ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Bet2U Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
私はあなたが問題を解決するのを助けることができます!!メールに詳細を書いてください: support@fntcyber.com
Hello. My name is Sam I represent an anti-scam company. Fraud in the field of online transactions in India is only increasing. This problem prompted us to create a separate department, the purpose of which is to process and solve the problems of clients who have become victims. Every day we receive a huge number of complaints about our Mail, and we try to respond in time and instruct the person what to do and where to go in this case.
I can help you solve the problem !! Please write details to the mail: support@fntcyber.com
あなたが助けるべき問題を理解できていないようです。それは Bet2U カジノに関連していますか?
Hello there.
It seems I failed to understand what issues you are supposed to help with. Is it related to the Bet2U Casino?
I fear it does not.
カジノ自体については、その安全性指標を見たことがありますか?かなり安いので、そこにお金を投じるのは考えが変わると思います。将来入金する予定がある場合は、必ずチェックしてください。また、 ユーザー レビューを見ることをお勧めします。これは役立つ可能性があり、そこから多くの情報を学ぶことができます。
それでも、私たちのチームは、お客様が必要なときにお手伝いできるよう、できる限りのあらゆることを行うよう努めます。あなたの状況が解決され、お金が戻ってくることを願っています。指を交差させました 🤞
Hi, I'm sorry to hear about this situation. However, I see that you have filed a complaint against this particular casino, which I think is the right thing to do. I would like to ask if your account is fully verified? If I understand correctly, have you had any successful withdrawals from the casino ?
I also noticed that you tried to find out the reason why your withdrawals were cancelled, but without success. I don't think it's professional if the casino can't provide a reasonable answer to a question like that. However, I've also seen that the casino usually doesn't respond to complaints from other players, so I think it's going to be difficult in this case as well.
As for the casino itself, have you seen its safety index? It's pretty low, and I think I'd change my mind about putting my money there. If you're ever going to deposit in the future, definitely check it out and I also recommend to look at the user reviews, which can be useful and you can learn a lot of information from them.
Nevertheless, our team will try to do everything possible to try to help you in your time of need. I hope that your situation can be resolved and that you will get your money back. Fingers crossed 🤞
私は長年bet2uのメンバーで、最近はいつもお金を払っていますが、支払いはかなり遅れていましたが、今回は支払いました、彼はお金を騙し取るような気がします。メールを送信しましたが、返信がありませんでした。おそらく彼は私のお金を騙し取ったような気がします。今回は私の引き出しはまだ処理されておらず、彼は何もしていないかのようです。 10日が経ちましたが、まさか自分の身にこんなことが起こるとは思ってもいませんでした。私はここで定期的にカジノをしていますが、カジノに対する私の誠実さに彼が不誠実になるとは思いもしませんでした。
I have been a bet2u member for many years, usually pay money lately, paid quite late but paid this time, I feel that he will cheat money. Sent an email, didn't reply. I feel that he probably cheated my money. This time my withdrawal has not yet been processed, it's like he's doing nothing. It's now 10 days I never thought that one day this would happen to me. I regularly play casinos here, never thought that he would be unfaithful to my honesty towards the casino.
I understand. So when you say that they used to pay you money, how long did your previous withdrawals take ?
As I mentioned before, in the user reviews, players had similar problems with withdrawals as you have. They also tried to get an answer but were unsuccessful. I hope that your situation will turn out well and have a positive ending, but I am not sure if that will be the scenario.
For now, we can only wait to see if our team can resolve the situation or if you get any new information from the casino.
If you receive a reply from casino, please don't hesitate to update us.
Usually 3_5 days, but this time 10 days and still haven't entered the movement yet I'm not sure where we complaint the casino. Will it work? I want to know why he hasn't paid yet. It might have an answer or it would have reassured me, but he just didn't do anything and didn't answer any questions. It's like he intends to scam me
ほとんどの場合、引き出しは 2 ~ 3 日以内に行われたという経験があるので、この状況はイライラするだろうと想像できます。
I can imagine that this situation must be frustrating, as you have had the experience that most of the time the withdrawal was made within a couple of days.
Our team will try to find out why this situation has happened, but they need some time to do so.
As for the casino not responding, I'm sorry, because I don't think it's hard to tell what's going on, but with the low safety index mentioned above, I'm not surprised that the casino is behaving like this.
Anyway, as I said, we will have to wait and see how the case progresses. Try to remain a little patient in this situation, even though I know it is difficult.
運について言えば、 安全性指数がより高いカジノを見つけることを検討すべきでしょうか?
I would say it is better to keep the withdrawal untouched. If the casino does not respond to you, I would prefer to be very careful. By canceling the payout request, you may prolong the solution.
Stick with the complaint, I wish you luck.
Speaking about luck, should you consider finding a casino with a better safety index, perhaps?
Well, keep an eye on the casino's credibility when you want to try out a new casino. Take your time, and do some research, it is up to you to stay safe in the first place.
We will do everything we can, but the poor choice can't be taken back.
Furthermore, do not rely on your winnings, it is a dangerous habit. Play only with money you can afford to lose, please.
For now, I wish you a good ending!
Bet2U カジノは、プレイヤーがさまざまなゲーム セクションを簡単に移動できるように、ユーザーフレンドリーな Web サイト デザインを提供しています。プロモーションとボーナスに関しては、Bet2U カジノは新規プレイヤーと既存プレイヤーの両方に魅力的なウェルカム パッケージ、入金ボーナス、キャッシュバック報酬、フリー スピンを提供することで知られています。プレイヤーは、ルーレット、ブラックジャック、バカラなどの古典的なテーブル ゲームをプレイしながら、プロのディーラーとリアルタイムでやり取りできます。良い経験になりました 🙂
Bet2U Casino offers a user-friendly website design, making it easy for players to navigate through the various gaming sections. Regarding promotions and bonuses, Bet2U Casino has been known to offer enticing welcome packages, deposit bonuses, cashback rewards, and free spins to both new and existing players. Players can engage with professional dealers in real-time while playing classic table games like roulette, blackjack, and baccarat. Good Experience 🙂
I really hope you don't mean that, stop promoting casinos and inserting copied or fabricated "articles":
Care to help out the player in need, perhaps?
When you say "Good experience" aside from promoting a bad casino...
ちょっと待って、 苦情の展開に注目してください - まだ終わっていません! 🙏
I would not say this means your email was blocked. But I agree it is not a good sign, when we consider the situation as a whole, the terrible rating fits your experience. I'm sorry for that.
Just hold on, on keep an eye on the complaint's development - it's not over yet! 🙏
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com