I'd like to say, that this is still a part of progress, and it also seems the money will be on your account.
I agree this limit is quite low.
Was it set specially for you, or is it set in general for all?
私は試してみました 彼は私にお金を払うことに興味がありませんでした。最近まで、私は再び彼と話しました。彼はレイブに、私にお金を払うつもりはなかったと認めた。さて、突然お金を引き出すと、いつお金が手に入るか分からず、もう少し待たなければなりません。私があなたに苦情を申し立てた場合、あなたが対応してくれるまでさらに 2 週間待たなければなりません。私をだまして出金をキャンセルさせ、あなたの介入を妨げるだけの詐欺だと思います。助けていただいて本当に感謝しています。
i have tried it He was not interested in paying me. Until recently, I spoke to him again. He admitted to Lave that he didn't plan to pay me. Now, if I suddenly withdraw money, I have to wait a bit longer, not knowing when I'll get the money. If I make a complaint to you, I have to wait another 2 weeks for you to take care of it. I think it's a scam to trick me into canceling my withdrawal and only preventing your intervention. I really appreciate you helping me out.
I'm sorry to say that, but the casino is not interested in solving players' complaints. We call that "No Reaction Policy". I believe you should not cancel any active withdrawal, but frankly, there is nothing we can do to help you get the money. You should start playing in more decent casinos, to stay better protected.
Not much I can add for now - I'm really sorry!
こんにちは、bet2u は私の出金を一週間ほとんど処理していません。サポートが必要です。解決策がないことを示す会話の写真とメッセージがあります。
Hello, bet2u has almost not processed my withdrawal for a week, I need help with it, I have photos and messages from conversations showing that they have no solution.
Hola, bet2u lleva una semana casi sin procesar mi retiro, necesito ayuda con ello, tengo fotos y mensajes de conversaciones mostrando que no le dan solución.
こんにちは。お聞きしたいのですが、引き出しが処理されない理由は何でしょうか。サポートから説明はありましたか?問題の内容をよりよく理解できるよう、もう少し詳しく教えていただけますか。残念ながら、このカジノに関しては、他の事例 (上記の投稿) からもわかるように、彼らは私たちに協力するつもりはありません。私たちはここで手を縛られています。私たちのチームは常にあらゆるケースに対応できるよう努めていますが、申し訳ありませんが、今回はあまり期待しないでください。
Hello. May I ask, what is the reason for not processing the withdrawal, have you got an explanation from the support, perhaps? Could you, please, give us some more details, so we can better understand what the issue is? Unfortunately, when it comes to this casino, as they are not willing to cooperate with us, which you can see also in other cases (posts above), we have our hands tied here. Our team is always trying to help with every case, but, and I am sorry to tell you, please, do not keep much hope this time.
Will wait for your response.
こんにちは、引き出しをどれくらい待っていますか?カジノはあなたに理由を与えましたか?私たちはカジノに対し、この問題を解決するために 14 日間の猶予を与えているので、それが私が質問している理由です。
また、認証済みのカジノ アカウントはまだお持ちですか?
Hi, how long have you been waiting for the withdrawal ? Did the casino give you a reason ? We give casinos 14 days to sort this out so that's why I'm asking.
Also, do you have a verified casino account yet ?
No, I submitted a withdrawal request 3 days ago. I did not win with my own money
新しい情報をお持ちの場合はお知らせください。上記の 14 日間に何も変化がなければ、サポートさせていただきます。
So that means you won the bonus, yes ? At what stage is your withdrawal still pending or has it been successfully sent by the casino ? Have you fulfilled all the conditions of the bonus ? Have you verified your account with the casino ?
Sorry to ask so many questions, but they are important, so it would be nice if you could answer them all.
I would also say that I would remain patient for the time being if everything was fine on your side, then we will see how the casino behaves.
If you have any new information let me know and if nothing changes in the mentioned 14 days we will try to help you.
申し訳ありませんが、ボーナスで勝ったかどうか知りたかったのですが、綴りが間違っていました。そう言うから聞いてみた。 「自分のお金で勝ったわけではない」。じゃあ、どんなお金で遊んだの?
とにかく、撤退に関する限り、まだ何も進んでいないし、新しい情報もありませんか?他の質問にも答えていただけると助かります。すでに認証済みのカジノ アカウントをお持ちですか?
Sorry, I wanted to know if you won from some bonus but I spelled it wrong. I asked because you said that. " I did not win with my own money". Then what money did you play with ?
Anyway, as far as your withdrawal is concerned, you still haven't gotten anywhere and you have no new information ? It would also be helpful if you could answer my other questions. Do you already have a verified casino account ?
ボーナスを利用せずにテーブル ゲームにお金をチャージしたので、出金までどれくらい待っていますか?
カジノからの新しい情報はまだありませんか?引き出しの状況について彼らに尋ねますか?すでに述べましたが、カジノには送金プロセスを整理するために 14 日間の猶予期間が与えられており、そうでない場合は、当社に苦情を申し立てることができます。
Okay, since you didn't play with the bonus and you loaded some money on table games, how long are you waiting for the withdrawal please ?
Still no new information from the casino ? Do you ask them about the status of your withdrawal ? I already mentioned that we give casinos 14 days to sort out the process of sending the money and if they don't, you have the option to file a complaint with us.
So let us know where you stand.
わかりました。サポートに問い合わせて、すべてを正しく入力したことと、引き出しがどの段階にあるかを確認してください。 1週間以上というのは決して少なくないので、私も少し緊張してきます。
Good, then try to check with support to make sure you've entered everything correctly and what stage your withdrawal is at. I would be getting a bit nervous too, because over a week is not the least.
If nothing changes in the next few days, then you can reach out to us and, as I said, file a complaint.
Hi, I don't want to disappoint you at first but I saw the safety index of this casino. It's pretty bad, and according to the complaints I've also seen, apparently the players didn't get their money and the casino is not cooperating with us and not responding.
Have you got your money there? You can't withdraw?
Hello there!im waiting to proceed the payment!im waiting 4 days now!I did withdraw by Skrill and today they send me email and they said that they have technical issue
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com