So your $1900 withdrawal was pending from May? And it is now December? That does not sound good.
So your $1900 withdrawal was pending from May? And it is now December? That does not sound good.
Correct. I followed up countless times. I waited and waited. So I thought it didn’t matter either way, had nothing to lose by cancelling it, gambling it and now I’ve got $10k waiting to withdraw but again, doubt I’ll ever see anything. But I know they’ve paid me once. So…
ご返信ありがとうございます。それは有り難いです。次回は、Brango、Limitless、Yabby、Xtreme にこだわってみようと思います(笑)。
Thank you for the response. I appreciate it. I think next time I’m just going to stick to Brango, Limitless, Yabby and Xtreme lol.
古いスレッドを復活させて申し訳ありませんが、Abigcandy から報酬を受け取った人はいますか?私は彼らからの 25 回の出金を待っています。総額は 9,300 アメリカ ドル/ほぼ 15,000 オーストラリア ドルです。ここに苦情を申し立てるつもりですが、問題なく支払いをしても支払いが行われない他の 2 つのカジノにも対処しているので、最初にそれらを追及するつもりです。
また、出金をリクエストした頃に偶然 VIP ステータスを失ったのでしょうか?
Sorry to revive an old thread but have any of you gotten paid from Abigcandy? I’m waiting for 25 withdrawals from them totaling $9300 American dollars/ almost $15000 Australian dollars. I’m going to file a complaint on here but I’m also dealing with 2 other casinos that won’t pay out after paying out no problems so I’m going after them first.
Also did you lose VIP status by chance around the time that you requested your withdrawals?
Thank you.
VIP ステータスに関しては、カジノはそれを正当化するものでもありませんでした。
Hey, I put your posts under the casino you're talking about.
However, I see you're waiting for quite a bit of money. How long has it been going on and did the casino give you any reason ?
I think the most sensible thing to do would be to file a complaint and not wait, as there will be an investigation and our team will ask you some questions, so I think it would be good to start as soon as possible. But of course I don't want to push you into anything.
As for the VIP status, the casino didn't even justify it ?
実際には 5 月 30 日までに 1900 ドルの出金がありましたが、VIP ステータスは維持されました。今日出金をキャンセルして10,000ドルにしました。今日、2500 ドルの出金を 2 回リクエストしましたが、何も支払われるかどうか本当に疑問です。
I actually had a withdrawal for $1900 pending May 30 but my VIP Status was maintained. I cancelled the withdrawal today and turned it into $10,000. Requested 2x $2500 withdrawals today but I genuinely doubt I’ll get paid anything.
I did get paid about $700 from them for a withdrawal I made the day prior in May but that took about 8 weeks to process.
I am sorry that your situation is still not resolved and I am even more sad to see that the casino has not resolved your complaint from the past. I think you waited quite a long time for your first withdrawal from them as well, since you say it was 2 months.
Nevertheless, are you in contact with the casino and do you know anything about your withdrawals ?
Brango, limitless, extreme, yabby and bonusblitz so professional and reliable, the owners of Big candy are thieves, never deposit money with them again, they never credit the winnings even if months pass, the casinos I mentioned at the beginning of the message pay within 10 minutes
Brango, limitless, extreme, yabby και bonusblitz εινσι επαγγελματίες και αξιόπιστοι, οι ιδιοκτήτες του Big candy είναι κλέφτες, δεν πρέπει να ξανακάνει ποτέ κατάθεση χρημάτων σε αυτούς, δεν πιστωνουν ποτέ τα κέρδη ακόμα και αν αν περάσουν μήνες, τα καζίνο που ανέφερα στην αρχή του μηνύματος πληρώνουν μέσα σε 10 λεπτά
はい。これら 5 つのカジノではまったく問題はありませんでした。
一方、Heaps O Wins、Sector 777、A Big Candy の支払いをまだ待っており、それぞれに 1 か月かかりました。
私はA Big Candyに対して苦情を申し立てることを検討していますが、1か月前に支払い部門から受け取った私のBTCアドレスを確認する電子メールなど、他のことも調べています。
Yep. I haven’t had any issues with those 5 casinos at all.
On the other hand I’m still waiting on Heaps O Wins, Sector 777 and A Big Candy to pay out and it has been a month for each of them.
I am considering doing the complaint against A Big Candy but I’m looking at other stuff such as the email I got a month ago from their payments department confirming my BTC address.
