get, I have to spend time explaining that to them. Then they ask me for something else. They keep doing this and are not stopping. I have sent them so many documents and talked with them between 60-80 times at least across mail/chat. I need help now. They are threatening to close my account and confiscate funds. I have provided all the documents that they have asked for and still they refuse to pay me my money.
こんにちは。あなたの状況を読みました。あなたが置かれている状況に同情します。カジノがまったく意味不明な書類を要求し続けるのは異常だと思いますが、 苦情を申し立てたことであなたは良い一歩を踏み出したと思います。
Hello, I have read your situation and I am sorry for the situation you find yourself in. it seems abnormal to me if the casino keeps asking you for a document that makes absolutely no sense and you have made a good step by filing a complaint.
Verification can be a lengthy process but it certainly shouldn't be like this and definitely shouldn't be when you've supplied everything necessary and cooperated. So let's see if our team can help you, and I firmly believe that they will, to get your money.
If there is any change, be sure to let me know.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞
The casino looks good before register. Sadly they have the same problem with new users who do not have cellphone line.
I had reached customer service to find an alternative way to finish the registration and try the casino. But computer saids no.
こんにちは。登録時にカジノから番号を求められませんでしたか? もしそうなら、それは今ではよくあることなので、代わりに何が使えるのかわかりません。そして、ロボットが、番号なしでは先に進めないと書いた場合、おそらくそうなので、別のカジノを試す必要があります。
Hi, did the casino ask for a number when you registered? If so, it's mostly common nowadays, so I don't know what alternative could be used. And if the robot even wrote you that you can't move on without it, it's probably the case and you'll have to try another casino.
Don't you have a phone?
電話は持っているけど、携帯電話回線を持っていません。迷惑な SMS をたくさん送るために携帯電話を持たせたいようです 😉。でも、携帯電話回線がないので、そんなことはないでしょう。
I have a phone but not a cell phone line. They want me to have a cellphone to send me a lot of annoying sms 😉. Well they will not because i do not have a cellular phone line.
私の見解では、最近のカジノでは、たとえば確認や 2 段階認証のためにこの番号も使用しています。電話番号なしで登録を受け付けたカジノがいくつあるか教えていただけますか?ぜひ知りたいです。
私の意見では、スパムメールを避けるには、カジノ用に予備のプリペイド SIM カードを 1 枚用意するだけで十分です。もちろん、私たちの意見には共感しますが!
The way I see it, nowadays casinos also use this number for verification purposes and two step authentication, for instance. May I know how many casinos accepted your registration without phone number?I would really love to know.
In my opinion, it only needs one spare prepaid SIM card reserved for casinos to avoid being spammed. Though I empathize with our opinion, of course!
I understand, and you can't do without it, yes, but it's a pity, but apparently a lot of casinos require this very thing. Some places it is not necessary and others it is. It's probably better to move on to the next one.🙂
私の見解では、最近のカジノでは、たとえば確認や 2 段階認証のためにこの番号も使用しています。電話番号なしで登録を受け付けたカジノがいくつあるか教えていただけますか?ぜひ知りたいです。
私の意見では、スパムメールを避けるには、カジノ用に予備のプリペイド SIM カードを 1 枚用意するだけで十分です。もちろん、私たちの意見には共感しますが!
The way I see it, nowadays casinos also use this number for verification purposes and two step authentication, for instance. May I know how many casinos accepted your registration without phone number?I would really love to know.
In my opinion, it only needs one spare prepaid SIM card reserved for casinos to avoid being spammed. Though I empathize with our opinion, of course!
「Daddy Casino、CasinoRewards Network、Casumo、Slotbox など、リストは膨大です。ストップステップ認証は電話で使用できますが、SMS オプションでは迷惑なメッセージが大量に送られてくる傾向があります。私は過去にそこに行ったことがありますが、彼らの広告 SMS は非常に攻撃的です。他のカジノをテストし続けるにつれて、重要な詳細としてレビューにコメントを提供します。」
"Daddy Casino, CasinoRewards Network, Casumo, Slotbox—the list is huge. The stop-step authentication can be used with a phone call, while the SMS option tends to spam you with annoying messages. I've been there in the past, and their advertising SMS can be very aggressive. As I continue to test other casinos, I’ll provide comments on their reviews as important details."
It is quite interesting that some casinos do it this way as well. I might look into this more in the future and wonder what other ways they could verify a player if they don't need a phone number. I'm sure it will be interesting. 🙂
あなたの投稿が適切なカジノに関連付けられているかどうか確認していただけますか? こちらのリンクを確認してください👈
さて、問題ですが、詳細を追加していただけますか? カジノがあなたを没収する直前に何が起こりましたか? おそらく、彼らはあなたを規則違反で告発しましたか? それがこの種の状況の最も一般的な理由です。
Could you kindly check whether I associated your post with the proper casino, please? Check the link here 👈
Now to the problem, could you also add more details? What happened just before the casino stripped you of? Did they accuse you of breaching any rules, perhaps? That's the most common reason for this sort of situation.
Well, the more you tell us, the better.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com