ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Big Baazi Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こんにちは、カジノが確認され、支払い証明が受け入れられ、住所が正常に更新されたことを証明したいと思います。また、カジノから、ドキュメントが正常に更新されたというメールを受け取りました。これは、私の賞金が 200000INR 未満で、賞金が 950000INR を超えていることを意味します。カジノはお金を没収し、アカウントをブロックします 勝ったお金を完全に渡さずに、彼らは最初に過去15日間から詐欺を計画しました プレーヤーから利益を得たときに成功したことを確認したすべての文書を取りました 彼らはお金を没収しましたが、これは公正ではなく、プレイヤーに対する詐欺
重要なことは、ドキュメントが適切でない場合、ドキュメントが拒否される可能性があるということです。カジノから確認および更新された理由は、私が勝利金を要求したときに、容認できない TC をビーチに連れて行ったと言っているからです。
Hi when the casino is verified and accepted payment proof and I'd proofs address updated successful and also i got the mail from the casino that your documents is successfully updated means when my winnings is less than 200000INR when the winning money is more then 950000INR the casino is confisated the money and blocked the account Without giving the winning money totally they planned well for fraud first from past 15days they have taken all the documents verified successful when the got the profit from the player they are confisated the money which is not fair and fraud against the player
Important thing is if the documents is not proper they can be rejected right why they have been verified and updated successful from the casino now when i request for the winning money they are coming saying that you beached the TC's which is unacceptable
こんにちは、最新情報です。私はエボリューション ゲームで 970000INR を獲得しましたが、カジノは私の引き出しリクエストを処理するのに 13 日かかりました。ID 証明と支払いの詳細を含むすべての書類を提出しましたが、再度引き出しをリクエストした後、彼らは賞金が没収されたというメールはカジノからの不当で詐欺です.1 rsも受け取りませんでした.また、賞金を受け取っていません.彼らは私のアカウントをブロックしました.
Hi this is to update you i have won the 970000INR in the evolution game but the casino taken the 13 days to procces my withdrawal request i have give all the documents with id proof and payment details but after i request again for withdrawal they have sent the mail that winning have been confiscated which is unfair and fraud from the casino i didn't get the one rs also in winning money they have blocked my account also kindly help me to get my winning money from big bazzi
彼らは、以下に添付されているように、メールを送信したばかりであることを明確にしませんでした。もう1つ、960000の多額の金額のために彼女を強調する必要があります。10日前からの引き出しを要求したときに、最初に間違った情報を提供しています。私が提供し承認した身分証明書を私に尋ね、またカジノ側から引き出しがキャンセルされ、私が共有した支払いの詳細を共有するように頼みました. 15日と5日後に再度引き出しをリクエストしたときに待つために、彼らは私にデポジットの支払いの詳細を尋ねました。これも私が文書を共有し、それにも4日間の時間がかかり、再度引き出しのリクエストがあった場合は1日後に承認されました彼らは私のアカウントをブロックし、あなたのアカウントはセキュリティそのものである必要があると述べ、昨日、利用規約自体に違反したため、あなたの賞金を没収するというメールを受け取りましたsはカジノからDeniへの完全に計画された詐欺であり、アカウントに何か問題がある場合、プレーヤーに勝利金を与えます。彼らがブロックしているお金を獲得した後ではなく、今私たちがお金を入金するとき、それは大きなbaaziからの完全な詐欺です親切に助けてくださいこれを私に渡して、当選金を受け取ってください
They didn't given the clarity on that they have just sent a mail as below attached one more thing is I have to highlight her due to large amount of money 960000 they are providing wrong information first when i request for withdrawal from 10 days back they asked me identity document i have provided and approved also again the withdrawal is cancelled from the casino end and ask me to share the payment details that also i have shared and again they took one week and updated all documents is verified in casino wantedly they made us to wait from a 15 days and 5 days back when i requested for the withdrawal again they asked me payment details of deposit that also i have shared the document and that is also took 4 days time and approved now one day back if again request for withdrawal they blocked my account stating that your account needs to be security itself and yesterday i got the mail that stating that we are confisated your winning money due to breach of terms and conditions itself this is totally well planed scam from the casino to Deni the give the winning money to player if is there anything issue in the account they have block the when we deposit the money now not after winning the money it's totally scam from the big baazi kindly help me with this and get the my wininng money please
Below is the screenshot from the casino
こんにちは、 shanthalakshmi37 。
私が奇妙に感じたのは、カジノがすべての賞金を没収しただけでなく、2 回目のデポジットを返金することにしたことです。通常、プレーヤーがルールに違反した場合、賞金は無効になり、払い戻しは行われません。
As long as we don't know which rules you were accused of breaching, we have to try contacting the casino for further explanation. I guess this is what the complaint team will do.