Who knows what’s going to come out of this…
エンクレイブ関連のカジノはすべてお得なセールを行っていますが、賞金を入金する時期が来ると、その喜びは悪夢に変わります。ただし、私が読んだところによると、5月から待ちとありますが、忍耐強くおめでとうございます。 、そんなこと聞いたことないです…。
All enclave related casinos have great deals but when the time comes to credit your winnings the joy you have turns into a nightmare file a complaint with big candy although from what I read there is a wait from May I want to I congratulate you for your patience, I have never heard of such a thing before..
Ολα τα καζίνο που σχετίζονται με το inclave έχουν μεγάλες προσφορές αλλά όταν έρθει η στιγμή που πρέπει να σου πιστωσουν τα κέρδη η χαρά που έχεις μετατρέπεται σε εφιάλτη, κάνε καταγγελία στο big candy, αν και με αυτά που διάβασα υπάρχει αναμονή από το Μάιο θέλω να σε συγχαρώ για την υπομονή σου, κάτι τέτοιο δεν έχω ακούσει ξανά..
それは、A Big Candyからの撤退を5月から待っているAusplayer15でしょう。
That would be Ausplayer15 waiting since May for his withdrawal from A Big Candy.
i don’t have that much patience lol. And mine has been outstanding since November 23rd.
Nevertheless I’m going to see what happens and keep being a nag(and file a complaint here as well).
I totally agree. I too am leaving the ENTIRE Enclave Casinos. As soon as the rest of them give me my money they will be blocked on all facets. Also TOTALLY agree about the "good" Casinos you mentioned here and I too am ONLY playing on those sites. Done with ALL others
私はここ数か月間、大きなキャンディカジノでプレイしていましたが、入金やお金の受け取りに問題はありませんでしたが、ついに勝利し、2ロットの2500ドルを現金化するプロセスを開始し、ワイヤレス転送ですべてが送金されました。スムーズに転送が保留されました。翌日、私はログインしようとしましたが、サイトにログインできませんでした。何度もログインしようとしました。何度もメールを送信しました。 support@abigcandy.comそして何も返事がありませんでした。私にも大きなキャンディーで遊んでいる友人がいますが、彼はサイトにアクセスするのに何のドラマもありません。出金を取得するか、この問題を解決するために、これらの愚か者に連絡できる別の方法はありますか?
I have been playing on a big candy casino for a few months now and not had a problem with depositing and them taking my money but I had a win finally and started the process of cashing out 2 lots of $2500 threw wireless transfer to which everything went smoothly and transfer was held in pending. The very next day I went to log in and the site won’t let me and I’ve tried many times since I’ve slso sent many emails to support@abigcandy.com and got no reply nothing. I have a friend who also plays at a big candy and he has no drama accessing the site so is there another way I can contact these moorons so I can either get my withdrawal or even rectify this problem
とにかく、別のアドレスを見つけました。目的は少し異なりますが、試してみても問題ないと思います。 support@abigcandypromos.com
Oh my! This is the worst... Are you sure that you have not received an email explaining the situation?
I'm just asking; you know, the trash folder or spam can make it a real pain when you miss an email.
Anyway, I found another address, and though its purpose is a bit different, I guess it won't hurt if you care to try it out: support@abigcandypromos.com
Perhaps you can mention whether your account is fully verified; sometimes casinos prefer to close the account, but in ANY case, you should always be told what is happening, especially when there are pending withdrawals in your account.
Let me know, please.
ここで A Big Candy からの支払いを待っている人は皆、大きな失望を経験しているとコメントしたいと思います。 3 つの個別の w/d リクエストがあり、最終的にそれらをすべて使い果たしました。あなたは給料をもらっていません。ごめんなさい、教えてください。彼らは私の多くのメールに一度も返信しませんでした。残高を使い果たしたので、このサイトをブラックリストに登録しました
I just like to comment that anyone here waiting for payment from A Big Candy is in for a huge disappointment. I had in 3 separate w/d requests and wound up depleting them ALL. You are not getting paid. Sorry t tell you. They never once even replied to my many emails. Just depleted the balances and blacklisted this site
Digits7でも同様の問題がありました。 10週間待ちました。その後、残高を使い果たし、顧客サービスにもう気にするなと罵りました。ここではそんなことやってないよ。このバランスは大きすぎます。
Unfortunately for me I have a max cash out on the coupon I used. And I’m currently at that max cash out. I will keep harassing, harassing, harassing until either they shut down, or they pay up, as there is no point in depleting the balance as I cannot go farther up from that balance.
i had a similar issue with Digits7. Waited 10 weeks. Then depleted the balance and cursed out their customer service to not to be bothered anymore. Not doing that here. This balance is too big.
