ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Bass Win Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
私に言わせれば、basswins サイト全体が怪しいです。サイト全体に犯罪行為が見られます。サイトには怪しい番号があります。サイトはヨーロッパにあると主張していますが、番号はスコットランドのノース バーウィックという町にまでさかのぼります。片言の英語を話す男が応答します。サポート メールを書いているのと同じ男で、ライブ チャットで別の女の子のふりをしているのも同じ男です。
The whole basswins site is suspect if you ask me..criminal activity everywhere on the site. The site has a suspect number. The site claims to be in Europe but the number is traced to Scotland a town called North Berwick. A guy who speaks broken English answers. It's the same guy who writes the support emails it's the same bloke pretending to be different girls in live chat.
Their withdrawal process is illegal. Not only that they wanna charge you 20% per withdrawal and blame the banks for the charge
出金に関することであれば、私は警戒していたでしょう。出金手続きが違法だというのはどういう意味ですか? 20% の出金手数料は高すぎると思います。支払い方法に関係なく、すべての出金に適用されるのですか?
Hi, the situation with the support, or whatever I would call it, is certainly not pleasant. If you learned some such information it does not add to the casino's credibility.
If it was about withdrawals, then I would have been wary. What do you mean the withdrawal process is illegal ? 20% withdrawal fee is too much in my opinion. Is it for every withdrawal regardless of the payment method ?
The first law of withdrawal is .. a customer has the right to withdraw ALL Their winnings in ONE go restriction free by law. No matter what these scammers put in their terms and conditions
UKGC ライセンスのないカジノは英国の法律をほとんど気にしていないようですが、それでもあなたの指摘は正しいです。同様に、このカジノのように完全にライセンスのないカジノは法律をまったく気にしていません。もし気にしていたら、少なくともいくつかのライセンスは有効になっているはずです。
Although casinos without a UKGC license seem to care very little about UK law, your point is still valid. In a similar vein, fully unlicensed casinos such as this one do not give a damn about the law because if they did, they would have at least some licences valid.
Furthermore, it is customary for a player to attest to his acceptance of the terms at the time of registration, so in a sense, every player gives his consent to abide by the stated rules.
Have you given it this much thought?
Have you also seen its Safety index, 👈 perhaps? I gives me the creeps.
I get your point about about customers reading the Ts and Cs and are somewhat responsible but if they're not a regulated or licenced casino that makes their Ts and Cs Invalid. A legal casino must have licence information on their site.
This site also claims to have been legitimate for 7 years according to Ts and Cs but they've only been established since 2024 so their rules are totally BS
もう 1 つのポイントは、安全性指数が低い無認可カジノは文字通り何でもできるということです。カジノを監督する認可機関がないため、これは本当に悪い選択です。
引き出し限度額も必ず確認してください。毎月 3,000 ユーロを受け取って 250,000 ユーロを引き出すには、ほぼ 7 年かかります。これはカジノが破産するのに十分な時間であり、残りのお金は支払われません。
( https://casinoguru-ja.com/how-to-choose-an-online-casino 👈)
無制限の引き出しに関する情報をどこで見つけたのか教えていただけますか? 弊社のデータチームに確認してもらいます。
I see what you mean.
Another point is that an unlicensed casino with a low Safety Index can do literally anything, and since there is no licensing authority overseeing the casino, it's truly a bad pick.
But on the other hand, it does not mean the player "has the right" to withdraw any amount at once in a licensed casino.
Thus, in our guide, we use this example:
Definitely also check the withdrawal limits. It would take you nearly 7 years to withdraw €250,000 by receiving €3,000 monthly. That is enough time for the casino to go bankrupt, and it would not pay you the rest of your money.
(https://casinoguru-en.com/how-to-choose-an-online-casino 👈)
May I know where you found the information about the not-limited withdrawal, please? I'll get it checked by our Data Team.
Thank you in advance.
どの検索エンジンでも、またはギャンブル委員会でも調べることができます。法律なので、EGBA もその法律に従うと確信しています。
You can check it out on any search engine or the Gambling Commission and as its law I'm sure the EGBA will follow the law too.
Charging 20% per withdrawal is a bit of a piss take too and needs checking if that's illegal
Yes, but do they have it mentioned somewhere in their Terms and Conditions ?
20% for withdrawal is too much in my opinion, is it also written somewhere ?
