ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、CryptoBetSports Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こんにちは、みんな。このカジノは本当に最も遅いカジノの 1 つで、出金が完了するまで 11 日間待っていますが、何も起こりません。問題に直面している人はここに投稿してください、私たちも実際に何が起こっているのかを知りましょう
Hello every one. This casino really is one of the slowest out there i wait now for 11 days to Get my withdrawal nothing happens ! Every one who faces problems please post here lets find out what is really happening too us
こんにちは、 あなたの苦情に記載されているように、私たちはカジノに出金プロセスを整理するために 14 日間の猶予を与えています。これが起こらない場合、私たちのチームは状況を調査し、何が起こっているのかを明らかにしようとします。しかし、カジノから 2 週間何も更新がなかったので、何か新しい情報があるのではなく、なぜまだお金がないのかをカジノから伝えられたのではないかと思います。
Hi, as mentioned in your complaint we give casinos 14 days to sort out the withdrawal process. If this does not happen our team will try to investigate the situation and find out what is going on. However, since the casino hasn't given you any update for two weeks, I doubt that you have anything new and that they have told you why you still don't have your money?
Your account is already verified ?
Well, as I said, our team will try to help you in this situation and I saw that Nick wrote you back yesterday. So now that you're close to the time we give casinos, I wonder where this will go from here since the casino is not communicating with you at all.
If you have anything new, be sure to let me know.
I know it's tough, but you'll have to be patient, because our team is doing our best and Nick will get back to you and we'll try to contact the casino.
Hopefully they will get back to you and everything will be sorted out eventually, but I won't get ahead of myself. We'll have to wait.
Well, the casino is still making some checks, but I think it's been quite a while since you have not won a staggering amount of money.
Anyway, we'll have to be patient and hopefully you'll get some information soon that will make you happy. If not we are still here and will try to help.
Hello fellow gambler stat away from this casino. U mat win once and afther that the suck u dry casino guru reviews casinos based on looks and not by experience or player reviews this casino need 1/10 score but caisnoguru does not care wherever they can make money the will i once trusted casino guru but not anymore im done WITH all this crap wasting my time and hard earned money the whole casino industri Are shady scammers and thx alot casino guru for reviewing WITH 0 intensions of helping players !
うーん、今何を言っているのかよくわかりませんが?ほんの数日前、私たちのチームがこのカジノに関するお客様の苦情解決をお手伝いしましたが、なぜこのような意見を抱くようになったのでしょうか?なぜカジノの評価が低くなり、なぜもう私たちを信頼しないのでしょうか?文脈がまったく理解できないので、何かのためにお金を取ったと非難するよりも、その方が良い説明になると思います。 🤔
Hmm, I don't really know what you're talking about now ? Just a few days ago our team helped you solve your complaint with this casino, so what happened to make you have this opinion ? Why should the casino have a lower rating and why don't you trust us anymore ? I think that would be a better explanation than to accuse us of taking money for something, because I don't understand the context at all. 🤔
私たちのチームがどのようにレビューを行っているかについて詳しく知りたい場合は、こちらをご覧ください: https://casino.guru/our-casino-reviews
Sorry, but that's pretty out of line with what you're saying. Based on looks ? How would we evaluate the casino ? When we review a new casino it's obviously harder to give it a very positive or negative rating right away, you need to have experiences from the players you are talking about, so when the casino gets on our page, the safety index is further developed based on time and experience. I still don't get the point of your complaining. We helped you resolve a complaint and now you're talking about how we give reviews based on looks and not player experience. If you lost here and that's the only reason why you are of that opinion I'm sorry.
If you want to know more about how our team is doing reviews look here: https://casino.guru/our-casino-reviews
データ チームが実際に適切にレビューを行っているかどうかを判断するための知識が不足しています。
You lack the pieces of knowledge to decide whether out Data Team is actually doing reviews properly.
Even though I try to take your opinion into consideration, I still need you to know that such abusive language won't be tolerated.
I would like to let you know that I hate your account to be closed.
We can't continue in such a dialog if you only express yourself in a very vulgar way.
You have been warned, though; hence, I'm restricting you from the forum.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com