こう言いましょう。多くのユーザーがモバイル デバイスからサイトにアクセスしますが、モバイル デバイスでは、カジノ レビュー ページごとに表示できるスペースが極端に制限されます。安全性指数が支払いを受ける可能性を表す限り、警告の赤色と追加のマーク、および 3.3 という値が組み合わさっているのは、このカジノが支払いにあまり関心がないことを単に示していると言えます。しかし、たとえば、より低い金額を受け取ることができるのは幸運な人かもしれません。
いずれにせよ、Casino Guru はそのようなカジノとは一切取引をしていません。実際は、まったく逆のことをしています。カジノの評価が、閉鎖間近の苦情により大幅に低下しそうになるとわかったら、当社のアフィリエイト スペシャリストがカジノの担当者に連絡し、評価の変更の可能性と今後の影響について伝えます。当社はカジノを宣伝していないため、詐欺サイトよりも安全性指数の高いカジノへのトラフィックが多く、実際には悪質なカジノと取引する必要はありません。代わりに、この状況をプレイヤーの苦情を解決するための手段として利用したり、 公正ギャンブル コードの原則の実装方法をアドバイスしてカジノの安全性を全体的に高める方法として利用したりしています。これは、結果としてプレイヤーにとってメリットになると考えています。
Hi there.
Let me put it this way: far many users approach sites from mobile devices, which extremely limit a visible space for every one and each casino review page. As long as the Safety Index represents the probability that you will be paid, I'd say that the warning red colour combined with an extra mark and a value of 3,3 simply says this casino is not very interested in paying. Yet someone may be lucky to get, for example, lower amounts.
By any means, I can assure you Casino Guru has no deal with such casinos. It actually works quite opposite; once we spot the casino rating is going to drop significantly due to a soon-to-be-closed complaint, our affiliate specialist reaches out to the casino representative to inform them about the possible rating change and the forthcoming consequences. Since we do not promote casinos, we experience higher traffic to casinos with a good safety index rather than to these scammy sites, so we actually do not need to stay in deal with bad casinos. We instead try to use the situation as leverage for resolving the player's complaints or as a way to overall increase the casino's safety by advising how to implement the Fair Gambling Codex principles, which I believe, as a result, serves as a benefit for players.
When it comes to the complaint, it was simply closed. You were told what caused that. In one case it was also your decision because you actually got a bonus:
"Hi, you can close the complaint. I have received a bounty bonus for this error from the casino. Although the amount is nothing compared to my losses, but I will accept it still."
"I have completed the evaluation of all the evidence and information provided by you and the casino team. As Tomas has emphasized on several occasions, it is crucial to immediately stop playing when you notice any errors or bugs. While the issue may occur on your side, the platform may appear to function normally. By continuing to play despite clear malfunctions, you assume partial responsibility for the situation. The casino has already refunded you for provable error bets and offered multiple compensations, even though they were not obligated to do so. Unfortunately, based on the available information, I do not believe you are entitled to any further refunds. In the future, I strongly recommend that you always stop playing and contact customer support immediately if you encounter any issues."
I believe the explanation is perfectly suitable, though I imagine you would have hoped for something else.
We are really not here to oppose you, yet when it comes to complaints, we could not back up your position, as explained. I'm sorry, I still hope you will somehow understand the events.