ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、BC.Club Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
After several successful withdrawals, I can no longer log in to my account. Thus, my last withdrawal request was not processed and I lost access to my account with a good amount of money.
Will update if anything.
Hello. Sorry to hear you've got this kind of issue. Did you get any email from the support why was your account blocked? Sometimes casinos would do such thing whenever they are working on the verification. Of course they should inform you before doing so. When exactly have you requested the withdrawal?
I contacted their representative who told me that "the account appears to be in violation of the platform's risk control rules". This is pretty funny since I didn't break any rules and won fair and square.
Regarding the withdrawal time, the previous withdrawals were processed in maximum 10 hours.
Hi there. So I'm glad you got some information about what is happening. Even though now you are not exactly sure why are they "investigating" your case, or what could happened that caused all this. It is always good to cooperate with the casino and maybe wait a few days until they are ready to give you some more information. Would that be possible? For now, we just have to wait for the official outcome, I reckon. Once such a risk check is initiated, I would not take previously completed withdrawals into account. It's crucial to understand what made the casino so focused on your account right now. Simply put, if you pass the investigation, I'd say there should be no other objections to paying out the last one. Make sure to keep us posted, please.
こんにちは。あなたの入金に何か最新情報はありましたか?ここであなたの苦情を確認しました。私たちのチームがあなたの入金に何が起こっているのか正確に調査することを保証します。カジノから何か新しい情報がありましたら、私たちと苦情チームに最新情報をお知らせください。 🙏
Hello there. Was there any update with your deposit, please? I can see your complaint here and I can assure you that our team will find out what exactly is happening with your deposit. If you have anything new from the casino, please keep us and our complaint team updated. 🙏
Still never credited, tried messaging the casino on Twitter considering but no response.
彼らにメールを送ろうとしましたか?ライブ サポートが機能していないと書いていますが、24 時間 365 日ではなく、ライブ サポートがあるはずです。
Did you try to send them some mail ? I see you wrote that live support is not working, but it should be there, just not 24/7.
Have you deposited to this casino in the past ?
Anyway, as Romi said, our team will try to help you with your situation and hopefully we will find out where the problem is.
If you have any update, let us know.
これは文字通り彼らのライブチャットがあなたを連れて行く場所であり、ウェブサイトには電子メールはありません。私はこれまでこれにデポジットしたことはありませんし、今後もデポジットするつもりはありません。 Twitterでメッセージを送りましたが、返事はありませんでした。
this is literally where their live chat takes you, and there is no emails on the website, I've never deposited on this until well now, and never will again. I messaged them on Twitter and no response.
私も自分で試してみましたが、まったく同じでした。メールも見つかりませんでした。ビジネスメールとしてリストされているメールが 1 件だけありました。
私はあなたのために全力を尽くします。 🤞
I can clearly see, I tried it myself and it was exactly the same. I didn't find an email either, just one that they list as a business email.
As for not depositing here anymore, I don't blame you if I'm honest, I'd probably be of the same opinion.
However, as I said, we will have to wait and see where our team gets to and what they find out, because I suppose you are not getting an answer because you are trying and so far nothing.
I hope that everything will be sorted out and turn out well in the end.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞
トーマスに知らせてもらえますか? このリンク👈 を使用してください。
サポートの欠如は私にとって非常に深刻な問題であるため、今のところは、そのような必要なしに滞在できることを期待する必要があると思います。その点で、検証プロセスが頭から離れません。 🤞
Normally, I would be happy for you, but in this case, I don't like the situation much.
Could you please inform Tomas? Just use this link 👈, please.
Lack of support is something I take quite seriously, so for now, I'd say we have to hope you'll make your stay there without such a need. In that regard, I can't get the verification process out of my mind. 🤞
Well, wish you luck!
made several conclusions, and then decided to throw in a few thousand dollars
несколько выводов сделали, а потом в решили кинуть на несколько тысяч $
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com