ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Buumi Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
they advertise 15% cashback but they only give free games instead of real cashback. bad taste left this casino, I deposited 2-3 times, I won some money but I don't like it as a good casino and decided to close my account.
he mainostaa 15% cashback mutta ne antavat vain vapaapelejä oikean cashbackin sijasta. huono maku jäi tästä kasinosta,2-3 kertaa talletin,voitin hieman rahaakin mutta en pidä hyvänä kasinona ja päätin sulkea tilini.
Hello and thank you for the update.
Did you manage to successfully withdraw any money, please? So we can find out how long did it take. This information interests most players, I'm sure.
I guess I play at that casino for about 2 weeks. i won 400e and also got them raised with trustly. did not need to send documents to verify the account.
taisin pelata tuossa kasinossa noin 2 viikko. voitin 400e ja sain ne myös nostettua trustlylla. ei tarvinnut lähetellä asiakirjoja tilin vahvistamiseen.
これについてもユーザーレビューを書いていただけませんか? 🙂
That sounds very promising for the casino labeled as Fresh.
Would you mind writing your user review on this one as well? 🙂
I think it's just a matter of time when they ask you to send the documents.
no need because I already closed that account at that casino.
ei tarvitse koska suljin jo sen tilini tuossa kasinossa.
今後は、Casino Guru で直接私たちを見つけることができます。私たちのサイトで問題が発生した場合、または共有する問題やフィードバックがある場合は、プライベート メッセージで直接ご連絡いただければ幸いです。またはここに投稿してください。
すてきな一日を! 🙂
Hello to all our players!
From now on you can find us live directly here on Casino Guru, should you run into any issues with our site, or have any kind of trouble or feedback to share, we appreciate it if you could get in touch directly with us via private message or by making a post here.
Kindly explain the issue briefly, with time and date included, and we are happy to see into the matter.
Have a great day! 🙂
翌日の午前 10 時までにキャッシュバックがアカウントに反映され、数分以内に引き出しが処理され、承認されました。
日曜日、Big Bamboo で €1 のベットで €20,000 を獲得しました。ボーナス ゲームで 5000 コインと 2 x2 の倍数を獲得しました。最初は €2000 しかないと思っていましたが、バランスを見たときに椅子から転げ落ちそうになりました...
勝った後、日曜日の夜に出金を要求し、10 分後に正常に出金されました。
€10,000 の支払い制限のため、次の支払いは翌日にしか要求できませんでしたが、これも 10 分以内に承認されました。
偽の評価はありません。必要に応じて、Casino Guru チームにスクリーンショットを提供できます。
楽しむ !
It is a trusted casino.
I had my doubts at first, but they went away after a while.
By 10 a.m. sharp the following day, the cashback was in the account and withdrawals were processed and approved within minutes.
On Sunday I won €20,000 on Big Bamboo with a €1 bet. In the bonus game I got the 5000 coin and 2 x2 multiples, at first I thought it was only €2000, but when I saw my balance I almost fell off my chair...
Requested a withdrawal on Sunday evening after winning, successfully paid out after 10 minutes.
Due to the payout limit of €10,000, I was only able to request the next payout the next day, which was also approved within 10 minutes.
The money was in my account Monday afternoon.
No fake rating, I can provide the Casino Guru team with a screenshot if required.
The selection of games is good, some slots cannot be played from Germany.
Inquiries to the support (chat) are processed quickly, and you also get a response by e-mail within a few days.
Have fun !
Es ist ein vertrauensvolles Casino.
Ich hatte erst meine Zweifel, aber die legten sich nach einiger Zeit.
Punkt 10 Uhr am Folgetag war das Cashback auf dem Konto, und Auszahlungen wurden innerhalb weniger Minuten bearbeitet und genehmigt.
Am Sontag habe ich bei Big Bamboo 20.000€ gewonnen mit einem Einsatz von 1 €. Im Bonusgame habe ich die 5000er Münze bekommen, sowie 2 x2 Multipler, ich dachte erst es wären nur 2000€, aber als ich dann meine Balance gesehen habe bin ich fast vom Stuhl gefallen...
Eine Auszahlung am Sonntag Abend nach dem Gewinn beantragt, nach 10 Minuten erfolgreich ausgezahlt.
Aufgrund des Auszahlungslimits von 10.000€ konnte ich erst am nächsten Tag die nächste Auszahlung Anfordern, auch diese wurde innerhalb von 10 Minuten genehmigt.
Das Geld war Montag Nachmittag auf meinem Konto.
Keine Fake Bewertung, bei bedarf kann ich gerne dem Casino Guru Team einen Screenshot bereitstellen.
Die Auswahl der Spiele ist gut, einige Slots können von Deutschland aus nicht gespielt werden.
Anfragen an den Support (Chat) werden schnell bearbeitet, und man bekommt auch eine Rückmeldung per E-Mail innerhalb von wenigen tagen.
Viel Spaß !
Thank you for a nice piece of review 🙂,
I guess that the casino would appreciate a real user review, feel free to write one here. 😉
Let us know about any other nice casino you have played in!
Katze1337 さん、こんにちは。
大勝利おめでとうございます。素敵なフィードバックをありがとうございます。 🙂 Buumiでの時間を楽しんでいただけたことをうれしく思います。
すてきな一日を! 🙂
Hi Katze1337,
Congratulations on your big win and thank you for the nice feedback! 🙂 We are glad to hear that you have enjoyed your time at Buumi.
Have a great day! 🙂
only way to put limits on account is via support and depositlimits not an option. Very very bad, the players svould be able to manage accountlimits without going through support but I guess they want the players to lose as much as possible.
Would be more user-friendly to allow players to set their limits without asking for support, but maybe the system is not ready for such a solution. Vulnerable players should always keep an eye on the way the casino supports gambling limits.
Thank you for your experience.
Takes an awfully long time when you have made a withdrawal! If you email about the problem, you get poor excuses in response. No casino to recommend. The year is 2023 and their technology regarding payouts is old fashioned.
Tar vääääldigt lång tid på sig när man gjort ett uttag! Mejlar man om problemet så får man dåliga ursäkter till svar. Inget casino att rekommendera. År 2023 och deras teknik angående utbetalningar är gammaldags.
Hello, I'm sorry to hear that!
May I know for how long you have been struggling?
this casino is supposed to be legit but they have their tricks to make it difficult for players to get their game winnings. Beware of this casino if you want quick withdrawals. They advertise that they have fixed payouts but you still have to wait for days.
Buumi redo, do right!
detta casino lär var legit men dom har sina knep att göra det svårt för spelare att få sina spelvinster. Akta er från detta casino om ni vill ha snabba uttag. Dom marknadsför att dom har fast payouts men du får ändå vänta i dagar.
Buumi gör om, gör rätt!
Hi there!
Care to share further details? I mean, how long have you been waiting? That should be useful for the others, I'd say.
Buumi カジノでは、お金を受け取るまでに他のカジノよりもはるかに時間がかかります。
At Buumi Casino it takes much longer to get your money than other casinos.
Yes, because the chance increases so drastically for the casino to keep your money in the hope that you will cancel and lose your withdrawal.
If they pay out immediately, the chance increases that you play at another casino and lose your money there instead.
Correct me if I am wrong?
På Buumi Casino tar det mycket längre tid att få sina pengar än andra casinon.
Jo för att chansen ökar så drastiskt för casinot att hålla kvar dina pengar i hoppet om att du avbryter och spelar bort ditt uttag.
Betalar dom ut direkt så ökar chansen att du spelar på ett annat casino och förlorar dina pengar där istället.
rätta mig gärna om jag har fel?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com