ただし、ゲームプレイ中またはゲームのアクセシビリティに関して問題が発生した場合には、すべてのユーザーにカスタマー サポート チームに連絡することを強くお勧めします。喜んでお手伝いいたします。
常に最先端を走っている Casino Guru のスーパースターの皆さんに感謝します。
Hello everybody, hope you're all doing well. We stumbled across that posting as well and I can guarantee that the website is unreliable and the owner cannot provide proof of the investigation he supposedly conducted. In the meantime, we have conducted an investigation of our own and checked the functionalities of the games in question, and all of them are in accordance to our terms and conditions.
Nevertheless, if any issues might ever occur during a gameplay or with regards to the accessibility of our games, I strongly advise all users to connect with our Customer Support team, who will be more than happy to help out.
I thank you, Casino Guru superstars, for always being on top of things.