ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Betiro Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I registered on this scam site, made 1 bet and was asked for verification, I immediately sent all the photos and my account was blocked for fake documents, although the documents are real! And now they don't even want to refund my deposit! They stole all my money.....
こんにちは。この場合、あなたの側ではすべて問題がなく、すべての書類が偽造でない場合、苦情を申し立てることをお勧めします。他のカジノで確認できましたか? 誰かが偽造書類を使用したり、何かを改ざんしたりする理由を突き止めようとしていますが、苦情を申し立てれば当社のチームが調査しますので、どうぞお進みください。
Hi, in this case I would probably recommend lodging a complaint if you think that everything was fine on your side and all the documents are fine and not fake. Have you been able to verify with any other casinos ? I'm trying to find out why someone would use fake documents or modify something, but our team will investigate if you file a complaint so go ahead.
If you have something new, let us know.
こちらのチームに苦情を申し立てていただいたようですが、Veronika は実際にあなたからの回答を待っています。できるだけ早く回答を提供して、あなたのケースを先に進めてもらえますか? うまくいけば、彼らがあなたを助けることができるでしょう。何か更新がありましたら、いつでもお知らせください。
I can see that you have filed a complaint here with our team, where Veronika is actually waiting for some answers from you. Could you provide those as soon as possible so they can move forward with your case, please? Hopefully, they will be able to help you out. Whenever you have any updates, please let us know.
最初、私は Betiro アカウントに 5000 USDT を入金しました。この残高を失った後、さらに 10,000 USDT を追加しました。アカウント残高が 21,000 USDT に達したとき、1000 USDT を引き出そうとしました。しかし、1 日の引き出し限度額がわずか 500 ドルであることに驚きました。これはかなり不合理だと思います。
現在の規則では、毎月の引き出し限度額が 50,000 ユーロと明記されています。1 日あたりの制限が課せられているため、引き出しが一貫して処理されると仮定すると、残高を引き出すのに約 2 か月かかります。
また、サイトに登録したらすぐに KYC 認証を完了しました。これは支払いの遅延に関連する問題ではありません。問題は、サイトが意図的に支払いを不可能にし、プロセスを長引かせて支払いを回避しようとしているように見えることです。この行為は悪意があるように見えます。
Initially, I deposited 5000 USDT into my Betiro account. After losing this balance, I added another 10,000 USDT. When my account balance reached 21,000 USDT, I attempted to withdraw 1000 USDT. However, I was surprised to discover a daily withdrawal limit of only $500, which I find to be quite unreasonable.
Your current rules clearly state a monthly withdrawal limit of 50,000 Euros. With the imposed daily limit, it would take me nearly two months to withdraw my balance, assuming withdrawals are processed consistently.
I respectfully request a review and adjustment of these limits to facilitate a more reasonable withdrawal process.
Additionally, I completed the KYC verification immediately upon registering on the site. This is not an issue related to a delay in payment. The issue is that the site seems to be intentionally trying to make the payment impossible, dragging out the process and avoiding the payment. This behavior appears to be in bad faith.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
また、出金を行った後、どれくらい待っていましたか? 苦情も申し立てられているようですが、出金が行われない場合は、当社のチームが介入してサポートいたします。
I have read your case and I can see that it will probably not be so easy to get the money out if this limit is applied. 500€ per day is quite low and therefore I would certainly want it to be higher if I were you. Have you tried writing to support to see if it could be reconsidered and therefore if it could be increased ?
Also, when you made your withdrawal, how long have you been waiting for it ? I saw that you have also opened a complaint and if you don't get a withdrawal, our team will try to intervene and help you.
If you have an update, let me know how the situation has improved or how you are doing.
1 日あたり 500 ユーロの引き出しが許可されています。通貨と金額に関する苦情に誤りがありました。私の残高は 62,000 ドルです。すべてが順調に進んだ場合、このお金を引き出すのに 6 か月かかります。これは公平だと思いますか?
They allow daily withdrawals of 500 euros. There was an error in the complaint regarding the currency and amount. My balance is $62,000. If everything goes well, it will take me 6 months to withdraw this money. Do you think this is fair?
それが最善の解決策だとは思いませんが、私が尋ねたように、この制限を何らかの方法で増やすことが可能かどうか問い合わせてみましたか? 私には、それほど長い間引き出すのはかなり愚かなように思えます。
Although I don't think that's the best solution, but as I asked, did you try to inquire if it would be possible to increase this limit somehow ? It seems pretty stupid to me to withdraw for that long.
Anyway, if there is some mistake in the disputed amount in the complaint, the best thing to do is to mention it and tell them to fix it right in the thread.
This is quite a messy situation so I don't envy you and hopefully there will be a more satisfactory solution.
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