ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、AngliaBet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こんにちは。アカウントがブロックされた理由は説明されましたか? スクリーンショットに記載されているように、詐欺部門から情報を入手しましたか?
Hello, did they tell you why your account is blocked ? Did you get the information from the fraud department as they mentioned in the screenshot ?
If you want us to deal with them, you'll have to lodge a complaint, but it would be good to know what's behind it.
Can you tell me more, please ?
they didnt give me an email where I can find out the reason for the block, they blocked my online chat. these are scammers unfortunately, they will not answer you
サイト上で他のメールは見つかりませんでしたか? ブロックされていれば、おそらく返信は来ないでしょうし、たとえメールを送ったとしても、おそらく同じ結果になるでしょう。
And you didn't find any other email on the site ? I see that if they blocked you, you probably won't get a response, and even if you wrote to them, it would probably have the same result.
Perhaps it's best to stay away from this casino, at least for you. 🤷♂️
Hello, I have the impression that they are completely inadequate, I made 3 bets with them and all for small amounts, they calculated the last one incorrectly, that is, they gave me a loss on a bet that won. The next day, I went to my account, and the bet was still not transferred, I started writing to them in the live chat, waited a long time until someone appeared, in the end, they transferred the bet and gave the winnings, but I have no desire to play with them at all disappeared and I decided to withdraw all the money from my account, and after 3 hours I noticed that my account was blocked without any explanation. I do not advise anyone to play these scammers
Привіт, враження, що вони зовсім неадекватні, я здійснив у них 3 ставки і всі на малі суми, останню вони мені неправильно розрахували, тобто дали програш на ставку, яка зіграла. На наступний день я зайшов на свій рахунок, а ставка і далі не перерахована, я почав їм писати у лайв чат, довго чекав доки хтось з'явився, в кінцеіому результаті вони перерахували ставку і дали виграш, але бажання грати з ними в мене зовсім зникло і я вирішив вивести всі гроші зі свого рахунку, а через 3 години помітив, що мій обліковий запис заблокований без всяких пояснень. Нікому не раджу грати в цих шахраїв
Hi, if we're talking about bets, is this about sport betting ? Such situations are difficult and certainly not something a player would want to get into. Blocking an account and not saying or explaining anything is pretty unfair to me. Especially when you want to withdraw what belongs to you.
So let me know so I know if we will be able to try to help you.
It's not about betting on sports, it's about cheating, I made 3 sports bets on 3 different events for different amounts and I didn't bet on false odds, and they already wrote to me that I was engaged in arbitrage, it's a gross lie to see arbitrage it is necessary to estimate the bet 10-20, or see the bets on after a goal or on false coefficients, but I did not do this, in this case, you can write this to all customers who won. I won in 3 bets 57 USD, it's ridiculous. I am writing this so that other players who want to try this new casino know that when you win even a ridiculous amount at them, they will come up with many reasons to block their account
Справа не вставках на спорт, а справа в обмані, я зробив 3 ставки на спорт на 3 різні події на різні суми і я не ставив на помилкові коефіцієнти, а вони вже мені написали, що я займався арбітражом, це груба брехня, щоб побачити арбітраж треба оцінити ставок 10-20, або побачити ставки на після гол або на помилкові коефіцієнти, але я цього не робив, в такому випадку можна всім клієнтам хто виграв таке писати. Я виграв за 3 ставки 57 USD, це смішно. Я це пишу для того, щоб інші гравці які хочуть спробувати це нове казино знали, що коли в них виграєш навіть смішну суму, вони придумають багато причин для блокування рахунку
It is certainly good that you came here with your experience. I asked about sports betting mainly because we don't have any experts in this field and therefore we can't help you with establishing a complaint.
I'm sorry that the casino accused you of such things, but I will try to at least do a little bit to assist you, and I'll give you some links where you can try to file a complaint.
Maybe they will look into your case and try to resolve it.
You can find them here:
If you try it, be sure to let me know how it goes. I firmly believe that something can be done.
これは、ヨーロッパのカジノが英国のプレイヤーを違法に受け入れ、ライセンスや規制なしで運営しているもう 1 つの例です。私は何ヶ月も前から自己排除しようとしていますが、彼らはメッセージを無視しています。彼らは略奪的なクズです。私は Trust Pilot でレビューしましたので、他に悪い経験をした人がいたら、ぜひそこに投稿してください。このようなカウボーイ カジノについて広める必要があります。疫病のように避けてください。
This is another example of a European casino illegally taking on UK players and operating with no license or regulations. I have been trying to self exclude for months now and they just ignore the messages. They are predatory scum bags. I have reviewed on trust pilot so if anybody else has had a bad experience please get on there. We need to spread the word about cowboy casinos like this. Avoid like the plague.
Hi, a casino should always take such a request seriously and I'm sorry if they don't. Have you thought about filing a complaint with us and we'll see if we can help you?
