ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Betify Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Casino Guruの代表者は一体どこでそのような文言を見つけたのでしょうか?
The complaint seems to allege that the casino had set a minimum wager of €1 for the promotion, but no such terms and conditions existed anywhere on the site.
Where on earth did the Casino Guru representative find such language?
You probably don't know this closure was marked as sensitive, so I'm assuming you are not fully informed, and due to the same fact, I'm unable to explain.
Let's just say the issue was different.
I just checked and it was indeed 'added' about the minimum wager.
However, I confirm that this was not stated until just the other day.
We have also confirmed that it was not mentioned during the time the complainant played at this casino.
I've never heard of a statement being added recently that applied to the time before that.
Please do your research again and do it properly.
苦情自体に関しては、カジノが私たちに虚偽のことを言っているということを証明する証拠が当然必要になります。何かが追加されたとしか言えないのであれば、それは最良の証拠ではないと思います。 😕
It would be best if your friend speaks for himself, after all he doesn't need you as a mediator, since it is his complaint and not yours.
Regarding the complaint itself, of course evidence would be needed to prove that the casino is telling us something false. If all you can say is that something has been added, I don't think that's the best evidence. 😕
I know more about casinos than he does, so we are mediating.
As evidence, I submit the minutes of the promotion description from a little while ago.
I can confirm that there was no minimum bet wording at least during the time I was playing at this casino and during the time the user who submitted the complaint was playing.
I also once took advantage of a promotion at this casino, but there was no minimum bet, of course, and the casino deemed my game play to be fine.
I checked with the casino and it appears that this wording was added 'last week'.
It is clear that the complainant played at the casino before that and submitted a withdrawal request.
ですから、準備ができたら苦情を提出するように友人に伝えてください。正直になるには他に方法はありません。 🤷♀️
So please, tell your friend to submit a complaint once he's ready. There is no other way to be honest. 🤷♀️
ああ、それは悲しいですね。彼が正確に何を騙したのかも知っていますか?時には冷静さを保ち、状況を 100% 確信した後、助けようとするのが良いこともあります。
Oh, that's sad. You also know in what exactly he cheated ? Sometimes is good to keep cool head and after you are 100% sure of the situation, try to help.
But I know you meant it in a good way.
こんにちは。3日間、Betify からお金を引き出そうとしていますが、要求されたすべての書類をすでに 15 回以上送信しましたが、今はアカウントにアクセスできません。制限されています。サポートに問い合わせましたが、同じ書類の提出を要求され続けています。他に何をすべきかはわかっていますし、このお金を失うのは不公平です。
Hello, I've been trying to withdraw an amount of money from Betify for 3 days and I've already sent more than 15 times all the documents they ask for and now they won't let me access my account. It's restricted. I talked to support and they keep asking for the same documentation. I know what else to do and it's not fair to lose this money.
Hola llevos 3 dias tratando de retirar una cantidad de dinero de betify y ya envie mas de 15 veces todos los documentos que me piden y ahora no me dejan tampoco acceder a mi cuenta la tiene restringida hable con el suport y siguen pidiendo las misma documentacion no se que mas hacer y no es justo perder este diner
あなたの苦情を拝見しました。弊社のチームがすでに状況の調査を開始していますので、近いうちに何が起こっているのかがわかると思います。カジノが同じ書類を求めている理由は、あなたが間違った形式で書類を提出したからかもしれません。通常、カジノはすべての書類を .pdf 形式で必要とします。確認しましたか? ぜひお知らせください。ご返信をお待ちしています。
I have seen your complaint, where our team has already started to investigate the situation, so hopefully soon they will be able to find out what is going on there. The reason casino is asking for the same documentation might be, that you have provided it in the wrong format, actually. Usually the casinos need all the documents in a .pdf format. Have you checked that, perhaps? Please let us know, we'll be waiting for you to reply.
私はそれを PDF で送信し、彼らの返答を待って何が起こるかを見てからお知らせします。
I'm going to send it in pdf and I'll wait for their response to see what happens and I'll let you know.
Voy a enviar en pdf y esperaré la respuesta de ellos a ver que pasa y os avisare
I have sent the documentation in pdf and they have not given me any response
He enviado la documentación en pdf y ellos no me han dado ninguna respuesta
こんにちは。Betify アカウントに関してサポートが必要です。すでに数回にわたって PDF 形式でドキュメントを送信しましたが、応答がなく、アカウントが有効化されません。
Hello, I need help with the Betify account, I have already sent the documentation several times and in PDF and they do not respond and they do not activate my account.
Hola nesecito ayuda con la cuenta de betify ya envie varias veces la documentación y en pdf y no responden y no me activan la cuenta
申し訳ありませんが、すぐには対応できません。まず、カジノにお客様の対応を任せる必要があります。私の意見では、お客様が .pdf バージョンを送信してからまだ 1 日も経っていません。
一部のカジノでは週末に KYC 認証を行っていません。🤷♂️
後ほど最新情報をお知らせいただけますか? 私たちもここにいますので、いずれはご連絡させていただきます。
I'm sorry but we can't help you with that right away. First, we must allow the casino to take care of you. And in my opinion, it has not been a single working day since you sent the .pdf versions.
Some casinos don't handle KYC verification during the weekends. 🤷♂️
Thus, be patient, please.
Could you update us later on? We will be here and will get to you eventually.
Yesterday they responded to me asking for the same documentation and I sent again and I already sent these documentations about 20 times and they responded with the same thing, I already sent in pdf and without being in pdf I have sent in two ways and they also blocked my account, it is not fair They gave me until April 11 for verification, knowing that the failure is theirs. I need a request as soon as possible.
Ayer me respondieron pidiendo las mismas documentación y volvi a enviar otra vez mas y estas documentaciones ya envie unas 20 veces y responden con lo mismo ya envie en pdf y sin ser en pdf de dos maneras he enviado y ademas me bloquearon la cuenta no es justo ellos me dieron hasta dia 11 de abril para la verificación sabiendo que el fallo son de ellos yo nesecito una solicion cuanto antes
とにかく、あなたが苦情を申し立てたことがわかりましたので、私たちのチームがあなたを助けるように努めます。カジノには引き出しと KYC を解決するために 14 日間の猶予を与えていますので、その期間が過ぎるまで私たちのチームがあなたから関連するすべての情報を入手します。
Hi, thanks for the update. I see that nothing has changed and the casino asked you to do the same. But you also asked why is that and what is the problem with the documents being rejected ?
Anyway, I saw that you filed a complaint so our team will try to help you. It is important to say that we give casinos 14 days to resolve a withdrawal and KYC, so until that time has passed our team will find out everything relevant from you.
I hope everything will be resolved in the meantime.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com