ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、7Bets.io Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こちらはwinsmaniaの姉妹カジノです。現在700ユーロ引き出しています。この Web サイトが Winsmania よりもはるかに知られていないことを考えると、彼らが私にこのお金へのアクセスを許可してくれるとは思えません。 Winsmania では、出金の 1 つが 9 回キャンセルされましたが、ここでは何も変わらないと思います。私がwinsmaniaに対して行ったように、彼らに対して苦情を提出する必要があるかもしれません。また、サポート チームは各 Web サイトでまったく同じであるため、実際には何も解決できない可能性が高いことにも気付きました。彼らは便利なことに、一部のセグメントを除いて私のアカウント全体が認証されていることを確認してくれました。これには3〜5日かかるようですが、これよりもはるかに時間がかかると確信しています。これらのカジノの運営方法の合法性はわかりませんが、彼らがやっていることは合法であるとは信じがたいです。顧客を無視し、顧客がお金を受け取ることを妨げるために何でもしているように見えます。これが変更されることを願っています。
This is a sister casino of winsmania. I currently have a withdrawal of 700 euros. Considering this website is far less known than Winsmania I doubt that they will let me access this money. On winsmania one of my withdrawals has been cancelled 9 times and I don’t expect anything different here. Might have to submit a complaint against them like I have against winsmania. Have also noticed the support team are exactly the same on each website meaning they are unlikely to actually resolve anything. They have conveniently made sure my whole account is verified apart from one segment and this apparently will take 3-5 days but I’m sure that it will take a lot longer than this. I don’t know the legality of how these casinos operate but it’s hard to believe that what they are doing is legal. Ignoring customers and seemingly doing anything to prevent customers from getting their money. I hope this can be changed.
しかし、合法性について言えば、なぜ UKGC の管轄外のカジノでプレイするのでしょうか?
I understand that the same support or other departments really make it easy to assume the same course of action for both sites.
Speaking about legality, though, why do you play in casinos outside the UKGC's reach?
I bet you would be far better protected in their jurisdiction.
One way or another, let's hope another complaint won't be necessary!
このサイト (7bets.io) で出金をキャンセルするように伝えたら、サポート ワーカーが代わりに winsmania でキャンセルしました (笑)。彼は、この間違いのため私の引き出しは「すぐに」処理されると約束しましたが、私はサポートスタッフの言うことを信じてはいけないことを学びました。正直に言って、この時点で10回ほどその話を聞きましたが、それでも同じ結果でした。私がこれらのカジノでプレイしているのは、GameStop に登録しており、私が見つけることができる唯一のカジノがあるからです。私は今はやめて、自分の人生を続けるためにお金を受け取りたいだけです。
I just told them to cancel a withdrawal on this site (7bets.io) and the support worker cancelled it on winsmania instead haha. He promised me my withdrawal would be processed ‘very soon’ due to this mistake but I have learnt not to believe what the support workers say. I have honestly heard that about 10 times at this points and still the same result. I play on these casinos because I signed up to GameStop and these are the only casinos I can find. I have stopped now and just want to receive my money so I can move on with my life.
このサイト (7bets.io) で出金をキャンセルするように伝えたら、サポート ワーカーが代わりに winsmania でキャンセルしました (笑)。彼は、この間違いのため私の引き出しは「すぐに」処理されると約束しましたが、私はサポートスタッフの言うことを信じてはいけないことを学びました。正直に言って、この時点で10回ほどその話を聞きましたが、それでも同じ結果でした。私がこれらのカジノでプレイしているのは、GameStop に登録しており、私が見つけることができる唯一のカジノがあるからです。私は今はやめて、自分の人生を続けるためにお金を受け取りたいだけです。
I just told them to cancel a withdrawal on this site (7bets.io) and the support worker cancelled it on winsmania instead haha. He promised me my withdrawal would be processed ‘very soon’ due to this mistake but I have learnt not to believe what the support workers say. I have honestly heard that about 10 times at this points and still the same result. I play on these casinos because I signed up to GameStop and these are the only casinos I can find. I have stopped now and just want to receive my money so I can move on with my life.