最近発見した AAMS 非加盟カジノ、Angliabet での最近の体験を皆さんにお伝えしたいと思います。皆さんの多くと同じように、私はギャンブルにはもう耐えられないと感じたため、AAMS カジノから遠ざかっていました。しかし、時間が経つにつれて、ゲームのスリルが恋しくなり、代わりのものを探し始めました。
少し調べた後、Angliabet を見つけて試してみることにしました。最初は、特に支払いとセキュリティに関しては少し懐疑的だったことを認めなければなりません。しかし、考えを変えなければなりませんでした。
しばらくプレイして、ついに 200 ユーロを獲得しました。最も驚いたのは、支払いの速さです。お金は当日に私の口座に入金されました。
ギャンブルは、私を含め、多くの人にとって危険な道になり得ることはわかっています。しかし、私のように AAMS カジノの代わりを探している人たちに、この前向きな体験をシェアしたいと思います。もちろん、責任を持ってプレイし、常にリスクを覚えておくことが重要です。
I wanted to share my recent experience with Angliabet, a non-AAMS casino that I recently discovered. Like many of you, I excluded myself from AAMS casinos because I felt I couldn't handle the gambling anymore. However, over time, I missed the thrill of the game and started looking for alternatives.
After a bit of research, I found Angliabet and decided to give it a try. I have to admit that I was a little skeptical at first, especially when it comes to payments and security. But I had to change my mind.
I played for a while and finally won 200 EUR. The thing that surprised me the most was how quickly I received the payment: the money was credited to my account the same day!
I know that gambling can be a slippery slope for many of us, including myself. However, I feel like sharing this positive experience for those who, like me, are looking for an alternative to AAMS casinos. Of course, it is important to play responsibly and always remember the risks.
Volevo condividere la mia esperienza recente con Angliabet, un casinò non AAMS che ho scoperto da poco. Come molti di voi, mi sono autoescluso dai casinò AAMS perché sentivo di non riuscire più a gestire il gioco d'azzardo. Tuttavia, con il tempo, mi è mancata l'emozione del gioco e ho iniziato a cercare alternative.
Dopo un po' di ricerche, ho trovato Angliabet e ho deciso di dargli una chance. Devo ammettere che ero un po' scettico all'inizio, specialmente per quanto riguarda i pagamenti e la sicurezza. Ma mi sono dovuto ricredere.
Ho giocato per un po' e alla fine ho vinto 200 EUR. La cosa che mi ha sorpreso di più è stata la rapidità con cui ho ricevuto il pagamento: il denaro è stato accreditato sul mio conto lo stesso giorno!
So che il gioco d'azzardo può essere un terreno scivoloso per molti di noi, me compreso. Tuttavia, mi sento di condividere questa mia esperienza positiva per chi, come me, sta cercando un'alternativa ai casinò AAMS. Ovviamente, è importante giocare in modo responsabile e ricordarsi sempre dei rischi.
責任を持ってプレイし、オンライン ゲームを趣味としてのみ扱うことが非常に重要です。また、将来の問題を防ぐために、支払える金額以上の金額を入金しないことも非常に重要です。
また、このカジノのユーザーレビューであなたの体験を説明したい場合は、 ここにリンクがあります。 やってみませんか?🤔
Thank you for sharing your experience.
It is really important to play responsibly and treat online gaming only like a hobby. Also, not depositing more than we can afford is very important, so we can prevent any future issues.
May I ask which payment method did you use to withdraw your winnings?
Also, if you'd like to describe your experience in a user review for this casino, here's the link for you. Would you be up for it?🤔
いいえ、本人確認はしていません。ライブチャットのゲイリーは、完全に匿名のままでいられると保証してくれました。サポートは非常に役に立ち、暗号通貨の使い方を教えてくれました。Revolut アカウントから暗号通貨ウォレットを入力するだけで、ほぼ瞬時に引き出しができました。
以前は、さまざまな非 Gamstop カジノでプレイしていましたが、現在は Angliabet が私の第一選択です。
No, I didn't verify myself, Gary from their Live Chat assured me I can remain completely anonymous. Their support was extremely helpful and showed me how to use crypto. So I just entered my crypto wallet from my Revolut account and the withdrawal was almost instant.
I used to play in different non gamstop casinos, but Angliabet is my top choice now.
自分に合ったカジノを見つけられたのは素晴らしいことだと思います。このカジノでは何をプレイするのが好きですか? スロットですか、それとも他のゲームですか?
I think it's great that you've found a casino that suits you. What do you like to play in this casino ? Is it slots or something else ?
I'm now on my last casino as I'm gamstop 5yrs until September next year, most of the ones I joined the slots don't play right and the one that gave me a good return was Ninewin so it was voided as UK residents are not allowed to play for real money even though they verify you. So I found a recommendation for Angliabet it's an anonymous crypto casino so no need to verify and they pay almost instantly if you win and withdraw and also give no wagering free spins on every deposit. All sounds well and good but not if the slots don't play straight and none of them are restricted by country like no limit city. Can anyone here give me their experiences please
I moved your post to this official thread of the casino so you can gather more information here.
Just stay safe and let us know how it goes here for you.
listen, you don't want to reopen the complaint because I made 1 bet for the wager, they gave me a refund on it, why was the account blocked not immediately after the bet, but after an attempt to withdraw funds, why don't you want to sort out this situation, because I haven't made 100 sports bets on this platform, in my opinion, any player can get into this situation, because the blocking came after an attempt to withdraw funds
слушайте , вы не хотите возобновить жалобу , потому что я сделал 1 ставку для вейджера , они дали по ней мне возврат, почему аккаунт был заблокирован не сразу после ставки , а после попытки сделать вывод средств, почему вы не хотите разобраться в данной ситуации, ведь я не делал на этой платформе 100 ставок на спорт, по мне так может попасть в данную ситуацию лююбой игрок, потому что блокировка пришла после попытки вывести средства
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com