What I found weird is that the casino confiscated all winnings but also decided to refund you the second deposit. Normally, when a player breaches the rules, winnings are voided, and no refunds are made.
I don't want to guess what will happen, so I ask you kindly to wait for the complaint to develop further.
But the while they asked for the documents and address proof they all updated and approved from the casino and they told us to request for withdrawal itself please find the below screenshot for your reference i can share the all documents if require if we breaches any terms and conditions the casino can decline the while taking the proof from us why they approved and sent mail to us asa approved
This is all they going to scam on the players please help me with the justification and help me to get the winning money
あなたの家族の誰かが同じカジノで遊んだ可能性はありますか?これが頻繁に発生し、問題を引き起こすことに驚かれることでしょう。 🤔
Hi there,
It would be best to send these screenshots to the complaint team instead.
I'm sorry, but I do not know why the casino changed its mind after you were verified. I can't help you at the moment because I'm not taking care of your complaint.
Is there any chance that someone else from your family played in the same casino? You would be surprised how often this happens and causes problems. 🤔
No but they have told from the same address hold someone have the account but i don't know it could be if someone have a account it's not a my problem I am staying at apartments there are so many people and Houses and my thing is I have played with my email id and given details of mine i dont have multiple accounts also and they have successfully verified my account also they told to withdraw after the verification also but when they saw big MONEY on my account they denying to give it they or doing fraud against the player please help me who will handle the case and help me to get the my winning money please
私の友人の 1 人がカジノで遊んでいるかどうかは、私でさえはっきりとは言えません。それは不可能です。したがって、他の人が何をしたり遊んだりするかについて誰も責任を負うべきではありません。
悲しいことに、この規則は、特にインドのように多くの人々が同じ IP ロケーションを共有している国では、非常に簡単に破ることができます. KYC に合格したことは良い兆候です。カジノがまだあなたの身元に疑問を持っている場合は、確認の電話で問題を解決できると思います。
I understand your point. This is exactly the reason why we do not see this rule as very fair if used to void winnings.
Even I can't say for sure whether one of my friends plays in any casino or not, so how are we supposed to know that about neighbors for example? It's impossible, hence nobody should be responsible for what others do or play.
Sadly this rule is very easy to breach especially in countries like India where lots of people share the same IP locations. I can see that you successfully passed the KYC which is a good sign, if the casino still has some doubts about your identity, I feel that a verification call can clear things out.
Well, we have to wait a bit, the complaint is still not finished.
Yes, please help to me get the winning money the casino cannot confiscated all the money it's not at all fair when the verification done and updated successfuly kindly please help to get the winning money of 968000INR if we breach the terms and conditions they could be block the account documents when the money was lesss then 400000INR it's totally they planned for the cheating against the player anyway incase if i could have deposited more then 968000INR if i was lost same money is they going to refund it for the breaches of conditions i am sure they will diffinetly not going to refund
こんにちは、お手数をおかけして申し訳ありません。 Radka が上で述べたように、苦情チームの同僚からの回答を待ちましょう。あなたの苦情を見ました。クリスティーナからの返信をお待ちください。彼女があなたを助けてくれることを願っています。
Hi, I'm sorry you're having trouble. As Radka mentioned above, let's now wait for answer from our colleague from the complaint team. I saw your complaint, please wait for Kristina to her reply. I hope she will be able to help you.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com