私が言いたいのは、苦情の結果がカジノの安全指標に影響を与えるということです, 今引用:
出典: 苦情解決情報と手順
Thank you for sharing this with us now and here.
Sometimes even the worst news is better than nothing, I'd say.
If I may ask just one favor, I'd like to mention that not just we, but most likely also the rest of the community, would appreciate it if you decided to submit the complaint before the balance was lost.
My point is that the complaint's outcome has an impact on the casino's safety index, quoting now:
What will be the consequences of your complaint?
If the complaint is justified and we are unable to resolve it, it is closed and categorized as being 'unresolved'. This happens when the casino either does not respond to us or refuses to do what we consider to be fair in that specific situation. You will not get your desired outcome but the complaint will be saved in our system, the casino will be punished with a lower rating from us and our review of the casino will warn other players of what happened. What's more, if the casino wants to improve its rating in the future, it will be forced to address the complaint, so there is a chance that your complaint will be resolved at a later date.
Source: Complaint Resolution Information and Instructions
It's merely a kind plea, of course.
Digits7でも同様の問題がありました。 10週間待ちました。その後、残高を使い果たし、顧客サービスにもう気にするなと罵りました。ここではそんなことやってないよ。このバランスは大きすぎます。
Unfortunately for me I have a max cash out on the coupon I used. And I’m currently at that max cash out. I will keep harassing, harassing, harassing until either they shut down, or they pay up, as there is no point in depleting the balance as I cannot go farther up from that balance.
i had a similar issue with Digits7. Waited 10 weeks. Then depleted the balance and cursed out their customer service to not to be bothered anymore. Not doing that here. This balance is too big.
率直に言って、一年のこの時期は通常非常に忙しいと認めざるを得ません。苦情スレッドでご覧になった方もいると思いますが、最近提出された苦情の数が大きな影響を及ぼしています。ですから、しばらくお待ちください。 🙏
I just want to say that I hope there is a way to help you out with your complaint.
Don't give up!
Frankly, I have to admit that this part of the year is usually very busy. As you probably saw in the complaint thread, the number of recently submitted complaints takes its toll. So, please be patient. 🙏
これが私が初めてプレイを始めたときで、確かに私はまだここのメンバーですらなかったです。私が思い出したとき、彼らは返事をしました。キャッシュベースウォレットには出金できないと言われました。 Coinbaseである必要がありましたが、パスポートだけでは取得できませんでした。そのことを彼らに説明したところ、彼らは前のメールのコピーペーストを再送しただけでした。彼らからは二度と連絡がありませんでした。当時、私はいくつかの出金を待っていました。私はそのまま残高を使い果たし、カジノをブラックリストに登録しました。実際、それは私が最初に廃止しなければならなかったものの1つでした。 7 番目の最初に追加します。このカジノのネットワーク全体をこの地球から追放する必要があります。それらはすべて悪いものです。非常に遅れた支払いを受け取るのが待ちきれないので、先に進んで最後の支払いをブラックリストに登録します
This is when I first started playing and pretty sure I wasnt even a member HERE yet. They did reply once I remember. They told me they could not withdraw to a cash base wallet. It NEEDED to be Coinbase which I cant get with just a passport. I explained that to them and they just resent a copy paste of their previous email. I never heard from them again. I had several withdraws waiting at the time. I just went ahead and depleted the balances and blacklisted the Casino. It was actually one of the first I had to do away with. FIRST OF 7 I might add. This entire network of Casinos NEEDS to be banished from this Planet. They are ALL bad. Cant wait to get my EXTREMELY delayed payments so I can go ahead and blacklist the last of them
残念なことに、Coinbase はカジノの間で非常に人気があります。しかし、それは、まともな企業が賞金を支払うために全力を尽くすべきだという意味ではありません。ところで、利用規約でこのような内容を見つけたことはありますか?
Sadly, Coinbase is pretty popular among casinos. But it does not mean a decent company should do everything within its power to pay out the winnings. By the way, have you ever found something like this in their terms and conditions?
No. I did not see ANYTHING about that in their T&C. And I did read it.
文字通り、これまでで最も奇妙なこと。たった今あなたに返信しているときに、BS のプロモーションに関するテキスト メッセージを彼らから受け取りました。メール??確かに私はそれを承認したことはありません
Literally the most bizarre thing ever. As I was replying to you just now I got a TEXT MESSAGE from them with some BS promo. Text message?? pretty sure I never approved that
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com