ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Chancer Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
この会社には、本当に困っています。VPN を使用してサイトにアクセスしたという理由で、アカウントが閉鎖され、300 ユーロの引き出しが盗まれました。
アカウントは確認済みなので意味がありません。以前に引き出しをしたことがありますが、確認したところ、VPN を使用しようとすると、通過できないブロックが表示されます。
I've had a real issues with this lot. They have closed my account and stolen a withdrawal of 300 euros as they say I have used a VPN to access their site?
Which makes no sense as accounts been verified, I have had previous withdrawals and I just checked, if you try and use a VPN you get this blocked thing which you can't ever pass.
Had to open complaint here.
Chancer.bet は、私が彼らのサイトを利用するためにアイルランドまたは英国 (まだ不明) の VPN を使用したと非難しました。私は絶対に VPN を使用しませんでした。インターネット プロバイダーの請求書を提示しました。アカウントを 2 か月間所有し、認証済みで、複数の入金と出金を行っていたため、人為的エラーまたはシステム障害によりミスが起きたと想定しました。
しかし、彼らは譲らず、利用規約を指摘し続けました。そこで、NordVPN の無料トライアルをダウンロードしましたが、ご存じのとおり、VPN 経由でサイトにアクセスすることは不可能でした (下の画像を参照)。ただし、ポップアップ メッセージが表示され、プレーヤーに「 VPN で国設定を変更してください」と促されます。これは明らかに罠で、プレーヤーが入金して勝った場合、カジノは VPN を使用できないと伝えようとします (サイトでは VPN の国設定を変更するように勧めているにもかかわらず)。
Big warning here to all players.
Chancer.bet accused me of using a VPN from ireland or UK (still unclear) to use their site. I ABSOLUTELY did not. I provided my internet provider bill. I assumed they had made a mistake due to human error or system glitch as I had the account 2 months and was verified and did multiple deposits and withdrawals.
However they would not budge and kept pointing to their terms. So I downloaded NordVPN free trial and wouldn't you know it, it is IMPOSSIBLE to access their site via a VPN (see images below) however they do have a message that pops up encourging players to 'Change their country settings on the VPN'. This is clear entrapment, so players deposit and IF they win the casino attempts to say you cannot use a VPN (even though their site encourages you to change your VPN country settings!).
Thank you for your posts here. It is really good that others will learn about these practices of the casino.
Also, I believe that you have done good that you submitted the complaint here, and our team will do everything possible to help.
Hopefully, we will be able to investigate the whole matter, but to do so, first we'll need to get in touch with the casino.
So, let's wait for this to happen soon, together. What do you say?
こんにちは。質問したユーザーに通知が届くように、「返信」ボタンを使用してください。 🙂
Hey. Try to use the "reply" button so the user you ask your question to can get notified about it. 🙂
This casino is completely ironic towards the customer.. I made a deposit of 25 euros which was never credited, while the amount has been released by my bank which claims with proof that the amount has been properly entered into the casino.. So these scammers said as an excuse that this particular deposit was made because the deposit process was delayed (first time I've heard of it). So they said to contact the bank and if in a week the balance has not been credited to my account to send them a message so they can direct me what to do.. I sent a message and as is normal no one answers and they disconnect me from the chat. I wish I had one of them in front of me so I could have broken his head.. Far from casinos like these.. If there was justice, they should all be in prison for cheating the players.
Αυτό το καζίνο είναι πέρα για πέρα ειρωνικό προς το πελάτη.. Έκανα κατάθεση 25 ευρώ η οποία δεν πιστώθηκε ποτέ το ποσό ενώ έχει αποδεσμευτεί από τη τράπεζα μου η οποία ισχυρίζεται με αποδείξεις ότι το ποσό έχει μπει κανονικά στο καζίνο.. Αυτοί οι απατεώνες λοιπόν ως δικαιολογία είπαν ότι η συγκεκριμένη κατάθεση και έγινε γιατί καθυστέρησε η διαδικασία κατάθεσης (πρώτη φορά το ακούω) Είπαν λοιπόν να απευθυνθώ στη τράπεζα και αν σε μια εβδομάδα δεν έχει πιστωθεί το υπόλοιπο στον λογαριασμό μου να τους στείλω μύνημα για να με κατευθύνουν τι πρέπει να κάνω.. Μύνημα έστειλα και όπως είναι φυσιολογικό δεν απαντάει κανείς και με αποσυνδέουν από το τσατ.μακαρι να είχα έναν από αυτούς μπροστά μου να του έσπαγα το κεφάλι.. Μακριά από καζίνο σαν και αυτά..Αν υπήρχε δικαιοσύνη θα έπρεπε να είναι φυλακή όλοι τους για εξαπάτηση προς τους παίχτες
Hi, these are always difficult situations to resolve. The player sees his deposit in the bank as successfully sent to the casino and the deposit does not appear in the casino. If you sent proof, I would see it as the right step on your part. What I do not see as the right step is that if you were to contact the casino after some time and you still did not receive the money, they will do nothing and will not even write it off to you. That is not very professional. So have you tried to inform the bank whether it would be possible to do something? I know that for example a chargeback could theoretically be an option if the casino does nothing about it and you did not receive the money, but that can also have negative consequences if you want to continue playing at other casinos.
That is why I would probably try to solve it differently first.
So is there anything you have in mind?
I was thinking that theoretically you could file a complaint with us, but I know that as I mentioned it is difficult for our team to track something like this and they usually recommend waiting for some time. So I don't know if that would help.😕
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