「私は今はやめて、自分の人生を続けるためにお金を受け取りたいだけです。」 - これはあなたが今できる最善のことのように聞こえますが、あなたの中に意志があれば、それができると私は本当に信じています 🙂。
Hello. That sounds really unprofessional from the support, I must say. I am not surprised at all by your position, not trusting them. Hopefully they will be able to fix that mistake.
"I have stopped now and just want to receive my money so I can move on with my life." - This sounds as the best thing you can do right now, and I really believe you can do it, if you have the will in you 🙂.
This happens to me everytime I question my withdrawal, they come on live chat as soon as I give my user name they ignore you
They have just restricted my withdrawals in my account to only tether which I find ridiculous considering all my deposits were with my card. Can’t even get through to them to get a response as they ignore me everytime they realise it’s me.
彼らは私にも同じことをし、私が何度も出金しようとしたと言い、銀行送金を48時間停止しましたが、実際には4日かかりました、私はなんとか取り戻し、もう一度引き出しました...いつものように拒否されました。 。今回は100%処理すると約束したのに
they did the same to me as well, told me I’d tried to withdraw to many times, suspended bank transfer for 48 hrs which actually turned into 4 days, I managed to get it back, made another withdrawal…..Rejected as usual. Even though they promised it would 100% be processed this time
私と同じ。 7日前に800ユーロを獲得しました。最低だ。彼らはおそらくニンベットとウィンズマニアと同じ人物です。今日は「アカウントが認証されました」ので出金できるはずです。見てみましょう。お金がもらえるとは思えません。
Casino.guru はこれらすべてのカジノをゾンビ化すべきだと思います。すぐに実行すべきです。
編集..正直何が起こっているのかわかりません..なぜ彼らは誰にもお金を支払わないためだけにこれだけのことをするのですか?つまり、60 以上のスロットプロバイダーや他の種類のギャンブルゲームを持っているということですが、純粋に詐欺的に設立された他のカジノと比較すると、これは多くの点で異なります。勝った場合に報酬が支払われないことを示唆する本当の餌はありません。
Same with me. Won 800€, 7 days ago. Sucks. They are the same guys as Ninbet and Winsmania most likely. Today i should be able to withdraw, since "account verified", lets see. I dont think i will get the money.
I think Casino.guru should zombie all these casinos, they should do it immediately.
The site is great, with lot of slots, sportsbook and even poker. But these sites are just to take peoples money. Very nicely prepared scam though, lots of work. The layout of the site is same as 21.com or similar.
Atleast they need to pay their operating costs for slot providers, sportsbookers and poker software providers, i wonder how profitable the scam is for these guys.
They could be doing an exit scam, by opening new sites and gathering deposits. I wonder who could stop these guys from taking players money.
edit.. Not sure what is happening honestly.. Why would they do all this just to not pay anyone? I mean they have 60+ slot providers, and other types of gambling games, compared to other purely scamwise founded casinos, this differences many ways. There is no real bait to suggest you are not getting paid if you win.
ここで少し考えてみましょう。英国から出金できない人が 5 人以上いて、合計すると 10,000 ポンドを超えます。
Trustpilot はそれらを削除するつもりで、できれば最終決定を待っているだけです
次のステップは何ですか - 全額を取り戻すために協力する必要があります。賞金のことは気にしていません、ただデポジットを返してほしいだけです。 £1,387 (賞金 £2000)
Casino guru
Lets just have a little think here .. you have 5+ people from the UK that cannot withdraw and toting it up over £10k
I dont want to hear silly comments about how much time we need to give them.
Question 1
How do we get our money back?
Question 2
What are you doing about it? Suggest you give them to worst rating possible
I have personally spoken to the lawyers that incorporated them.
Trustpilot are going to take them off hopefully just waiting for a final decision
Question 3
What are the next steps - you need to help get all our money back! I don’t even care about my winnings I just want my deposit back! £1,387 (winnings £2000)
Please help me and everyone else
銀行 – 警察に通報して返金を試みる Revolut
私が入金した £1,387 だけの賞金が欲しいのはもったいない!
Same has happened to me over the past 3 weeks!
I have contacted a lot of people
UK Police
Bank - will try and refund with a police report Revolut
Lawyers that incorporated them
Casino Guru
Not going anywhere however I won’t give up on this!! No way!
Dont want my winnings just the £1,387 I deposited!
Get the name of associates is the plan today!
