ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、BetdaVirada Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I am really sorry about the situation you are having at this casino. Have you thought about filing a complaint here with our team so they can try to help you out, perhaps?
I hope your insides will help other players make a better choice when it comes to playing at this particular casino.
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
John 8:32
After 14 days of waiting for my withdrawal, the company paid me.
Congratulations bet on the turnaround.
E conhecereis a verdade, e a verdade vos libertará.
João 8:32
Depois de 14 dias aguardando meu saque, a empresa me pagou.
Parabéns bet da virada.
That is some great news. Was your account verified at this casino, or did you have to go through the process, which is why it took this long?
以前に引き出しを行ったにもかかわらず、私のアカウントは確認待ちでした。Bet da Turn に数回メールを送った後、確認を受けました。しかし、アカウントは確認されたにもかかわらず、賞金を受け取っていませんでした。
メールを送った complaints@gaming-curacao.com3 日以内に回答とサポートを受け、フォームに記入して、出金と入金の証拠と Bet da Virada に送信したメールをすべて添付するように求められました。要求されたすべての書類を添付したメールを 5 月 13 日に苦情部門に送信したところ、5 月 14 日の朝一番に口座に引き出しが反映されました。
Dear Romi, thank you for your interest in the subject.
My account was pending verification, even though I had previously made withdrawals. After several emails sent to Bet da Turn, I got verification. However, even though the account was verified, I was not receiving my winnings.
I sent an email to complaints@gaming-curacao.com I was answered and assisted within 3 days, and they asked me to fill out a form and attach all proof of withdrawals and deposits and emails sent to Bet da Virada. I sent the email to Complaints on 13/05 with all the requested documentation and first thing in the morning on 14/05 my withdrawal was in my account.
I hope this text helps other people.
Prezada Romi, obrigada pelo interesse no assunto.
A minha conta estava pendente de verificação, mesmo tido saques efetuados anteriormente. Depois de vários e-mails enviados para a Bet da virada, eu consegui a verificação. Porém mesmo a conta verificada, eu não estava recebendo meus ganhos.
Enviei um email para complaints@gaming-curacao.com fui respondida e atendida com 3 dias, e eles me pediram para preencher um formulário e anexar todas as provas dos saques e depósitos e e-mails enviado para a Bet da Virada. Enviei o e-mail para a Complaints dia 13/05 com toda documentação solicitada e logo pela manhã dia 14/05 o meu saque estava na minha conta.
Espero que esse texto ajude outras pessoas.
Thank you very much for describing your experience, we really appreciate it. Also, if you are interested, here is the link where you can write a review for this casino.😉
the answers they give in the complaint here only come those automatic messages for all subjects, the same answer always
as respostas que eles dão no reclame aqui somente vem aquelas mensagens automaticas pra todos os assuntos a mesma resposta sempre
Hello, how long have you been waiting for the money please and what reason did they give you? I would like to start by saying that we give casinos 14 days to sort out everything they need and if they don't pay you, then you can contact us and we will try to help you.
Anyway, have you verified here or had successful withdrawals before or not ?
I will wait for your answer.
Good morning, I made a withdrawal once at the beginning of the year, then my account was blocked, so I managed to use it again and now that I made a withdrawal request, nothing has come since 01/07, now and they don't even answer the chat, they stay in a queue all day. that the responses in the complaint never end here are always those automatically recorded... this company lacks respect for people
Bom dia fiz saque uma vez no começo do ano depois minha conta ficou bloqueada aí consegui voltar a usar e agora que fiz pedido de saque não veio nada isso desde o dia 01/07 agora e eles nem atende no chat fica o dia todo numa fila que nunca termina as respostas no reclame aqui são sempre aquelas gravadas automático... falta de respeito com as pessoas essa empresa
Well, it looks like the casino probably has nothing to tell you yet. I would also point out that you are waiting less than two days, so I would not be skeptical. Try to hang in there and of course if nothing changes then we will try to help. But for the time being, I certainly wouldn't worry.
Can you handle it?
I hope you don't mind a few questions. You know, based on the very little details you provided, I fear there is not much to add.
Let's start with the basics, please:
I'll wait for these details if you don't mind.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com