Even though the safety index of this casino doesn't look very good, let's give them a chance and wait for the outcome of your complaint.
I am keeping my fingers crossed.🤞
Even though the safety index of this casino doesn't look very good, let's give them a chance and wait for the outcome of your complaint.
I am keeping my fingers crossed.🤞
Trustpilot では、プレイヤーに対して公正なカジノだと伝えていますが、そんなことはありません! 史上最大の詐欺師です。返答とお金の受け取りを 7 週間待っていますが、何も受け取れません!!
We both know that they dont solve my issue, even i think they gonna ignore me also on this platform and in the complaint. They dont have any shame and they dont fair.
on trustpilot they tell the players that they are a fair casino but no way! Biggest scammers ever. 7 weeks waiting for an response and my money but nothing received!!
TrustPilot やフィードバックに重点を置いたその他のプリペイド サービスを信頼するのは、諸刃の剣だと思います。たとえば、私たちのチームは、意味のある信頼できるレビューのみを承認しようとしている 4 人の熱心なメンバーで構成されています。これは、それ自体が信じられないほど複雑な作業です。では、100% 許容できるレートで最高の Trust Pilot レビューをメールで受け取るとしたら、どんな気分になるか想像してみてください。情報源が 1 つだけで十分だった時代は終わったと思います。今日では、何時間もブラウジングして、関連情報の一貫性のなさに混乱することになります。見栄えが悪いです。私も同感です。
I'd say trusting a TrustPilot or other pre-paid services focused on feedback is a double-edged sword. Our team, for instance, consists of four devoted members who are trying to approve only meaningful and reliable reviews. This is an incredibly complicated task on its own. Now imagine how it feels when you receive an email offer for the best Trust Pilot reviews at a 100% acceptable rate. I believe times when just one source of information was enough have ended. Today, one needs to spend hours browsing to end up confused by the inconsistency of relevant information. It looks bad. I agree with you.
On the other hand, the casino will be given a space for proving their point of view. Let's hope someone from the casino will respond to that opportunity.
So, I got my first withdrawal after 2 days of requesting it and it was 500 euro from chachabet so that was good and I trusted them more and deposit some more money to gamble with. Now I won more and requested a withdrawal 5 days ago but not received yet. When I contacted the VIP manager they said that they haven't gotten some of my deposits in their bank account and its been over a week since I sent those particular deposits to them and I also sent the proof of all the deposits I sent that they were transferred from my account instantly. Has this happened with other people as well? Is this normal or are they just making an excuse? I still have hope that they will send it so I will update my review if I get it.
I say it everyday these guys are scammers im waiting for over 4000 euro for 7 weeks
So, I got my first withdrawal after 2 days of requesting it and it was 500 euro from chachabet so that was good and I trusted them more and deposit some more money to gamble with. Now I won more and requested a withdrawal 5 days ago but not received yet. When I contacted the VIP manager they said that they haven't gotten some of my deposits in their bank account and its been over a week since I sent those particular deposits to them and I also sent the proof of all the deposits I sent that they were transferred from my account instantly. Has this happened with other people as well? Is this normal or are they just making an excuse? I still have hope that they will send it so I will update my review if I get it.
This sounds like there may be some issue with your payment provider, I believe.
Did you check directly with the bank?
Try to do that, and hopefully they will be able to get it solved.
Please come forward with any news regarding this.
Well, in your complaint, I can see that maybe there should be some mistake done with your email address. Right?
I hope it'll get solved soon.🤞
We'll be waiting for some movement with your case.
この投稿をした同じ日に銀行に連絡したところ、銀行側ではこれらの取引は即座に完了したとのことでした。VIP マネージャーに証拠を添えてメールしたところ、財務チームに連絡して最新情報を伝えるとのことでしたが、3 日経ってもまだ更新がありません。これらの取引から 11 日、引き出しリクエストから 8 日が経過しています。更新について尋ねると、待つ以外に選択肢はないと言われます。銀行から更新があるかどうか、再度連絡して確認します。
I contacted the bank the same day I made this post and they said those particular transactions were completed instantly from their end. I emailed the VIP manager with the proof and they said they will contact their finance team and update me, it’s been 3 days but still no updates. 11 days since those transactions and 8 days since my withdrawal request. When I ask them about updates they just say there is no option but to wait. I will contact them again to see if there are any updates from them.
Do that, please, and let us know if you learn any news. We'll wait here.
