ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Betkwiff Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Hi i signed up to this casino couple of months ago, after depositing quite a bit and losing, my balance is now at 411 euros, and they started requesting documents about my crypto wallet and proof of funds, i supplied them with 2 proofs of winnings from other casinos, these were declined because they were too old even tho they were from 2023, also they requested a screenshot of my crypto wallet with personal information. I use a crypto wallet that has no personal info attached, they keep requesting things that are unreasonable, also when i ask livechat what the status is, they just keep saying its been forwarded to the relevant department and that i will receive a respone on email, but i have waited over 3 weeks for respone on email yet nothing arrives.
こんにちは。その場合、私はおそらく先に進んで苦情を申し立てるでしょう。カジノには確認のために 14 日間の猶予が与えられており、それまでに書類を確認できるはずです。すでに拒否されましたか、それとも送信した結果をまだ待っていますか?
Hi, in that case I would probably go ahead and file a complaint. We give casinos 14 days to verify and I think they should be able to check the documents by then. Have there been any rejections yet or are you still waiting for the result of what you sent ?
I would be glad if this can be resolved and we will see how it all turns out.
If you need help, you can contact us. 🙂
このカジノから逃げてください。私が経験したのは悪夢でした。こんなに多くのスピンで RTP が 0% になるのは見たことがありません!
Run from this casino, the experience I had was a nightmare. I have never seen 0% RTP on so many spins!
It looks like fraud! Careful!
Corram desse cassino, a experiência que tive é um pesadelo. Nunca tinha visto RTP de 0% em tantos giros!
Parece fraude! Cuidado!
こんにちは、要点は、基本的にお金を失ったということですか? RTP が 0 のスロットはありませんので、勝てなかっただけなら残念です。
Hi, the point is that you basically lost money ? No slot has 0 RTP, so if you just didn't win then I'm sorry.
Maybe this guide will be good for you and you will learn some information- Games of chance: Learn about payout ratio and variance
Or did I miss something and it's a different situation you find yourself in ?
はい、RTP 0 があり、昨日それを知りました!
3 回以上のゲームで、100 回以上スピンしましたが、まったく何も戻ってきませんでした。運が良かったのは、損失額が少なかったことです。
Yes, there is RTP 0, and I found out about it yesterday!
More than 100 spins with absolutely nothing coming back, in more than 3 games. My luck is that a low amount was lost.
Existe RTP 0 sim, e eu conheci isso ontem!
Mais de 100 giros sem voltar absolutamente nada, em maia de 3 jogos. Minha sorte é que foi perdido um valor baixo .
Well, then guide I shared yesterday will be good for you, try to read it ? Which slots did you play in this casino ? Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose and I know it is not pleasant to have 100 spins and nothing comes of it. But it doesn't necessarily mean that the RTP is 0. Of course it's good that you played with a small amount and didn't lose much, I guess this casino is not for you, right ?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com