午後の皆さん、私はレビューを読まず、ほとんどのオンライン サイトが委託/規制されているなどと想定してしまった不運な人の 1 人です。
今週の土曜日 08/02/25 から待っています。早いのは理解していますが、検証にはどのくらい時間がかかると思われますか?
現在 500 ポンドの引き出しが保留中です。
Afternoon people, I am one of those unlucky ones who did not read the reviews and assumed like most these online places are commissioned/regulated etc.
I deposited £200 and won £3400 on sports betting.
Then that’s when realisation kicked in regards to verification and withdrawal.
Saturday I put in for withdrawal of £500 and sent passport and front of driving license as ID.
Naturally reading the negative reviews hope is lost then the ones whom got paid out it gives me some hope again.
I have been waiting since this Saturday 08/02/25 and I understand it’s early but how long is verification expected to take?
Pending £500 withdrawal currently.
I don’t mind waiting 15 days a time for the withdrawal as it’s all an investment when it comes back but I want it back.
From some reviews it seems like the casino are trying to fix up and maybe are being delayed.
I work for Counter Fraud Compliance and Debt so have no issues providing payslips etc.