昨日、彼らに最新情報を尋ねたところ、銀行口座からお金が引き落とされたという証拠を送ったのに返事をくれず、彼らは私の入金をまだ受け取っていないので引き出しを確認できないと、また同じことを言っただけでした。彼らは、この問題が始まったときに、入金が進行中であることが確認できれば、私の口座に入金するので、そのお金で遊べると言っていました。そこで、入金したお金で勝った金額を私に渡さないために、取引が進行中であることの証拠を送ってくれるように頼みました。入金は 170 ユーロで、私はそれで 2500 ユーロ勝ち、600 ユーロを引き出すよう依頼しました。これは単なる言い訳と遅延のように思えます。彼らはいつも同じ言い訳で会話を終わらせます。「関係部門に連絡します。返答が届き次第、お知らせします!」そして、私が尋ねるまで返事をしてくれず、何度も同じことを繰り返します。彼らは証拠を求めたと言っているので、私は今それを待っています。それから24時間が経過しましたが、彼らから何か新しい情報があればここで更新し続けます。
I asked them for an update yesterday and instead of responding to the proof I sent them of the money being debited from my bank account, they just said the same thing again that they haven't received my deposits yet so they cannot confirm my withdrawal. They told me at the start of this problem that if my deposit is observed to be on its way, they will credit it to my account so I can play with the credit. So I have asked them to send me a proof of the transaction being on its way because they could be doing this to not give me the amount I won with that money deposited. The deposit was 170 Euros and I won 2500 with it and requested to withdraw 600. I feel like these are just excuses and delays, they always end the conversation with the same excuse, "I will contact the relevant department, as soon as I get a response from them, I will let you know!" and then never reply back until I ask them about it and its the same thing again and again. They have said that they asked for evidence so I am now waiting for it. It has been 24 hours since then and I will keep updating here if there is anything new from them.
We will wait for the update from you, but if you see that it is really going nowhere and only in rounds, maybe it would be good to file a complaint here with our team. Hopefully they will be able to investigate the matter.🤔
Just let us know about any news and then decide what to do next.
I will be opening a complaint now on your site against them. Today I provided all the proof in the world that they asked me to provide about the said transactions being completed and I also gave them the BULK codes that I got from my bank today to prove that the money deposited did reach them. Now all of a sudden right after I gave them the proof the 170 EUROS that I played with to win 2500 EUROS has been refunded to my account without any context or message about it from Chachabet. This was done so they don't have to give me the withdrawal of the money I won by playing on their website. Ridiculous frauds.
Tomas に返信して、先に進むために必要なすべての情報を提供してください。
I see that it is getting more and more complicated, so you have done the right thing by submitting a complaint here.
Please reply to Tomas and provide all the information he needs to know in order to move forward.
Hopefully soon we'll be able to contact the casino and come to the best resolution of this issue together.
We'll wait here for any updates, and I will keep my fingers crossed for you.🤞
My problem was resolved and the casino did refund me 170 euros and then also gave me the amount of 1292 euros that I won after 14 days. Today I also got another 900 euros withdrawal that I had applied for 3 days ago, I had completely lost hope that I would get the money that I won as I had read alot of negative things about chachabet but was really glad when I got what I had lost hope for. Just wanted to appreciate the casino as I actually did get all the withdrawals in the end. I also thank casinoguru for helping when the players feel helpless and feel like the casino might be unfair and not give them the money, Thank you!
You are welcome, we are happy when players come with good news like you and they can enjoy their money. We always try to help as best as we can and even if it doesn't always work out there are many cases like yours. So from now on, I hope you will only have a better experience.
I suppose if the casino behaved like this and you got more withdrawals, you will continue to play here, am I right?
Yes, as long as they keep communicating, keep giving me timely withdrawals and be fair overall I will continue playing on their site
I think that's a pretty good summary and I would see it the same way if I were you.
I hope everything will be alright and you will continue to have a good time in this casino.
Nevertheless, if something should happen again, we will be here to help you if possible.
ああ、カジノ側は対応してくれたものの、結局はあなたの状況は解決されなかったようで、本当に残念です。あなたの苦情を見たとき、500 ユーロでは解決にそれほどの金額はかからないだろうと思っていましたが、どうやら私は間違っていたようです。カジノ側もブラック ポイントを獲得したので、それは確かに彼らの助けにはなりませんでした。
Oh, I'm so sorry that the casino responded but then didn't resolve your situation in the end. When I looked at your complaint, I didn't think €500 would be that much for them to resolve, but apparently I was wrong. The casino got black points as well, so that certainly didn't help them.
I'm sorry how it turned out.
Jaro さん、返信ありがとうございます。彼らはブラックポイントをあまり気にしていないと思います。彼らはすでにすべてのブランドを別の名前に変更しています。たとえば、「Lalabet」を「Chacha Bet」に変更しています。最終的に Lala を閉鎖して、この新しい詐欺カジノを続けるという噂さえあります。インターネットには彼らに関する苦情が溢れていますが、それは本当に残念なことです。
Jaro, thanks for your response. I don’t think they mind the black point too much—they’re already switching all their brands to different names, like changing "Lalabet" to "Chacha Bet." There are even rumors they’ll eventually shut down Lala and continue with this new scam casino. The internet is full of complaints about them, which is really unfortunate.
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