あなたには希望がありません...あなたに希望をもたらしてくれるものが 1 つあります。そしてそれは、短期的な清算の問題、つまりお金の問題を抱えている場合です。彼らは何かを待っていて、それからお金を払うのかもしれません。あるいは、誰かが大金を失うのを待つなど、もっと怪しいこともあります。
Trustpilot は最大の冗談だ。会社に否定的なレビューをするときは、証明写真などの多くの証拠が必要で、証拠を提供しないとレビューを取り消します。しかし、ある会社について何か良いことを言うのであれば、彼らは何も要求しません。
trustpilot の Ninbet は「Ninbet が大好きです、とても素敵です」でいっぱいです。こいつらはレビュー用にフリースピンをやってる
Its just a company registered in Costa rica, even if that. They dont have any gambling comission in costa rica.
I only deposited 25€. That 1300£ sounds like serious crime. To steal your money.
After you deposit the money to your gaming account, its gone.
You have no hope... There is one thing that could bring you hope. And that is if they have short term liquidation problems, money. They might be waiting for something, and then pay. Or something shadier, like waiting for someone to loose alot.
Trustpilot is the biggest fucking joke. They require alot of proof when giving some company negative review, like proof of photos and stuff, they take the review off if you dont provide them proof. But if you say something nice about some company, they require nothing.
Ninbet in trustpilot is full of "i love ninbet, super nice". These guys do freespins for review stuff
残念ですが、UKGC カジノでのみプレイした方が賢明かもしれません。ご存知かと思いますが、このような決定はプレイヤーに一定レベルの安全性をもたらします。 UKGC 認可のカジノで何か不公平なことが起こった場合、法律によって直接保護される方がはるかに優れています。一方、コスタリカの免許には何の価値もありません。検証者もいないし、プレイヤーの苦情を訴える場所もありません。
プレイする前にライセンスを確認することをお勧めします。繰り返しますが、あなたの国のプレイヤーは他の場所の方がはるかに安全です。それを考慮してください。 🙏
As you can see in the review - it is Costa Rica.
I'm sorry to say that, but maybe it would be wiser to play in the UKGC casinos only. As I'm sure you know, such a decision provides a certain level of safety for the player. If something unfair happens in the UKGC-licensed casino, you are far better protected directly by law. On the other hand, a Costa Rican license is worth nothing. No validator, and no place for players' complaints.
I suggest you check the license before you decide to play. Yet again, players from your country are much safer elsewhere; please consider that. 🙏
ここで少し考えてみましょう。英国から出金できない人が 5 人以上いて、合計すると 10,000 ポンドを超えます。
Trustpilot はそれらを削除するつもりで、できれば最終決定を待っているだけです
次のステップは何ですか - 全額を取り戻すために協力する必要があります。賞金のことは気にしていません、ただデポジットを返してほしいだけです。 £1,387 (賞金 £2000)
Casino guru
Lets just have a little think here .. you have 5+ people from the UK that cannot withdraw and toting it up over £10k
I dont want to hear silly comments about how much time we need to give them.
Question 1
How do we get our money back?
Question 2
What are you doing about it? Suggest you give them to worst rating possible
I have personally spoken to the lawyers that incorporated them.
Trustpilot are going to take them off hopefully just waiting for a final decision
Question 3
What are the next steps - you need to help get all our money back! I don’t even care about my winnings I just want my deposit back! £1,387 (winnings £2000)
Please help me and everyone else
「ここで少し考えてみましょう。引き出しができない英国人が 5 人以上いて、合計すると 10,000 ポンドを超えます」
次のステップは何ですか - 全額を取り戻すために協力する必要があります。賞金のことは気にしていません、ただデポジットを返してほしいだけです。 £1,387 (賞金 £2000)
メリットは 3 つの質問すべてで同じです。苦情が解決されない限り、いかなる結果も得られません。それは当然だと思います。ご存知のとおり、お金を受け取ることは苦情プロセスの一部であり、チームはそれを通じてカジノの手順を調査します。この道の終わりには、考えられる解決策と結果の両方が存在します。きっとこの記事を見たことがありませんよね?
https://casino.guru/complaint-resolution-instructions#consequences 👈
「苦情を提出してから苦情がクローズされるまでにかかる時間は大きく異なります。最も早く処理される苦情は、カジノを関与させずに解決できる苦情、またはカジノが何も悪いことをしていないために拒否された苦情です。ただし、その他の苦情も同様です」 、非常に時間がかかる場合があります。」
次の詳細: 多くのプレイヤーがカジノをブラックリストに登録する必要があると言い続けています。私たちはそんなことはしません。私たちは、詳細を調べるのに十分な賢明なすべてのプレイヤーに全体像を示すことを好みます。必要に応じて、隠すのではなく知らせてください。
結果次第ではカジノの安全指数の低下につながる可能性のある苦情すべてに焦点を当てましょう。 🙏
Hey there.