はい、利用規約か FAQ などのどこかに書かれています。利用規約に書かれていることの半分は、とにかくでたらめです。たとえば、彼らは 2017 年 1 月 1 日から運営していると言っていますが、2024 年 4 月より前には痕跡がありません。
本物のカジノなら、必ずサイトのどこかにライセンス情報を掲載しています。この点についてカスタマー サポートに問い合わせても、質問を避け、自主規制していると言うでしょう。ですから、利用規約を注意深く読んでください。利用規約は、基本的にカジノ側が自分たちの条件であなたを騙す可能性を与えるだけだからです。
Yes mate it is written somewhere on there either Ts and Cs or FAQs etc. Half of what's written in their Ts and Cs is bs anyway. For example they say they've been operating since 1st Jan 2017 but there's no trace of them before April 2024.
Genuine casinos will always have licence information somewhere on their site. If you ask customer support on this sirethey will avoid the question and say they are self regulated. So read the Ts and Cs carefully because it just basically gives them a possibility of scamming you on their terms.
また、当社のウェブサイトによると、このカジノは 2024 年に設立されたため、どうやら最も正直なカジノではないようです。
Also according to our website they were established in 2024, so apparently this casino is not one of the most honest ones.
As for the license, they don't have one, so they told you that they regulate themselves or avoid these things because they know they have nothing to say to you.
Their safety index on our website shows that, so I'm not surprised it's like that.
I probably wouldn't play in a casino like that. 🤷♂️🤔
I have actually now got the Gambling Commission UK investigating this site I had an email response from them yesterday. If there's a case to look into they told me either they will investigate or their European counterparts will take up the investigation
Oh I see, so feel free to let me and other players here on the forum know if you learn something new. I think it would be really useful.
私は愚かにもこのカジノに参加し、フリースピンやボーナスは実現しませんでした。入金しなかったのですが、参加した瞬間からカジノのスパムメールに悩まされました。100通以上も届き、今もまだ届いています!! 詐欺カジノです
I stupidly joined this casino the free spins and bonus never materialized I didn't deposit but was plagued by casino spam emails from the moment I joined and I mean a hundred or more and they are still coming!! It's a scam casino
まあ、冗談はさておき、これは実際にはかなりよくある問題です。毎日大量のプロモーションを受け取りたい人がいるでしょうか? 私はそうは思いません。
さて、これらのメールをなんとか取り除くことができましたか? 役に立つヒントがあれば、ぜひ教えてください!
I think scam means the casino does not pay out the winnings rather than flood you with promotions 🙂.
Well, joking aside - this is actually quite a common complication. Who would want to receive tons of promotions daily? I don't.
Yet, as far as I can tell, the unsubscribing process sometimes changes nothing.
So, have you somehow managed to get rid of these emails? Any useful tips are precious!
私はこの番号に電話をかけましたが、ロンドンから来たように出てきました。東ヨーロッパのアクセントで応対した人は明らかにロンドン出身ではなかったので、このことについて質問したところ、VPN を使用していると言われました。では、なぜ正当な会社が VPN を使用して出身地を偽装するのでしょうか。答えは... 人々を騙して騙し、追跡を困難にするためです。カジノについて質問し始めたとき、紙がカサカサと音を立てるのがはっきりと聞こえ、彼女は答えるのに適切な紙を見つけるまで会話を中断していました。100% 詐欺師と犯罪者です
Has anyone tried ringing the number on this criminal website?.
Being fed up of being constantly lied to for weeks by the live chat and customer support team. They claim to have numerous staff working for them but it's the sane ONE person who replies to Emails and if you ask to chat to someone else they claim technical issues so they can't put you through to anyone else. If you use live chat it's three different made up profiles that is on there 24/7 Olivia Charley and Megan. They will tell you they have to transfer you to another agent during the chat to seem genuine but it's Clearly the same person.
Now I called this number given and Came up as it being from London. The person who answered in an Eastern European accent was clearly NOT from London so I questioned her about this and was told they use a VPN. Now why would a legitimate company want to use a VPN to disguise where they are from. Answer.... to defraud and rip people off and make it harder to trace them. When I started asking her questions about the casino you could clearly here the rustling of papers and she would pause the conversation until she found the right piece of paper to reply. 100% scammers and criminals
他の人と同じ問題です! マスターカードを持っているにもかかわらず引き出すことができません。
same problems as everyone else! Can't withdraw despite having mastercard.
Checked my transaction history today and realised each deposit I have made has gone to different bank accounts, the last one being listed as 'personal'
Someone needs to stop these people and close the site down!!!
Hi. Could you please update us regarding your withdrawal? Is it still unprocessed?
May I also ask how long you play at this casino and if your account is fully verified?
I hope you will be able to get your money as soon as possible, for sure.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com