ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Crypto-Games.io Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
このカジノでは素晴らしい経験ができました。驚くべきことに、これらは KYC 検証を必要とせずに動作するため、私のゲーム体験が合理化されました。印象的なことに、私が得た利益は 2 分以内に私のクリプト アドレスに入金されました。これは、効率的な処理の証拠です。注目すべきハイライトは、ライブチャットを介してイーサンと対話したことです。彼は優れたマネージャーであることが証明され、有益かつ迅速な支援を提供してくれました。私の経験は非常にポジティブだったので、レビューで自分の考えを共有する必要があると感じました。
I had an excellent experience at this casino. Remarkably, they operate without requiring KYC verification, which streamlined my gaming experience. Impressively, any profits I earned were credited to my Crypto Address in under two minutes - a testament to their efficient processing. A notable highlight was interacting with Ethan via live chat. He proved to be an outstanding manager, offering helpful and prompt assistance. My experience was so positive that I felt compelled to share my thoughts in a review.
おい。カジノで楽しい経験ができてよかったです。このカジノでどのゲームで勝つことができましたか?改善できた点、またはあまり気に入らなかった点はありましたか? 🤔😊
Hey. I'm glad you had a pleasant experience with the casino. On what game did you manage to win in this casino ? Was there something you could have improved or something you didn't like very much ? 🤔😊
Hey there!
In this phase, I'd say only the casino's employee can wash out your concern regarding the withdrawal.
I, on the other hand, have only a few questions to find out more from you,...
Can you perhaps track down the transaction? I bet, asking for their support won't hurt.
Could you try that and let us know what appears to be happening when you find out?
Hi there, has anyone had any recent experiences or issues with delayed withdrawal from this casino? My withdrawals are still in pending, after being told by their support and finance team to provide the relevant documents and photo of myself. It is coming up to 48 hours from request to withdraw and still no concrete response
とにかく、何か問題などがありましたら、ぜひお知らせください。お手伝いさせていただきます。また、KYC と出金にはカジノに 14 日間の猶予を与えていることも指摘しておきます。
Hi, I see that you are going through an account verification, so it will be important for it to be successful and then you will be able to withdraw your money. So I would recommend you to be patient and cooperate with the casino and hopefully everything will go smoothly. When that happens then you should be able to withdraw.
Anyway, if you have any problems or anything like that, be sure to let us know and we'll try to help. I would also like to point out that we give casinos 14 days for KYC and withdrawals.
Good luck. ☘️
Hi there. Yeah that makes sense. I just wish they would be replying to my emails more promptly and clearly so I could be more comfortable in this waiting time 😬
Thanks for your response though Jaro, I really appreciate it
This would certainly be desirable in many cases. However, if you have sent documents and the casino hasn't checked them all yet, they probably won't give you any updates. Only when it's over or something is wrong will they get to you.
Anyway, I hope it will be done as soon as possible and you will see the money. If something happens, I'll be here. 🙂
先ほど申し上げたとおり、必要なことすべてを整理するのに 14 日間かかります。したがって、これは妥当な期間であると考えています。もちろん、何か問題があれば、ご連絡いただければ、お手伝いできるかどうか検討させていただきます。
As I mentioned, we give 14 days to sort out everything necessary. So we consider this to be a reasonable timeframe. Of course, if there is any problem, you can write and we will see if we can help.
Hi so they said that my adult passport was invalid as a means of verification / KYC, as the photo was taken when I look like a child in the photo (16 at the time of photographing) compared to my current self-profile. Which I suppose I accept, if they judge the likeness as insufficient.
Have now instead submitted my Government issued National ID card (with a very recent photo upon it), and with a selfie holding that card.
Awaiting a response from their finance team and hoping this is dealt with swiftly, and I can avoid complaining officially.
わかりました。私もすべてがうまくいって、ID が問題なく、認証が成功することを願っています。
I understand, so I also hope that everything will be okay and ID will be alright and you will be successfully verified.
Let me know if it worked or not. 😉
数週間にわたってお金を引き出そうとしてきましたが、いつも同じ結果に終わります。数日後、支払いはキャンセルされ、カスタマー サービスからの具体的な返答はありません。今日、またもや支払いがキャンセルされた後、次の返答を受け取りました。
I have been trying to withdraw my money for several weeks. It always ends the same. After a few days, the payment is canceled and there is no specific response from customer service. Today, after yet another payment cancellation, I received the following response:
I have some information to share. We just need more time to check your case. Perhaps by the end of this week, you will receive your payment. However, I can't provide an exact date because I am not part of the relevant team and we do not have access to withdrawals.
If my payment has been canceled, how do I get my payment?
I now know why my account balance is zero. I created an account over a month ago. I played a bit and decided to withdraw my money. I passed the verification and ordered the payment. Until yesterday, it had been rejected several times. Yes, every two or four days. Yesterday they converted my account balance into a bonus. I don't use bonuses. I didn't know what was going on, I clicked cancel the bonus and the money disappeared.
They did it yesterday after over a month. I have already traded the deposit a long time ago.
Even if they asked me to wager the deposit again, it is not bonus money and cannot disappear from the account.
弊社の苦情チームにこの件を調査させていただいてもよろしいでしょうか? カジノ側が協力していただければ、解決策が見つかるかもしれません。
ご希望の場合は、 こちらで苦情を申し立ててください。問題はすぐに解決されるでしょう。あなたの決断をお知らせください。
Would you like our complaint team to have a look into this? Perhaps we can find a solution if the casino will cooperate.
If you wish, file a complaint here, please, and hopefully the issue will be resolved soon. Let us know about your decision.
数週間にわたって私の給料が拒否されました。これが最後に起こったのは、約 2 週間前です。理由はわかりませんが、私のお金はボーナスに変換されましたが、私はボーナスを使用していないためキャンセルしました。その後、私のお金はアカウントから消えました。私のアカウント残高はゼロで、最後に要求された引き出しの金額である 0.01227868 ビットコインが含まれているはずです。
My paycheck was rejected for several weeks. The last time this happened was about two weeks ago. For reasons unknown to me, my money was converted into a bonus which I canceled because I do not use bonuses. Then my money disappeared from the account. My account balance is zero and it should contain 0.01227868 bitcoins, which is the amount of the last requested withdrawal.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com