I'll try to respond to your questions properly, but I'd like you to realize this is merely a forum, a place for communication, not a place for direct solutions, in this case.
But let's start from the top:
"Lets just have a little think here .. you have 5+ people from the UK that cannot withdraw and toting it up over £10k
I dont want to hear silly comments about how much time we need to give them."
I'm amazed at how many UK players keep playing in unregulated casinos, still, such information may serve others in this community who might prefer reading instead of writing. Thus, thanks for the summary.
Although, frankly, now I'm going to disappoint you, a possible solution indeed requires time, since the main tool for any solution is dialog, or rather, discussion, usually handled through complaints.
Which gets me to the key point:
Question 1
How do we get our money back?
Question 2
What are you doing about it? Suggest you give them to worst rating possible
Question 3
What are the next steps - you need to help get all our money back! I don’t even care about my winnings I just want my deposit back! £1,387 (winnings £2000)
The merit is the same for all 3 questions: Unless the complaint is closed, there are no consequences available. I'd say it makes sense. You see, getting your money is part of the complaint process, through which the Team investigates the casino's steps. At the end of this path lie both possible solutions or consequences. I bet you have not seen this article, have you?
https://casino.guru/complaint-resolution-instructions#consequences 👈
How long?
"The time elapsed between submitting a complaint and the complaint being closed varies greatly. The complaints processed most quickly are those that can be resolved without getting the casino involved or those that are rejected because the casino has not done anything wrong. Other complaints, however, can be very time-consuming."
"If the complaint is justified and we are unable to resolve it, it is closed and categorized as being 'unresolved'. This happens when the casino either does not respond to us or refuses to do what we consider to be fair in that specific situation. You will not get your desired outcome but the complaint will be saved in our system, the casino will be punished with a lower rating from us and our review of the casino will warn other players of what happened. What's more, if the casino wants to improve its rating in the future, it will be forced to address the complaint, so there is a chance that your complaint will be resolved at a later date."
It may sound stupid to quote general guides here, but the answers and explanations are there, and because all our teams follow these guidelines, I can assure you that such information fits.
Next detail: Many players keep saying we must blacklist casinos. We do not do that. We prefer showing the full picture to every player who is wise enough to look for details. informing instead of hiding, if you like.
With all being said, I'm sorry you all have to go through this, but I'm also certain our specialists crave quick resolution for players. As I'm sure you can now understand, it only takes time and cooperation from the casino's side.
Nothing we can speed up here on the forum, hopefully this is now explained.
Let us concentrate on all those complaints that, depending on how they turn out, could result in a decrease in the casino's safety index. 🙏
あなたのプラットフォーム上で彼らの姉妹サイト (ninbet とwinsmania) をチェックして、彼らが悪事を企んでいることに気づくこともできたかもしれませんが、その代わりに、さらに別のサイトを追加してプレイヤーをプレイに引きずり込み、とにかくプレイヤーに警告しませんでした。
しかし、casino.guru は、カジノについて嘘をついても、手数料が最も多く得られるサイトのみを宣伝する他のアフィリエイトドラッグ サイトよりもはるかに優れています。したがって、教祖のポリシーについては文句を言うことはできません。
Kadka, that is true... But you should really find out if the casino is even a real casino. What i mean you cant give "below average" rating to some casino, that is no intention of even paying players.
You could have checked up their sister sites on your platform (ninbet and winsmania), and realize that these guys are up to no good, instead you added yet another of their sites, dragging players to play, and didnt warn players anyway.
There are really good casinos that work properly that are below "below average" rating here.
But casino.guru is far better than any other affiliate dragging site that only promotes sites where they get most comissions, even telling lies about the casino. So cant really complain about guru policy.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com